Friend invites you over to his house to play vidya

>friend invites you over to his house to play vidya
>gives you the shittiest controller
>makes you P2
>doesn't offer you snacks

>you invite your friend over to your house
>you give him the best controller
>you make him P1
>you offer him snacks and dinner

Can anybody relate to this?

What the fuck that's not the image I wanted to post

I never make anyone P1 at my house ever. Disgusting mongrel.

>inviting people over
No. There's no point when we can just play online together.


Everything but P1 because I'm not autistic that way.

>making someone else P1

its better

It's called being polite.

>>you make him P1
Ok, that's going too far

My cousin was the epitome of the terrible host/demanding guest personality. Makes me mad to think about.

>not staying p1 but giving them the good controller

Why don't you invite him to fuck your wife as well you fucking cuck

Nigga, it's your console. I can understand if he picked up the controller first and it auto synced to player 1, but cmon.

>be me
>buy Kidtendo Switch
>buy TWO pro controllers because I know friends won't want to play with the joy cons unless it's a waggle gimmick game

>friend invites you over to his house to play vidya
>he just wants to fuck your bubble butt
literally every time

I have a better idea.

Why does everything have to be compared to cucks

um what are we gonna do on your lap user?

>wasting 70 dollars for zero functional d-pads
You're a special kind of stupid

could have just got a magic ns or something, not that the joycon grip is even uncomfortable to begin with especially for short casual bursts

Fucking cuck

Have you never rested your head like that before?
I just don't get it but the joycons just don't seem to sit right in my hands.

>invite friends over
>play game together
>”select profile for 2P”
Wat do?

Would you let me fuck your wife if I was at your house and my cock got hard? It's just rude if you don't

>Friend invites you over to his house.
>Gives you a good controller (but not his collectors edition ones)
>Has all your favorite snacks.
>If you talk about a game he buys it.
>He never actually plays with you...he just watches.
>Each weekend you see only your save files, he hasn't touched the games.
>MFW he was only buying things so I would come over to his house every weekend over everyone else.

>Can anybody relate to this?
Yeah it is called not being a shitty host. Fuck kind of faggotry are you on m8 that you got to be such a faggity as bitch boy about people not respecting your ass enough and taking you for granted and shit.

>Have you never rested your head like that before?
oh, no i haven't..

Was he cute though? This is important.

Not everything is you dumbass.
But ever giving anyone anything or compromising on anything or losing makes you a huge cuck so of course we're going to call you one when you're clearly a cuck.

did you stick your cock down his throat?

>friend invites you to his house to play vidya
>sure, what are we gonna play bro?
>he fires up some single player game and proceeds to grind out some collectible
>two hours of collecting pigeons in GTA

I have a friend like that too, I'm 90% sure he's into me

He was schizophrenic and bipolar and was asexual due to his condition. Though sometimes I would think "more fondly" of him after he did something sweet. Only to be jarred back to reality when he would scream at his mom after she reminded him to take his medicine.

I wouldn't say cowboob slut is any better than what he wanted to post.

He could have posted this for example, which would have been a vast improvement.

Ah. One of those guys. Im sure he appreciated your company tho. People with mental disabilities often get cast out of social circles. Its sad but I kind of get why they it to a degree.

>Filled condoms somehwere

That is disgusting holy shit.

t. Pedo

>">Be me"

>cousin spending the night
>playing halo 3
>wants me to help him unlock hayabusa armor
>tell him no, it'd take too long plus he's only on my guest account so it wouldn't last after he logged out
>got pissy
>called his mom to come get him and leave



I was >friend

>friend invites you over to his house to play vidya
>end up jerking off together
>week later blow him
>two weeks later get fucked by him
>5 years later realize i'm actually gay

Do you still talk to that friend? Is there awkward sexual tension between you two now?

Never make another man on your own console P1. Doing that is fucking wrong. Letting your friends touch your best controller is wrong too. Let the dudes bring their own controller or let them use a controller that you don't use. It's nice that you offer food though.

no i moved away, if he was still close i would beg for his cock again, i miss him alot..

Hot. Now that your older you should call him up or something. Maybe ypu guys can get together

>tfw a girl in highschool dragged my head to her lap once
I also had another girl resting her head on my lap out of nowhere.