It was fucking terrible, Nothing happened, Nothing was achieved. I thought this was meant to be amazing. Why did you lie to me?
I just finished System Shock 2
i can respect you for finishing a game despite hating it
No problem fellow comrade. Turn on your ps4 and start up Horizon zero dawn to get that awful male-centric videogame taste out of your mouth, it's quite common in older less-advanced games.
works for me.
What was the point of this comment
What do you mean nothing was achieved? You stopped The Many and Shodan from contaminating Earth.
Fuck off.
This piece of shit game is indefensible and you're a fucking turd for liking it.
Please stop taking to yourself
I'm sorry you don't get it.
Maybe one day you'll get some real taste, but until then you can fuck right the hell off
But system shock is extremely female centric. SHODAN is the star, not the empty shirt of an MC.
But the fact that you HAVE to play as a male makes it male centric. Had the protag been a female, it would have been more inclusive and less shit overall.
Someday, someone will get through to you and explain to you, in terms you will understand, how stupid you are, and you will believe him, so please tone down your retardation in expectance of that day.
Thank you.
>walk down the same looking corridor killing the same enemies over and over
Wow good design greatest horror game ever made!
The character is so low poly that they might be a flat, ugly, coarse sounding woman.
Or did you just assume the protagonists gender based on your own privileged views?
you think level design in SS2 was bad? how old are you?
yeah, that sounds like a shitton of games out there.
not an argument.
>walk into room that looks the same as every other room
>except this room needs a key
>backtrack through the same looking rooms until you find key in some obscure location
haha i agree brother, great design!
Give me one reason I should have enjoyed it besides the epic twist xd.
The game mechanics were so shallow that they used the same brainlet minigame for hacking and repairing,the combat was so fucking boring that I fucking died and there was not a single portion of the game that activated my nuerons.
Deus Ex 1 holds up. This is literal garbage.
The only SLIGHTLY redeemable aspect was the atmosphere and music.
Which is why 99% of games are shit. Thank you for proving my argument. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be playing well-designed games like FF6 and Dark Souls (1).
>not a single portion of the game that activated my nuerons.
Thank goodness, you are not supposed to have something like that.
Tell me user.
What the fuck did YOU enjoy about this game?
Or was it fucking nothing and you are riding the bandwagon?
>Dark Souls (1)
>not walk down the same looking corridor killing the same enemies over and over
Thank you for disproving your own argumentation.
>he didn't like SS2
What's it like being a brainlet? It's a solid game, if you were expecting a masterpiece like the first DX, then I'm sorry you were misled.
Now go play SS1, it's a much better game, and an absolute landmark achievement for its time.
Sure, I'll get right on to SS1
Good boy. Then play Ultima Underworld series as well.
>What's it like being a brainlet? It's a solid game
Can you at least explain why it's a solid game? Games around that time period like SC1 , half life FO2 were all good I have no problem with the time period but it actually felt like zero effort went into it.
What is the point of this
Why are you pretending to be retarded
Why are you satirising something that's not the topic of conversation
I don't fucking get it anymore anons
What's the point of all this
Fucking pussy
Because it just is
Excuse me, but are you downplaying the effect that gender of the protag has on a game? Just because it wasn't part of the original conversation doesn't mean it isn't equally important. Fuck off.
I am the exact opposite when i first played this game i literally could not stop playing i liked it so much.
Just give me something dude I really don't get it.
That's good user explain
If you don't think SS2 was better than HL, I'm sorry, but you're straight up fucking retarded.
SS2 definitely has some missteps, and they had to rush the final few areas which shows pretty painfully. But it's a nice little FPS-RPG. Managing your inventory, choosing your upgrades, it's such a refreshing change of pace from the titles of the time, even if it is a downgrade from the original.
>Give me one reason I should have enjoyed it besides the epic twist xd.
I don't know
maybe you could have enjoyed the objectively good gameplay and atmosphere
Haha, nigger.
