ITT: Unpopular opinions
I'll start with I like MOBAs
ITT: Unpopular opinions
I'll start with I like MOBAs
I think that Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are both excellent games with a lot of fun things to do, and were very worth buying a Switch for.
Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. are all garbage games. How anyone can play them beyond the age of 10 is beyond me. Furthermore, what baffles me further, is the fact that people play that shit in public on their DS/Switch .
my nigga
FO4 is way, way better as a dedicated shooter than the broken pseudo-RPGs of 3 and NV
FO1 is way, way better than FO2 because while FO2 has more content, little of it is good while FO1 is all amazing
DDLC is kino and one of the best stories ever told in a game and I love watching autists get mad that people are enjoying it and not their SUPERIOR NIPPON VNs
RE6 is amazing, like the rest of the RE games
The Witcher 1 and 2 are complete ass (I think 3 is one of the best open world games)
Fanservice for the sake of Fanservice annoys me more than anything else because it screams to me "we have no faith in this game so lets put tits in it" and saying that maybe it ruins the immersion or feel of a game for a woman to have her tits out all the time in a game where it really doesn't fit or isn't part of her character reduces any thread to baitposting and soy wojaks every fucking time.
I think TW3 is one of the worst “RPGs” I’ve ever watched, if for no other reason because the main storyline is a load of crap with an uninteresting premise and zero character development. Like I’m not sure what they thought it had going for it. It’s like they had this world and pre-established characters, and the one job they had which was to then use that world and put those characters in a story of their own imagination, and they fucked it up.
For Christ’s sake The Wild Hunt have no screen time and are an absolute non-threat. The game isn’t even about them/it at all, it’s about fucking Teen Gohan going SSJ2 when a character as interesting as Qui Gon Jinn dies.
Keep your fucking movies in your caves you fuckin’ creatively bankrupt pole fucks. Shits can’t even figure out how to program a character to walk let alone actual gameplay.
“RPG” my fuckin’ ass.
Virtual Reality gaming is the best thing to happen to the industry in about 30 years.
nigga I need an explanation for this one.
My condolences for our_ autism, OP.
Windows 10 is for fags
I think the quality of ___Sup Forums___ has improved over the last year.
>FO4 is way, way better as a dedicated shooter than the broken pseudo-RPGs of 3 and NV
Yeah except there are fifty gorillion better FPS games on the market. NV may not be the deepest RPG, but at least it had that going for it. FO4 doesn’t even work very well as a shooter because it’s still very much an RPG in that if you don’t have the numbers, you’re not killin’ shit.
>shoot mudcrabs for fifty hours to a backdrop of an ugly, zero imagination setting and flat characters
>or replay Deus Ex and its sequels
Hmm, tough call.
I will say though roaming the cityscapes and some buildings, particularly the comic book shop, at night with ghouls on the prowl is genuinely one of the best experiences I’ve had in an FPS. It’s just a shame that 95% of the game is so drab and lazy, right along with the unfortunate skill layout and customization. Playing modded to remove the misguided RPG gimmicks they through in there and ignoring literally every quest/character was far more entertaining.
A game made with VR as the platform from the ground up isn't just a game with you using your head as a camera point. It is a full 3D immersion into the game world and it can make unremarkable gaming experiences seem pretty god like. That's a big plus right there, but an even bigger plus is that a lot of developers trying to figure out the tech have realised the best graphical performance on the hardware is a bad idea because it might slow down performance which makes players sick, this results in resources being focused on pure gameplay mechanics and leads to more fun experiences on the whole for many players.
A game like farpoint with an aim controller factoring in you looking down sights, looking over your weapon for secondary ammo count, and looking at your wrist for health all make the gameplay a lot more immersive by removing a HUD and letting you focus on moving around to dodge enemy attacks.
A lot more titles are focused on short burst gameplay sessions as well giving a fun arcade experience.
Seriously, I was a jaded bastard with video games lately, but VR brought a lot of that old fun back for me.
It really is a cool concept, it’s just so strange that the technology has taken so long to come to video games. P.J. was using this shit on the set of LotR 20 years ago.
Just needs more dedicated games, and more competitive pricing. I’d be interested to see if a company would go full blown VR and make a machine dedicated to it, instead of pre-existing stuff (PSVR) or needing a rig.
Need like a full bodysuit so you can feel the world around you, like the Switch’s HD rumble except not a blatant marketing lie- I mean gimmick.
It could also have other applications.
OTHER applications.
Fallout 1 is best fallout
Fallout 4 was pretty enjoyable
I dislike every witcher game, which is more controversial for reddit i think
My opinions aren't that controversial for Sup Forums.
There is already a haptic suit being made that simulates texture, temerature, etc and suspends the player for total movement.
But that way, user, lies chaos. Why would I ever leave a simulation where I matter to go back to a world where I don't?
Hacking your character then playing online and destroying everyone else's fun is fun.
Because eventually either the simulation will become as reality, or reality will remove the simulation, or at least you from the simulation.
You can’t escape forever.
E.Y.E isn't that good
I think All gacha games are shit and I cant for the life of me imagine how people get addicted to them
BotW is literally the skyrim of zelda games, it has nothing going for it but the exploration and now my switch is just sitting there gathering dust for octopath traveller
This, coming from someone who played fgo for a while