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Oh boy I sure do love the new marry sue super space portal the tau got! Now they can fight in all the big battles!!!


>Fire Warriors being as tall as space marines
Wait a minute...

No. I'm sorry but games workshop has utterly and I absolutely mean utterly gutted the tau in the latest codex.

Also they made some sort of dark pact to gain some sort of webway portal. It's all bullshit I hope farsite comes in and kills them all.

Also to keep this video game related because OP is doing such a great job st that, why was dawn of war 3 so fucking bad?

Those are the smaller space marines, now they are actual marine height.


>gutted the tau
>dark pact for webway portal
oh god that sounds horrible, what all did they change? I've read a lot of the wh40k books and played the first two dawn of war RTS series and love the lore but don't keep up with the codex updates

Dawn of war 3 was so bad I'm not sure if they'll ever make a fourth installment and idk if I even want them to. I didn't really like dawn of war 2, I wish they'd gone more in a Supreme Commander scale direction and less of a Company of Heroes/Moba direction. Dawn of war 3 felt like a mobile phone game that they upscaled for PC.

Let me guess. Your first order of business is set-up trade and migration with Sup Forums, Sup Forums and reddit because they're obviously suffering under their current leadership?

You stupid bastards are always trying to hug a tyranid or slap a necon on the arse. It's just gotten old at this point.

Not so fast

Its not a codex, the codex is not even out yet.
It comes out March 17th, preorder March 10th

Okay codex isn't out but they have revealed in the latest white dwarf that the ethereal created some sort of device that allows the tau to warp to distant reaches of the galaxy somehow. They hinted that they had to do something dark and terrible to get this power which I'm guessing involves chaos or necrons.

Farsite is still cool thou

ok, I'm new to 40k, but I've played DOW1 and 2. And I have to ask, what the hell happened to 2? It feels so gimped compared to 1. Was 2 seen as how 3 is seen now? There's some good things like cover, but boy did they fuck up. It's 1 step forward 3 steps back.

I heard a culexus assassinated the tau space pope. Was this from a novel or a codex story? Because it really sounds like the Imperium sent a high value asset to carve their enemies heart out with a spoon and I'm not sure if context will make it any less weird.

>tfw I remember being the 32nd person to log in to the online multiplayer lobbies when soulstorm released
>tfw there was a bug for the first few days where during multiplayer if you started an upgrade on a requisition point and then deleted it you'd get back twice the resources
>everyone was asking everyone to promise not to abuse the bug and play honorably
>haha yeah of course!
>Hammerheads start rolling out with a mass of fire warriors 5 minutes later
amazing times dawn of war 1 was when the dark crusade and soulstorm online multiplayer was active. I view 2 the way most view 3 now, to your point. It was basically a completely different game but wasn't marketed or hyped up as such, it's fun as it is but it's not the sequel I wanted.


And its just a way for them to have a potential escape, they are surrounded by the Imperium, the awakening Necrons and Tyranids, plus the Great Rift.

DoW2 is closer to the tabletop in some ways - Space Marines are deployed in small numbers. Which is relatively in line with the fluff. It was just an attempt to bridge the games together. It really lacked units and gamemodes variety, but was a pretty good attempt.

DoW3 was tortured development that was many things, and an attempt to reunite DoW1 and 2. Too bad they fucked it up with bizarre decisions. There was genuinely a ton of potential.

Core book supplement. Its nothing weird, really. Just the logical use of an Assassin. A culexus is an odd choice, admittedly.

Well, 2 is actually more in line with how the table top functions believe it or not. It's good in that regard, being a real time version of what is happening. It's also more in line lore wise except for IG, Orkz and Nids if only due to numbers.

from a supplement

it didn't achieve much, the ethereals just suppressed that fact and everyone believes that he's still alive

he's effectively Big Brother now that he's dead

>Core book supplement.
Thanks. The weird choice made me think there might have been some bigger reason behind it beyond showing that the assassins can work outside their specialised fields if called to it. That or it was from a Goto Book and I just saw the more sane paragraphs.


Gorkamorka game when?

Its from War Zone Damocles: Mont'ka, to be precise. And possibly, time will tell if something comes out of this.

Yeah the tau need to be terrible and should never achieve anything, that should make for interesting stories! You should write for GW.

>That pic
Would play. Also, you could also specialize into a certain Ork type.
>Level 99 Weird Boy boss

remember everyone, my beep boops > grey beep boops > your beep boops
I found the tau fan
On another note: any news about mechanicus? I want to play some admech xcom dammit

>Gorkamorka game when?
There was one. On the dreamcast. Don't think it ever saw release however.

Also another thank you for the exact book the tau story is from. I've been out of the 40k loop since 5th ed.

>5th ed
So have you heard about Cadia falling yet?

I don't mind smaller space marine squads. In fact, I'd say it's better in a lot of ways. I'm mostly mad because of less units.

