Final Fantasy

Which ones are worth playing?

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pls guys

From the mainline games.
If you're into MMOs try XI and XIV
From the spin offs:
World of FF and the Dissidia games (if you enjoyed and played a bunch of FF games)
If you really liked VII, X or XII and want more, those games have sequels.
If you want more give the original FF, XIII and XV a go. Note that XIII also has two sequels.

Just the first one

1 (Original NES version or PS1 version with the options set to imitate the NES gameplay mechanics, every remakes after that changed the gameplay too much)
4 (PSP)
5 and 6 (Both on GBA but play with the patch that fixes the sound and colors)
7 and 9 (Any version)
10 and 12 (HD remasters)


7, that's it.

1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10

>Worth it
III, (Tactics. Or so I hear often, but I've not played it yet, so I can't say for sure.)
>Could be worth it

3-10 are all masterpieces. Don't fall for the VIII is bad meme some underages keep spouting.

FF is a really easy franchise to understand from a quality standpoint, the games made by Square Soft are worth playing and the ones made by Square Enix aren't.

old ones had better story but if you want to see a story go watch a youtube

newer ones have better actual gameplay

The only one outright not worth playing is II. Maybe VII, with the remake coming in fifty years.

Not bad.

>Sort of shit
1, 4, 6
>Almost complete shit
5, 9
>Complete shit
Anything not mentioned here
>Beyond shit
7, 8, X
>The shit that eats shit's shit

Even at best, the FF series has always been a little shit.

6 and 10.

Literally all of them except XIV and the mobile garbage.

Well if you want him to hate the franchise, then sure.

I've played 1,4,6,7,8,10,10-2,12,13, 13-3, and 15.
My favorite is 4, but 10 is the first FF I ever played. I remember my friend letting me borrow the game back in 2007. I think it is a better game than 4. It has, I think, the best soundtrack in the series. Besaid Island, Via Purifico, and the Zanarkand theme is some of the best soundtracks I've heard in video games. You will probably spend time listening to it in your free time. The game is overall a fun adventure. You're constantly moving from one new place to the next, and each area is very unique, especially in appearance. Characters can be a hit or miss, but the older I get, the more I better understand characters like Tidus. Also Yuna alone is worth playing the game for. She is hot as fuck.


In that order, some of the orders are ok but I wouldn't recommend the others to someone who hasn't played any FF game yet.

Otherwise, I would recommend maybe 4, 9 and 12 too.

Ignore anyone who claims VII or IX are bad, they are contrarian faggots.

all before xii
Listen to this and tell me you're not impressed

1 6 7 15

I've only really played VI.
It's a fantastic game. Holds up incredibly well even today.

I've played X about 5 times start to finish. Best game ever.

I'm a fan of old school dungeon and explore games. The original one fits that the most. I have not played all of them, but that and tactics were probably my upper ones. Some people like certain FF because of certain characters they like in the games. This can also apply negatively. I liked creating my own party instead of having to try and get connected to theirs.

ffxiv is good if you like mmos and can make it to endgame. Some of the best bosses i've ever gone against, but man everything before that is a pretty rough.

Why was it so fucking good, bros?
Not as good as this

Literally none of them, it's the most mediocre "critically acclaimed" series ever.

1-3 are shit
4-6 are alright
7-9 are the best
10-15 are each controversial and have fans and haters, you'll probably love some and hate others. Personally I love 12 and 15 and hate 10 and 13, for some it's the opposite.

Just stay away from 15 OP. At least until 2020 or whenever they stop updating the game so you can buy the Gay Edition for $20 instead of paying $80+.

Crystal Chronicles

Don't listen to him OP, 15 is the best FF since 9.

It really isnt though.

Literally the worst by far, even worse than 13. Braindead gameplay, awful camera, worthless and lazy animated magic, hardly any memorable boss fights, pay for DLC and watch a movie to get the full experience, etc. Stay away from it.

literally only X

7, 8, 9, 15
6, 12, 14
>Who cares?
Anything else

any of them except 1, 2, 13, and 15

1 is very dated and barebones
2 has a fucked up leveling system that encourages you to just enter battles and attack your own characters
13 and 15 are just dumpster fire games

I would add FFTA to that, but otherwise, spot on.

Just don't play 15. All the dungeons pretty much look the same except for like 2 or 3 of them. They are all linear stupid fucking caves. Boring as fuck in design.

All of hers

Literally the best by far, even better than 10. Best OST, great and yet subtle art direction, strong emotional moments, best characters since 7 and the intro CGI is an 1.5 hour movie. Play it now.