>different color schemes for every deck
>different layout depending on the functionality of the deck
>different equipment depending on the deck
And also, the number of enemies
>pipe hybrid
>shotgun hybrid
>two different monkeys
>three different spiders
>four different turrets
>three different big robots
>suicide robots
>toxic eggs
>psi reavers
>shodan apparitions
>ninja bots
>red ninja bots
I might have forgotten some, but that is already over 20 different enemies
I loved the pacing of the game and the fact that i always had a clear idea of what my objectives were and how to complete them. It was like doing the laundry or doing the dishes it felt like i was completing a check list of chores i had to do. And i just loved it because it felt like i was doing something important to the main plot.
I suppose I'm just fucking retarded for not enjoying the inventory management with zero depth.
In what metric was the gameplay above average? It wasn't the combat. It wasn't the options available to deal with the situation.
>Enemy variety
Sure i'll give you that but it's not enough to carry a game when you deal with all of these in the exact same way. A variant of the unlimited amount of fucking grenades you have.
>It wasn't the options available to deal with the situation.
confirmed for not actually playing the game
>Sure i'll give you that but it's not enough to carry a game when you deal with all of these in the exact same way.
Yeah? And what way is that? Shoot with shotgun? Shoot with pistol? Burn them with psi? Use some anti-personnel ammo? Use a wrench? Use a laser rapier? Elaborate please.
>A variant of the unlimited amount of fucking grenades you have.
You what?
>pipe hybrid
>shotgun hybrid
>two different monkeys
One shoots blue and one shoots fire
Fuck worms
Exit room and cease existing
Projectile green bitch? if so good enemy.
>three different spiders
One regular spider. One invisible spider and one bigger spider? Fucking grasping for straws me man.
>four different turrets
Repeat one shoots blue one shoots fire and extend for two more colors
>three different big robots
>suicide robots
>toxic eggs
>psi reavers
>shodan apparitions
Don't remember desu
>ninja bots
>red ninja bots
One shoots red one shoots blue
Come the fuck on man.
>all of those enemies which are the same but were just opened with notepad and had an extra zero added to their health and damage
okay retard
>Yeah? And what way is that?
I answered this.
The game game me so many fucking grenades that I dealt with pretty much everything with them.
This but unironically.
SS2 is a fantastic game for one basic reason. The laser rapier.
Any game that gives me an OP melee weapon late game gets my dick harder than a fucking rock. It's half the reason I loved Deus Ex, too.
What the FUCK happened to melee in FPS games? It feels like at some point it just became something you use to break crates or worse, as an insta kill attack button.
>Repeat one shoots blue one shoots fire and extend for two more colors
what the fuck nigger
>machine gun turret
>laser turret
>bigger laser turret
>rocket turret
I actually agree. I played Deus Ex first and I expected a sci-fi style Deus Ex with people to meet, missions to achieve, a grand storyline, and a vast amount of unique environments. Instead, you're doing the same tedious bullshit for 12 to 15 hours.
thats it im masturbating you user
Yeah? You fucking dumb nigger, watch this.
Literally all are different because of the different attacks and or moving patterns
why do system shock 2 fans never mention that the game has probably the worst ending in video game history
>Instead, you're doing the same tedious bullshit for 12 to 15 hours.
Being here with you is tedious. End yourself, sir.
Worst ending? Nah.
>moving patterns
>grinds it's face into the wall faster than the earlier enemy
What if people who don't like it have just fucked u their build?
>What the FUCK happened to melee in FPS games?
It was never good so it has been downplayed. Even games that soley dedicate themselves to melee combat some off as janky although fun like Chivalry. There's a reason shadow warrior gives you fucking guns.
Don't you try to spin any of those as interesting when they are dealt with in the exact same way. Tweaking some values for the speed and damge of the projectile isn't interesting or impressive. It's the same shit painted fucking blue.
>Literally all are different because of the different attacks and or moving patterns
Yeah buddy those three spiders coming towards you when in range is really groundbreaking. If there is any difference between them I never noticed because every enemy is dealt with the same fucking way. Bullets.
Explain? It sure as hell wasn't hard although I died I few times near the end. Not that it matters since death is completely irrelevant in this game.
There are a lot of shit things in SS2 so I can understand someone not liking it.
I personally find the level design to make up for it though. It's nice and big with lots of places to explore and lots of hidden items.
Are you a storyfag? Then why did you play it in the first place...
