What video game series did you try to get into but couldn't?

what video game series did you try to get into but couldn't?

This is a shit thread. Just post more of the fat bitch and I'll be good.

Fuck off

I'm going to fucking puke. I hate fat people more than I hate blacks and SJWs.

Are you saying you tried to get into her, but you couldn't?

Only black men could handle a real women like her

Persona 5. What a snoozefest.

A crane also works with them.

Post her asshole

fucking white male

The pic you posted; Monster Hunter.

made for the bbc


Black man here. This guy is right. I guess that's why white men just don't get laid anymore. Too bad so sad

Just post her BLACKED and be done with it lad.


The Witcher
Fire Emblem

Goddamn I wish I was her so I could get absolutely fucking blacked!!

Fire Emblem and Mystery Dungeon.

Good fucking god.

Honestly, I keep bouncing off of grand strategy games. CK2 seems like a great game, but I just don't really 'get' it.

I unironically want to breed Momokun and think she's hot.

Deus Ex. I couldn't get into the original, never tried the sequel, and thought Human Revolution was dull. The game incentivizes stealth gameplay but it's the most tedious option in every level.