What are some old games that still holed up today?
What are some old games that still holed up today?
Megaman X
Pac Man World
definitely not any fear game
Transport Tycoon.
Shittons of them. Meanwhile, modern "games" don't even hold up today.
Stop playing modern games and play pre-1995 era games. No, not all of them are good, but the number and level of quality of the best VASTLY outnumber games post-1995.
>baww go back to /vr/
/vr/ is full of PS1/N64 shits who actually believe garbage like Mario 64 and MGS are good games. Fuck /vr/.
XCOM is timeless. That shit came out before I was born and people still talk about it regularly
Most games hold up really well if you give them a chance, assuming the game looks fun to you in the first place.
The graphics might age though but you just have to get over it. But then there are games that literally don't age like
why are they holed up? who are they hiding from?
shit taste detected
FEAR, FEAR Combat, Crysis, Far Cry, Riddick, BF BC2, MP1 and 2, GTA VC, Red Faction, Clive Barker's Undying, Gran Autismo 3, Burnout 3, SH2, REmake and shitloads more
replayed Max Payne pretty recently. still fun
God I love the Riddick Games
ITT: patrician taste
Dig Dug is pretty old but has lots of holes
Pretty much everything SNES and after holds up well
Also fucking this
Time Shift still holds up pretty well, good levels, great time mechanics, fun weaponry and no sequel everfuck you, CoD 4
if you don't think that's old as in twelve fucking years; you're a faggot. it's old by any standard you could possibly have.
The original Metal Gear Solid isn't too bad. In a lot of ways it's aged better than 2 or 3.
Beat me to it
Baldurs gate
Wish I could get it on steam, I had it on 360, ton of secret achievements I think could be wrong though
The Riddick games were fantastic for setting and story, but the gameplay was always fucking wonky. I never found a strategy that allowed one to take no damage in a melee fight, the shooting is imprecise, and there was one stealth bit in Dark Athena that was unnecessarily hard. Theyre fun games - just aggravating on high difficulty.
F.E.A.R was so good, the level design and Ai was some of the Best of it's time and even puts many modern shooters to shame.
I've seen this thread before but still, what the fuck?
you literally gotta git gud, if you play butcher bay before dark athena you should be nuts at dark athena at that point atleast
"i have to be contrarian just because it was used in the OP" the post
The first 3 Thief games are 97 cents on steam right now
It's we who are old user.
ive always wanted to play quake, but is there really any point in buying it when you just have to use a sourceport anyways???
Bruh, I spelled out exactly why it was not possible to git gud in the traditional sense. You have to work around the flaws to excel on high difficulty, rather than master the basic gameplay mechanics. You can't twitch aim to decisively end gunfights because the guns are inaccurate. There is no RPS paradigm for the melee, so there is no "right move" for any state of the fight.
Nigger I'm 26, people at work and clients still call me kid. Games haven't aged much at all since the era when FEAR came out.
lad im telling you gotta get better
>want to play FEAR Extraction Point
>try to load one of the later intervals
>disconnected from the server
>in a single player game
Yeah I know fear is not really old, definitely not to me, but still it's twelve years.
Funny though that I'm 25 and people think I'm much older, must be genetics.
I beat the games on the highest difficulty, you enormous fucking faggot. I'm trying to give some commentary on the game design flaws.
I recommended Serious sam both the first and second encounter any serious sam game after that is very different.
>Funny though that I'm 25 and people think I'm much older, must be genetics.
For me it depends on if I wear my beard or not. I remember my boss called me and was joking about why I looked his age (he's 34), went to go meet him at lowes to help him at lowes since I was driving his personal pickup for work and he only was driving one of his little connects and had shaved that day and he was fucking shocked. Said I looked like a teenager and shit, the beard is the best way to manipulate how old you look.
BFE is still reasonably similar to TFE and TSE.
the flaw is that you suck bud
im just joshing you brother
Rome and Medieval 2 total war
STALKER series
Fallout 1, 2, NV
Thief TDP/Gold/2
and many many more
Where do i start in the stalker series? What is it like?
Has more TECHNOLOGY than any game shat out recently.
>Where do i start in the stalker series?
The first one obviously
>What is it like?
FPS with rpg and horror elements, no crafting or leveling, you get better with personal experience and in game equipment.
It's literally nothing like Fallout
>12 years old is old enough
whatever you say pedo
> 50 replies
> Not a single mention of HOMM3 yet
Playing Neverwinter Nights for the first time and I can say that I was pleasantly surprised of how fun it is. I was expecting some janky old game, but I couldn't have been further from the truth. Quality old school game right here.
I wouldn't praise its level design, but the core gameplay mechanics are so good that it doesn't matter what the levels are like
Maybe the more recent ones but CERTAINLY NOT the originals.
The grenade throwing procedure was a nightmare, nobody ever made it to psiionics, and the difficulty curve was a cliff
>It's literally nothing like Fallout
At a glance I've always made that mistake.
Is it fine playing it vanilla or do I need any mods?
It is fine vanilla, if you're interested in mods/patches/tweaks go check the /vg/ stalker thread
>do i fit in yet guise? XD lmao
The level design is literally what makes it so good. The level variety is what you are thinking of
Why the art feels so comfy?
Ah of course it would have one. Thanks user