Checkmate atheists


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>some no-named idiot's opinion on twitter
wow, really convinced me, op.

What a shocker, animeposter is trash of society.

This. Anime posters are the oldest form of scum.

>no name T***ter account
>falsefagging as a trap animefag

Really makes me think.

I want Astolfo's huge cock forced in my ass right now desu

>broke anime kid with a flavor of the month tranny icon
>for some reason that should convince us

>implying we're a hivemind

If piracy wasnt discouraged and punishable by law we'd get no videogames at all anymore. I mean it works for anime because Japan doesnt care about the west since sales are made via merch and sold BD copies

That literally makes no logical sense in any capacity. If there was ever a time to post a brainlet wojak picture now couldn't be any better.


Have we finally hit rock bottom where we're mining random no-name retard's dumb opinions for (You)bait? Can we get any lower then this?

>Trapfag goes full retard

Why should I care?


He is absolutely right.
0.000000001% of your money goes to developers at best. Most of it goes to parasite marketeers and businessmen that abuse your love for videogames to make more money.

if nobody bought video games, nobody would make video games
or is that the point?


He's right, though.

>Sup Forums gets triggered THIS easily

The point is he didn't think that far ahead.

>if nobody is buying art nobody would make art
That's not how it works.

>What I can gwt for free I will
That's all the justification you need to pirate.
Don't try to dress it up as anything other than what it is.

Ah so back to newgrounds flash games then.

just pirate who the fuck cares

So where would the money the companies use to develop games come from if nobody bought them?

Video games are harder and more expensive to make than any other artform by a huge margin.

>all these disgusting capitalists itt

>Don't try to dress it up as anything other than what it is

He's a trapfag, what do you expect?

If the devs post their games on Steam, most of the money goes to them. Same with self-published games like the ones made by Nintendo.

You're a faggot.

>a videogame is just a file
>a single individual file
into the trash

Plenty of people pay for art all the time, a huge portion of the art throughout literally all of history was paid for by some rich fuck somewhere. A majority of all fine art on the planet wouldn't exist if somebody hadn't bought it in advance.


>what are commissions
literally any art that has any sort of value whatsoever has been commissioned for.


Leftists are a threat to prosperity and should be physically removed.

are weebs seemingly generally pro-piracy just because anime DVDs/BDs are so disproportionately expensive

>thousands of people should spend millions of dollars making free shit for me

Do retards know how much it costs to make a single game?

Good art can be made by a single person. A masterful painting or sculpture crafted by the hands of one person. One person's personal labor.
Compared to any decent video game which required hundreds of people (if not thousands) just doing their job.

I don't want to just point out the incredibly obvious flaw because i know, deep down somewhere in that little pea brain there's a couple of neurons capable of firing up. I'll give give you a little hint: One costs more money to produce than the other.

loool, they deleted their twitter

>what are indie devs
sweetie please
pirate AAA all you want. normies buy enough of those

This is an argument that you can only think is rational and fair if you have never created anything.
Pirate if you want to, fuck I did a lot of it when I was a young poorfag, but don't try to sell everyone else on how you are actually in the moral right here.

This is a flat out fucking lie