If you want to play good games then here you go

XII Zodiac Age
Tactics Advance
Tactics A2

The essential five games are 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10.

The rest are good, play them if you want, but those five are solid gold.

>All the dungeons pretty much look the same except for like 2 or 3 of them. They are all linear stupid fucking caves
Let's examine your claim shall we, mr homo
Balouve Mines - abandoned mine
Crestholm Channels - sewers level
Costlemark Tower - an ancient ruin
Greyshire Glacial Grotto - a cave, but an ice cave
Steyliff Grove - an ancient ruin
The Rock of Ravatogh - a mountain
The Myrlwood - a forest
Malmalam Thicket - a forest
Pitioss Ruins - a 2 hour platforming level

>hating IX
happens to plebs
>hating tactics

>Best OST
It's good
>Art direction
Preferred the Duscae Demo's version of the game
>Strong emotional moments
Didn't feel shit at all during the story, including Luna's death and the gay camp scene at the end.
>Best characters since 7
>intro CGI movie
Nobody asked for this shit. Everyone wanted to play in Insomnia.
You forgot to mention the garbage gameplay, shitty camera, and the fact that you have to pay for your shitty movie to get the full experience.

>Didn't feel shit at all during the story, including Luna's death and the gay camp scene at the end
You gay

Played the ffxv demo and enjoyed the flashy combo combat, hitting monsters with big swords and getting help from the gang.
Other games for PC with this sort of combat? Never played a jrpg before so got no idea but it was fun.

7, 10. 12. 13

Rest are shit

Literally whichever appeals to you. FF is generally good at advertising; if you see a photo, a trailer or gameplay, and think it looks cool, then that's what it'll be. You have to understand that FF not only has shit tons of money behind it, but also is the most respected jap title franchise ever (fuck you DQ). They need the most high quality people working on the mainline titles. So even the shitty ones (all of XIII) are worth playing because of the intense amount of work put into them.

>Balouve Mines
Hurr-durr it has an elevator that goes up and down and some mine carts. It's basically a cave.
>Crestholm Channels/Costlemark/Pitioss
Three of the dungeons that isn't a linear cave.
>Glacial Grotto
We just painted the cave blue and gave it an icy theme. It's so different! Oh my god!
>Steyliff Grove
Pretty much a poor man's Costlemark and another linear dungeon.
>Rock of Ravatogh
Another boring linear dungeon.
Another linear shitfest.
Yeah another linear shitshow with zero branching paths that lead to something significant.
Amazing dungeon design

Or bad writing

You forgot the one with poison puddles, which is another shitty linear cave. And you forgot the first story dungeon, which is another shitty linear cave.

The worst take

Except 13 and 15 has quite a bit of false advertising

The first one is good.


The second one is bad.

The third one on ds was one of my favorites.

Have to disagree there. It's the one thing with something resembling actual level design in that game.

of the single player ones the only ones I enjoyed are IV and IX. I mostly play the mmos.

Dragon dogma

The combat really isn't that good. Especially once you start fighting larger groups of enemies.

Seconding Dragon's Dogma. DMC and Bayonetta as well. Maybe a Tales game like Symphonia or Berseria, or the first 2 Paper Mario games and Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga for slightly less action. And for a totally non-action JRPG, best to emulate something like FF V, VI, or VII


It's been 19 years, man. You blame nostalgiafags now.

>modern FF turned into kingdom hearts style weeaboo fightan magic "action" games
>turn based battles with interesting character customization will forever be consigned to the Bravely series
I want out this timeline.

They're all similar but extremely different in many ways so ultimately I to XII are all worth playing in their own ways. XIII a shit through and through, XIV is probably good but I haven't played it and I also haven't played XV.

Yeah this pretty much (FF II wasn't very good though). It's amazing how bad FF got after Square Enix came to be (though X was already showing some very big cracks).

Every game is pretty different, maybe from snes era try FF6, from PSX era FF7 and/or 9, PS2 try 10 and recent FF15 Royal Edition is pretty dope.

Hows the 3ds jp version of ff1?

Most of them are "go from point A to point B" with zero to little branching paths. The branching paths are comparable to 13's. There are only a couple that aren't like that. Even Pitioss is not really a good dungeon. This game isn't a platformer and Noctis rolls off the ground too often. That whole dungeon was a mess. It's well designed, but not really meant for this game.

>Maybe VII, with the remake coming in fifty years.

Do you really think Square Enix won't fuck it up? I mean, they've already confirmed that they've fucked it up by making it episodic, but I don't think they're going to stop there.

gameplay focus

FFXV is literally one of the worst games in the series.