>stop body horror hivemind from eating the earth
>stop autistic AI from creating singularity and becoming a god
Seem like something to me.
Hardcore gameplayfag that thinks all stories should be secondary to engaging mechanics.
I will never concede that this game had engaging mechanics and I have never been so disappointing with a game after all the buildup in my entire life.
>There's a reason shadow warrior gives you fucking guns.
Nobody uses guns in shadowwarrior though.
the psi powers have a lot of depth, also if you upgrade hacking it's more easy to get suplies.
But I'll agree that this game has a lot of janky moments and unfair enemies but part of the fun for me was getting around that.
System Shock 2 felt like a downgraded SS 1 but with tacked on rpg elements that didn't actually change the game for the most part other than what weapon you shot enemies with. The atmosphere was kinda nice if you turned off the goofy techno music and ignored the ending though.
ok, unfortunately i don't give a shit
>there are """"people"""" in this world that didn't like the music in system shock
>play an FPS
>you shoot things
i fucking love system shock 1
Psi in SS2 is stupid. You have the agility and cyber affinity buffs which are really good that you always want, you have adrenaline if you want to melee, and maybe the healing/recharging powers if you feel like it, but the rest suck. They're all either super situational or just worse than using a normal weapon.
Invisibility is good too, I guess. But it's way too expensive to get, and it's super boring to use anyway. You use the power and then you don't have to bother with enemies until it wears off. Yeah, great. If that sounds that fun to you maybe you should just stop playing and then you'll never have to interact with enemies again. It's like super invisibility.
Sounds like you're a retard
That has no bearing on psi being shit.
ss2 is overrated.
it was propped up because of the backlash against bioshock getting popular even though the games have zero relation beyond half a name and one writer.
what a fucking dense nigger you are
>awooo its only popular because its good
this game would be much better if it didnt have a quicksave
the ending of SS2 almost feels like parody. it's so silly. the credits don't help with that either.
Underage faggots like you should keep to garbage mobas where you belong
you dont have to use it, what the fuck
The real question is, which is overrated more? SS2 or HL2?
>Sup Forums isn't cancer they said
>Sup Forums is always right they said
you're moms vagina.
They ran out of time, it was supposed to have multiple endings where you join the parasites or join SHODAN
HL2 by far. SS2 has its problems but it also has some redeeming features. HL2 is just bad and only impressed people because of its gimmicks which get old really fast. You play SS2 now and the level design is still good. You play HL2 now and it just sucks.
I'm pretty amazed how contrarian you guys can be. SS2 is a fucking very well rounded game, with some minor flaw like the gunplay which is terrible. No need to spit on it, people don't remember it without reasons.
if i dont use it then i dont feel like i am using everything to win, which sucks. The game should be a desperate struggle to survive and it doesnt feel like it
how to spot the genZ shitter: the post
>finished a game
>b-b-but I hated it!
I don't think you did, bub. Stop trying to hard to fit in.
you are one stupid nigger
no u
>beat the game in 2018
>what the fuck ree why did this game suck
m8 r u for real
and yea the ending/last part of the game sucks dick even back then tho
>Nothing happened, Nothing was achieved
What does this even mean?
That nothing happend that was interesting, and he didnt feel he achived anything by beating the game.
Are you fucking retarded or just trying way too hard to fit in?
>he didnt feel he achived anything by beating the game
it's a fucking video game, nigga, get a life
you got meme'd by Sup Forumsreddit :))))).
now go play Deus Ex and Dark Souls to waste even more of your time.
>I just finished watching a let's play of system shock 2, I didn't get it because I was tuned out mentally doing something else half the time and wasn't in the game to feel the intensity of the atmosphere, just to hear some pewdiepie knockoff screaming hysterically about how spooky the cyborg midwives are
I get the first game had it as well but the shitty techno music in SS2 destroys the atmosphere.
>get a life
Why are you trying to act like a black normie? Face it, you are a white skinny kissless virgin like the rest of us, stop acting hard you little bitch
>Hello! I'm Ian Curtis, and I watch Rok TV every day!
i also didnt like it that much. stopped after 5 hours of forcing myself to play. i just hate respawning enemies in games where you have limitied resources. there are superior games, like deus ex for example, out there.