Heard about as much of the changes as I want. I've walked too far away from the franchise to really want to wade back in.

Were you just a lorefag or did you play? If so, what army?!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyCg!9oZBXDJb
Its not complete, but you can find many of the codexes and supplements here. Including War Zone Damocles.
If you want to read it.

If you mean less unit diversity, then definitely.
Fewer units in general fits many factions relatively better, but they really dropped the ball on horde armies to be fair.

If they had DoW 2 sizes for Eldar, Space Marines, Chaos and Necrons with DoW 1 versions of everyone else with an upgraded unit cap on Nids, it would be perfect.

5k smurfs from 2nd ed, 2k tau from their initial launch, 1k guard that was aborted (was going to make 1.5-2k mechanised cadians, but the metagame made me drop it. I was getting enough shit about my Smurfs to need people calling my Guard a netbuild list), and 1.5k Court of the Young King Eldar that you couldn't field and do anything but die but it was thematic and fun to crumple with.

Despite having a lot to use I didn't play often. Few friends owned armies and few of those who didn't were ever willing to try to even try to learn the rules.

Appreciate the link.

So when will Rowboat squish this xenos?
They're just neighbors and Tau seems want to expand into ultrasmurfs land.


I'm sorry. What?

Post your dream games and game ideas.

Post your hopes and dreams for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2.

Post you appreciation for gold.


an actual good FPS

Kneel to the more successful videogame franchise, 40kuks.

>Dream games
30k Musou
Guardsmen horror game
Rogue Trader RPG
Tau battlesuit game
Warhammer 40k: Battlefront

>Dreams for BG:A 2
That Necrons are as overpowered as they were in the table top version



An actually good TBS.

Always hated the retarded looking aesthetics of the space marines.
Imperial Guard and Tau are much cooler looking, yet those fucked stupid looking spess mehreens are forced everywhere.

Jagged Alliance set in WH40k and with good melee combat.

Any game where you can play as a single imperial guard.

Farsight is the wankies gary stu. Holy shit give tau some more characters so that everything doesn't revolve around Shadowsun, Farsight and (ghost-)Aun'va.

>Aims in your general direction

Because they are the best seller and always have been the face of the franchise.

>30k Musou
Please no
How would that even work

>> Marry Sue...
>> Gets owned developing the new ftl tech and loses an ENTIRE sphere of expansion to the warp. I don't think you know how much of a loss that is brainltet.
>> New lore implies they are doing something dark and dangerous to get even this new safe ftl
>> New codex is shit and going to get destroyed in casual and comp play
>> Upcoming Fires of Cyraxus campaign book is going to have them get their shit stomped in by the admech.
>> Oh but clearly they are mary sue. Stay classy faggot your the reason the Tau suck in 8th. If you keep your whining up I'm sure they'll squat us for another 10 power armor releases.
>> Doesn't matter how grim dark the Tau become. Doesn't matter how weak they are Tau haters going to hate and nothing will satisfy you until they are removed from the game and excised from the canon.

>> Nu-40k is a fucking mistake. From the lore to the models and "balance". Its a shittier version of 30k. Play 30k and put some sun shades on and you have played Nu-40k.
>> It needs to end.

Unironically I want O'kais to be an actual Tau character. His story of being a Fire Warrior that is able to take down Chaos fucking Space Marines by himself and lead the assault on Kronus is interesting.

Sniper assassin got outgunned, WRYYYY assassin got dueled to death and sneaky assassin got out-sneaked. So the anti-psyker assassin succeeded as tau has no idea what psykers or anti-psykers are.

Well isn't that nice. Good job on defending the Cadia.

I hope the new codex mentions best girl!

Walking simulator. You leave a bunker following an all clear order. You have to pick your way across a wasteland towards your retrieval site. Collecting datapads and servo-skulls along the way that piece together the story about what happened before you reached the bunker you started in. I reckon it'd be crap but I would be interested in seeing how fans reacted to a 40k walkin sim. "Great atmosphere, needs more guns" "10/10 warkino" "No tau no buy" or what.

>Upcoming Fires of Cyraxus campaign book
Good joke

Also keep your whining down until your codex comes out. When its out, and if its bad, then you might have the right to complain.
Plus the T'''''''''''''''''''''''''''au are now on the other side of the galaxy, so any chance of them getting squashed and bretconned is out the of the picture.

40k total war, and musou game. Musou games are a guilty pleasure.

