Why do console games lack so many options? Framerate options, FOV slider, vsync etc...?
Why do console games lack so many options? Framerate options, FOV slider, vsync etc...?
i love when Sup Forums users ask this king of questions, it's like OP was hiding he is a true faggot.
I don't know if it's true, but developers seem to think that the people who play console games are dumb as rocks
those options exist to adjust for varied hardware as necessary, if every PC was the same no one would bother including those options either
consoles is always the same hardware
Consoles are standardized computers, meaning every dev is working with the same limitations. They make their games run as best they can for the specific specs of each console.
But what if I don't like a "feature" and would rather have it off, like really aggressive DOF or motion blur?
Work on your English, mate.
What about FOV?
Because console users are stupid enough.
FoV slider isn't just for hardware reasons
Or FOV. Different people feel comfortable with different levels.
you're fucked then, why bother with those when the game is guaranteed to work without fiddling with any settings
if there's enough demand, guess could add it as DLC
Consoles are already having to render at sub-1920x1080 resolutions in order to just barely target 60FPS (if you're lucky), if you gave the option to increase the FOV - also increasing the amount of things being rendered in the viewport - then they'd really start looking like shit
oh shit i have that exact bunny
Not anymore, that Kangaroo hopped out of your home with it.
nuh uh i've slept with him every night for the last several years
FOV slider is the reason I will never buy another consoles. Every first person game becomes anti-fun at low fps.
I've slept with a metal bucket for years and he took that too.
get it back like i did with my bunny
you gotta fight for what you love
gee it's almost like the thing you want is a pc
you know
a platform with freedom to do shit you want instead of a walled garden
fucking faggot
You PCfuckboys are annoying. Leave us console players alone and play your superior hardware and superior versions of all games.
It's better to have one set of options that works on 100% of systems all the time and optimise heavily for them than to give players a range of options and the opportunity to break the game.
disgusting whale
If an option breaks a game, you just turn it off. I highly doubt an FOV slider is going to fuck up a game.
>If an option breaks a game, you just turn it off.
Most players are not that smart.
Who dis