Those messages about taking a break after some hours or minutes

>those messages about taking a break after some hours or minutes

So there literally are people who play video games non-stop, without even taking a dump or piss, sleeping, eating, or even having a social conversation? Are they what essentially those people are saying as addicted to video games?

its for asians

>social conversation
But I talk with my waifu everyday...
You're full of shit.

Dude asians can die if they focus on stuff too long and video games are like designed to keep their focus by exploiting their weakness for gambling and grinding (high risk high reward and low risk guaranteed reward).

I dunno, I do remember hearing stuff about American gamers not eating.

>ever not eating
even if they stopped eating for a week they still wouldn't burn all the fat off

>American gamers not eating

I think they have the opposite problem user.

At least use a screenshot where I'm not wearing S1C and Masamune

>Suddenly remember when smash bros brawl came out and I played it day in, day out for about three months
>Would go to the bathroom and sleep, but didn't eat very much and lost probably 15 pounds

I just googled it

>anno 2070
>you've been playing for 8 hours. why don't you take a break?

ever heared of deep bunghole thrombosis, bich??

wasted trips

What game is this

The hell ff game is this?

Mobius Final Fantasy

poop socking, look it up

Back in the day, Everquest had a few incidents involving people playing for long periods of time ignoring their babies leading to them dying.

I'm more shocked everquest players have babies

No, no. We're the fat ones who eat too much

huh I guess I misremembered, it's probably from not pooping