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Frankie "the bat" Niagara
Niagara? As in you cry a lot?
>still no Anal Weak 2
Was American Nightmare not good?
Its Payne Alpha version
did he died?
Payne, what are you doing? What are you doing?!
For what purpose?
It was alright, it was just very very short
I completed everything there was to do in under 10 hours
There is a parallel universe in which he is a great actor I hope.
It's from reddit, so no.
Time to dispense with the Järvi images.
MP1 is objectively the best Max Payne game.
>mfw I'm payne and I'm getting whacked
Although admittedly, the image IS from MP1.
I agree but Payne's lucky to have every one of his games be good. Even the GBA port. Unless there's some obscure Brazilian N-Gage game I don't know about.
Never understod they changed his iconic face to some dumb generic Bond character in MP 2 and bold guy from Last of Us in MP 3
The b-movie feel of the game is what makes it so great though.
Why? Unless he wanted to destory it on purpose i see no reason to do it and create so much unneccesary costs.
He tried to be Clint Eastwood too much
They wanted to tell a more serious story so they wanted to get real actors and so on.
Is that the guy from the video game awards thingy? The host?
I have the same hairline, do I have a problem or is it normal?
No, it's John Mirra,
Is this edited or did he really used a gun as a phone?
At least he he wasn't ashamed of his portrayal in a game like that Dutch model who used his face for Commander Shepard and doesn't interact with fans.
>not using your gun as a phone
I hated that they killed Bravura in his first appeareance after hyping him for entire first game.
Just slick your hair back like Payne
Why? Do people mistake you for Payne?
Its called a receeding hairline, i also have it.
He didn't die, replay the game.
Max! Dearest of all my friends.
>stretched aspect ratio
You guys did watch the new movie, didn't you?
Not that guy but he got the shit shot out of him by one of Vlad's guys with an smg. How is he not dead?
Fucking hell dude, have you even played the game?
>fan film
I think I'll pass.
The only time he turned back up was during one of Max's nightmares in the operating chair?
Because Lake was never meant to be the final face dumbass, they were just too poor to afford real actors and had no choice at the time.
Right then, I hated Vlad.
I just wonder if it will continue to recede or just stop there. It stopped for Max.
Is Max Payne 3 considered canon?
Not in a million years.
>That's just it, we dont know!
But the best thing you can do is get over it and always pick a hairstyle that fits, maybe ask the barber for the Payne cut?
I think you're fine, Sam Lake still has a luscious head of hair. Seems like it stopped for him.
Didn't Sam give 3 his blessing or something like that?
>When Payne finds the security room, he can see Bravura being operated on via a surveillance camera. Payne remarks that Bravura is 'too stubborn to die.'
Will we ever get a Max Payne 4, written by Lake?
Yeah, i remember him saying he would have done it differently, but he thinks what they did was probably for the best.
Mona was cute! CUTE!
They constantly reviewed the game with Rockstar, but they had nothing to do with the way the game was developed or written.
Shit, I never knew that. Thanks for the info, user
Hopefully not, the series is over and I'd rather see them work on new characters and games. Max also deserves a rest.
Let old guy rest, he's gone through enough shit.
We got Quantum Break was alright aside from the faggy characters.
However, neither AW nor QB are finished, and they will never get sequels.
I wasn't satisfied by 3's ending. Max is not supposed to have a happy ending.
I like Max's VA in the same sense in that I liked Frank West's (not 4), I dunno fellas it just clicks with me like "yeah, this is what this dude sounds like, its a good fit.".
also I am a baboon and can't for the life of me fix the spelling with the proper font without fucking up pic related.
And now Microsoft has a chokehold on Remedy.
Probably. But I don't think so personally. Things looked good for Max Payne at the end of 2 as he was finally reconciling the fact his family and all those related to their murder were dead. It doesn't follow that the first we see of Payne in the third game would be him drinking to the pits while hating himself. There's no reason for him to continue his pursuit after Victor and Becker upon finding out their roles in their scheme, whereas in the first two games he did for Horne, and later Vlad and the Cleaners. Max Payne 3 just exists because Rockstar said so. It's still a decent game, but it's by far the worst.
He very clearly didn't have a happy ending, he ended up alone and sober.
>tfw finished this the other day and actually liked it
There were so many nice details in the levels, and I admit I liked the format they went with, it was weird, but also something I haven't seen before. The story was pretty entertaining too, aside from the sequel bait and a massive plot hole regarding CIA's character, which, perhaps, I'm just misunderstanding.
They could do a lot worse in terms of publishers. I love some of Rockstar's games but they pump and dump studios like used condoms. Hell, R* Vancouver, the guys who made MP3 don't exist anymore.
>It doesn't follow that the first we see of Payne in the third game would be him drinking to the pits while hating himself.
It does, if you consider Mona dying was the canon ending.
>And now, a brand new episode of Lords and Ladies
disliking MP3 is a good pleb identifier.
Liking it unconditionally is also a good pleb filter. For everything it did beautifully, it had its fair share of issues, the writing being the biggest of them.
At that point, sure. But then you have to live with the regret constantly, not knowning what to do with yourself over a decade. I can't see him picking up the pieces and rebuilding his life. Him becoming a drunkard made sense to some degree.
>cutscene load screens
>the story
It felt like a tech demo and the story was like bad fanfic.
I played 3 when it first came out and I don't remember details but I don't understand what's so bad about it. Sure it lacked the campiness of the first too and tried to be maybe a little too grimdark but still it wasn't bad compared to cuhrazy drug experiments to create supersoldiers.
The dialogue and monologues lacked the surgical precision of the first two, it got pretty bad at some points. Him devolving into a one-liner delivery service was tragic.
Also in terms of gameplay, all those parts where they left you out of a cutscene behind cover and surrounded. I'm not a game dev but it seems like a poor gameplay design choice overall. I didn't mind the cutscenes that much because you only had to watch them once. You could play arcade mode afterwards and never really see them again.
There was no 3, the story ended in MP2. Everything after is fan fiction.
MP3's writing misses the mark so badly it should have been published under a different title. Max Payne is the culmination of Sam Lake's tastes and interests, it pulls from specific sources from American popular culture and interprets them through a Finnish lens. The first game is set in snowy dark NYC because that's what Finland is like most of the year. The dialogue is a lovingly crafted film noir pastiche by someone who doesn't speak English natively. It's such a charming game and MP3 doesn't have any of that. It's just a Tony Scott movie.
replayed it recently, he does actually use the gun as a phone
Max Payne 2 and 3 are fanfiction.
There's only one true Payne, and that is Lake.
The Branco family members you're supposed to protect are really annoying. Instead of feeling bad over their death you just feel bad for Max's failure. Victor is also not an interesting protagonist either, especially in comparison to Vlad, whose relationship with Max developed over two games. The ending also just makes things for Max feel more pointless than they already are, and I seriously don't believe that's supposed to be the point.
The gameplay also isn't as seamless as the previous two installments. The cutscenes were nonstop as well.
MP2 was written by Sam Lake. It's 100% canon.