Paid to play wow

At the risk of sounding retarded, I'm interested in paying someone to record there WoW gaming and share it with me.

I have something of a WoW addiction but my computer crashed in December. Even if I replaced my PC, I no longer have time to actually play. However, I can watch videos of you playing while I do other things. Basically, I'll watch you play your characters as you play through the endgame of Legion, play through the Battle for Azeroth, and so on.

When I say I'm an addict, this is how important it is for me:

*I'll pay you 20 cents per minute recorded - I have to pay before you make the video available to me. You simply tell me how many minutes are on a specific video and I pay you based on that.
*I have to pay for your WoW subscription and reimburse you for your in game purchases.
*I have to pay you for all minutes recorded, even if you spend long periods AFK.
*You can record your playtime with any and all of your toons that are at least lvl 110.

PM me if interested. I can pay via PayPal. I prefer to work with someone from the US if possible.

Thanks in advance.

Other urls found in this thread:

wut the fug :-D

You should spend the money on counselling instead.

Can't you just watch twitch streams?

Isn't that what livestreams are for? Dunno if this is some sort of bait but damn your autistic as fuck

I want videos of the full experience, mundane questing, AH, etc, not just raids etc.

I totally understand I'm a retard. I am addicted and can't play anymore. I really want this and have a good job. I'm willing to get laughed at a bit if I can watch.

Look at it this way, I want the whole experience of someone's playthroughs, not just the highlights.

If anyone is interested, they can feel free to email my gmail account:


[no spaces, all one word]

Holy fucking autism. I'm addicted to vidya but this is just profound.

Laugh all you want. It's the next best thing to playing for me. I get to experience levelling, questing, etc.

So I'm basically making $12 per hour? That's worse than my current job

But you normally pay to play WoW. I'd be covering your sub fee, in game expenses and paying you $12 per hour as well, just to record it and send it to me or post it on YouTube.

I'm completely new to WoW, have never played it, interested in that?

I'm not even laughing though. If this is real then you need help.

Here's a question though, if you have the cash to pay someone to play and the time to watch recordings of someone play then why can't you fix your PC and play yourself?

How difficult would it be to record stuff? I've never done anything like it before. If it's easy to get into, I might be interested.

No, I'm looking for someone who has max level characters already and who knows their way around.


That doesn't make any sense, livestreams are the complete opposite of highlights. They are long sustained gameplay sessions that include all the downtime in between highlights.

Wouldn't it be more fun to watch someone who is new though? Then you truly get a new, fresh experience

I suppose you have never heard of these places called Gaming Cafes
You can pay for a few hours and play WoW there, actually blizzard games are one of the few that have zero risk of your shit getting hacked because you can take your authenticator.

haha this guy showed me his dick

Post it


OP I'm seriously tempted and I'm not sure if this is even pasta or not

I'd be happy to pay your wow sub via paypal so you have evidence that I'm for real. You can repost just black out my personal info (name, etc)

Dude just watch a WoW streamer

I don't trust someone from a Sup Forums thread sending me shit on paypal but you can gift gametime directly on battlenet


I'm tempted to do this since I'm currently NEET, but I really should get a real job.

but then how would I pay for the videos if you don't trust paypal?

If you don't want to do it, don't do it.

I'm on right now


Well congratulations, OP. You sound retarded.

Have all the oldfags left? I know theyre here still just from the sticky

Why not watch a streamer?

This or a lets play?

There are sad individuals who record every moment of their gameplay and upload to jewtube.

Exhibit A:

Just mute the boring cunt

I can do it, I haven't played legion too much but I have a couple of 110's I need to grind shit for.


Want to just add me on steam or bnet? I won't be on much longer right now but I'll be free tomorrow

What the retarded fuck is this?

yo thats hot bro

have you fucking herd of twitch? You can get camwhores play the game for you.

There are likely thousands of fucking videos on the internet of just this shit. This is either some next level bait, or someone who is mentally unstable.

You still there user? Is Bnet or steam good enough for you? Email seems sketchy.

szeth is my boy and by far the most interesting character

I'm actually slightly interested. I have around 7 max level characters. I just finished my high mountain Tauren and got it to 930 ilevel in 4 day max level.

However what do you want? What times of day? Do you just want YouTube videos? I personally don't raid at all anymore and just play casually in the world.

However I think you should just get a playable pc and do it yourself.


>I'll pay you 20 cents per minute recorded

This is some next level fetishist fuckery

Sent you a request

I think I've been successfully talked out of doing this. Sorry for weirding everyone out.

There are tons of streams with just random dudes simply streaming themselves playing WoW.
No show or meme chats either, just sad shits making use of their streaming card while doing what they would do anyway.


I'm glad for you user.

Should I sell it boys?