Oh they'll fuck it up, but maybe they won't fuck it up so badly that it's not worth it for new players to start with RE.

3 (DS Remake)
7 (PS1)
X (PS2, remaster is eeeeeh)
If you like all three of those, than continue through out the series as you like. Avoid 2, 8 and 13. 15 has nothing to do with the series so you can skip it.

I like the NES version of III, but damn I can't stand what they did to it in the DS remake. The worst thing was the damn stat nerf when switching jobs, and it takes longer for the nerf to wear off the more you switch to a job if I recall correctly, which makes no sense.

XIII, XV Dissidia, Type 0. Everything else is trash in that trash meme series.

You are almost entirely correct. 1 holds up pretty damn well, though.

I just hope they translate Tifa's sexy underwear correctly this time. If they're even still in the game. I'm sure the game won't be that good, but I'm pretty interested in the new localization.

Definitely. I remember when I was playing XIII and having an awful time I wondered if playing FF I again and then trying to play XIII directly after would make me appreciate XIII more because of the conveniences the game has. I tried it and I ending up liking FF 1 more and XIII even less.

Not only are they going to finally put the nail in the Aeris coffin for good, they're going to do it with terrible English voice acting.

6,7,8,9 and 10.


They're pretty much all worth checking out except for 13 and 15. 1-3 have a lot of jank though.
1-5 are plot driven adventures. 4 has a bit more character focus. 3 and especially 5 are lauded for their gameplay because of the job systems. 5 has a lot of replayability in particular because of how fun it is to mess with different job combos.
6-10 are more character driven and have an emphasis on romance as well. This is also where they started allowing heavy character customization. Outside of a few set abilities for each character, they're mostly blank slates.
11 is an MMORPG and one of the GOAT games, not just FF games. Unfortunately it's far past its prime, but it's still pretty fun and has a crazy amount of content that can be played solo.
12 is a mixed bag - a lot of people are turned off by programming AI for party members and the overall gameplay. I never actually finished the story despite sinking like 70 hours into the game because I enjoyed the side content so much.
13 is a bit of a mess and has a long ass tutorial. The combat is fast-paced and fun though. 13-2 improves upon it in almost every way except story just by getting you into the full experience sooner. Lightning Returns has gameplay unique to the series and is pretty good. All three of these games would be much better received if they weren't Final Fantasy titles though. The localization also destroys the characters.
XIV is good if you're not an MMORPG fan. It's a competent game that takes no risks.
I think less of XV every time I think about it. It's fun to see classic FF monster designs in 3D. The characters are fairly likable. Other than that, the story is an unfinished mess, the localization is all over the place, and the combat is the worst in the series.

You should probably play Chrono Trigger before any of these though. Also Tactics is the best game in the series by far.

Do you think XIII has better gameplay than X or XII?

I'd stay away from the old ones, 1-6, it's a lot of grinding/ random encounters. 7-8-9 are ok.
10 if you can see past terrible voice acting and story. 12 seems to be alright too, but I haven't played it.

They are really easy games, and I'd just play 1 if I were you, then you've seen it all. The stories usually don't make much sense, and the characters are are all basic angsty-teen tier depth with only a few exceptions.

the only correct post

Reminder that FFVII:R is going to be the first new game of Square Enix's new paradigm, and quality should not be based on any games from their 2009 to 2013 period where their CEO was the drunken money-grubbing shitheap called Yoichi Wada. (FFXV counts as being in this period for the vast majority of its development time, KHIII probably too)
Square Enix is moving into a new age with new blood and you should clear your expectations at least a little bit.

>the localization is all over the place

Aside from changing Cidney to Cindy for some reason, what's up with the localization?

1,2 ,5 ,6,7

fuck therest

FF8 is the most kino final fantasy

comfy soundtrack
comfy story, "human" characters ( there's some actual character development in ff8, compared to other final fantasy games. Squall -- the main hero -- goes from nothing personell kid to a very likeable character )

>comfy story
Nonsense story that reads like it had four writers that spoke five languages and not a single chapter lead into another in a confusing collage of shit

Woudlnt that be KH3?

How many buzzwords can you pack into one post?

>tfw you like VIII but doesn't even bother trying to defend it
Disc 1 is kino and the power of loveā„¢ beating space-time compression was nice but yeah it's a bit all over the place. I still found it very entertaining though.

...and maybe 8, but only if you really crave for more.

Two of these are terrible games and can forever turn someone away from the franchise.

>FF10 is bad meme
>I've never played 3 but I pretend I did so I fit in on the internet
Just stop.