*turns your diplomats into grotesque*

>play as new inquisitor
>starts out like deus ex, in cities searching out heresy and Xenos
>investigating space traders dealing in xeno tech, Killing Orc Group that infests the sewers of said city
>two branching story paths
>warp infestation on planet, have to find it and destroy it
>Or get corrupted by it.
>as story goes on the cities start getting ripped apart by war, imperial guard captain Or you gets corrupted by heresy and leads troops to start destroying Holy Relics and commit war on the Ultra Marine Chapter that has come to the planet
>have to kill him or join him
>Near end of Game Warp Storm over Runs the solar System and ends with you going through into the warp to kill some Chaos Bad Boys or command them to destroy the planet

Do you know how green text works? Because you are using it wrong on so many levels there. Also stay seething tau fanboy I hope they nerf those big ugly mechs further. Also

>not being able to buy individual battle suits

>Sniper assassin got outgunned
I can see it.
>WRYYYY assassin got dueled to death
I can see it.
>sneaky assassin got out-sneaked
I'm going to read the supplements and grumble under my breath. I'm sure everything I want to say /tg/ has heard before ad nauseum.
>anti-psyker assassin succeeded
>no idea what psykers or anti-psykers are.
Makes sense.

I bet O'kais would be the Il Duce of t'au. Never spoken about and only called in when things are totally out of control.

*Steals your grotesque*

WH is shit, AT 43 was superior anyway, especially in the aesthetics department.
Therians>Imperium of Man

>> Implying nu-male marines are any better. Or the primarhcs coming back to play superhero cape shit.
Not only is the new Tau lore stupid but the new 40k lore is dumb too. No more room for interesting stories or lore that are not center around daddy issues primarchs.
Its just a cheap ripoff of 30k's lore remixed and made worst.

lolChaos is overdone, but with an Inquisitor it is to be expected.
>investigating space traders dealing in xeno tech, Killing Orc Group that infests the sewers of said city
i'd rather have a Genestealer Cult

I always disliked mech designs like the ones in the pic. The powerful bodies and mechanical segmented legs look nice, but why a huge torso and tiny legs? If you can get the structural strength to support the body with tiny legs have a tiny torso, it's a smaller target.

Space Marine 2

I thought the Tau were cool until I saw theyre ungulates, then pic related. I can't even articulate why for some reason.

I haven't even played since Elder Harlequins were a thing, I spent so much money on the hobby as a kid but as an adult I just can't justify spending the money.
At least I live half an hour away from Warhammer World.

Anyone recommend Total War: Warhammer? I liked the first DoW and it's expansions.


TW:W is fun. I haven't played any of the other total war games so I can't tell you how it stacks up against you, but playing it does give you a real feeling of being in the old world.

pretend there are 5 more


Man fuck these things.
>I saved this wound
>But then I make it that you get a mortal wound as well

I'm trying to play DoW2 right now and it is far to easy. 3 missions into the main campaign. Hoping it picks up. Just finished Space Marine and I'm itching for green skin slaying.

>Post your dream games and game ideas.
A god-game: get worshippers in reality, wage war in the realms of chaos.

Greetings fellow humans can you please tell us where your cities strategic weak points are?

Elaborate, that sounds like a cool idea.

The usual: govenrment, off-planet communications, infrastructure, poor living conditions, sewers and powergrid.

Wow, cultist models that don't look slightly derpy. Red letter day.

There's an exhaust port that should do the trick, but you have to pull a trench run to get a shot at it.

How wide is this trench would you say? My mate is an amateur geologist and wants to know? And if it's artificial I also have an architect friend who is coincidentally interested.

>All these gene stealers pretending to be glorious humans
Exterminatus this whole thread

Yes! Cripple this key defensive position! For the four-armed Emperor!

>tfw just need to build 1 more exalted sorcerer and then I can play in my local GW

Pretty excited tbqh Sup Forums, going to get on priming the stuff I haven't already and painting the models when I can.

Can we see the work in progress?

Not a chance, I know better than to embarrass myself publically. The stuff I've began to paint is done pretty poor and the general build quality as well as mould line removal is suspect.


Well if you're clean shaven, showered and not fat then no amount of overt or covert ridicule will put you beneath the hobbyists. Good luck.

>Local Games Workshop has plenty of chicks playing Nids, Eldar and the Grand Alliance of Death
>All of them have boyfriends
Fuck this.

What games gets me the feeling of playing as a Broadside
aside from MechWarrior and Gundam games


>play space hulk
>marines are fucking paper towels with guns
man the power levels between games is silly


Chicks have no agency. Any hobbies they have are thanks to dad or a boyfriend.

Well there needs to be balance in the game. If termie marines were just insanely strong what would the Tyranids have to deal with them?

You mean the latest adminstratum inductees? Ha, of course the extra manipulator ams will throw you but we've been told that they're just mechandrites wiith a polymer to make them look less mechanical to scare people. Don't worry. Come to our mixer this weekend. It's mandatory for all staff and partners.

Genes have always been dumb in melee and spacehulk just gives them so many advantages compared to an open battle field like the table top

Well I want to find who touched Victoria Lamb because she painted multiple slayer sword winning models and got featured in at least two codexes let alone all her Golden Demon profiles in White Dwarf.

>tfw no eldar gf

Arma but more like 40k.
Or a better spore focusing on the 2 last phases.

i want a battlefield warhammer game but i dont like EA