English voice acting is shit

>English voice acting is shit
>don't speak Jap, so need to read subtitles in the middle of an encounter or boss fight, which is more than a little inconvenient
What do?

disable voices and subtitles

Stop having bad ears

>>don't speak Jap
no one fucking cares. go fucking cry to your gf about it

Don't be a faggot weeb. Problem solved.

Learn Japanese.

I'm happy with the English dub
How much of a difference does switching to subs make?

The English dub is great, especially for 9S.

Playing in Japanese and reading the subtitles whilst you're in the middle of a boss battle made me switch to the dub.

>What do?
Learn to read subtitles. It's a very convenient skill to have.

Fuck Automata and play Gestalt

Stop caring about voice acting in video games.

The english dub is fine, the only thing you need to do is get better tastes.

>can't speed read
how are you still alive

>play the one with the shirtless man instead of the sexy lady robot

Stop playing games for weeaboos.

It's honestly pretty disorienting having to read the subs and play the game. I understand subs in anime and movies, in fact I prefer them, but something about subs in video games puts me off. Metro 2033 and last light are other examples of this. A lot of people hate the silly Russian accents, but I think they're perfectly serviceable

The dub for automata was good

9S is a good boy.

Automata is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills machines and doesn't afraid of anything

Maybe it gets better later on, but I'm not going to bother finding out. The "trailer" cinematic that Square always does before you press Start, and the intro cinematic in the spaceships was crap. 2B's voice actress is doing that thing that amateurs do, where they think if they read their lines really breathy, it's a good enough substitute for actually acting.

That's the problem that most localization teams don't get about voice acting, is that there's always two elements to casting: the quality/match of the actor's voice, and the quality of the performance. People will forgive a mismatched voice if the performance is good, but you can't ignore a terrible performance. If 2B had instead been voiced by Keith David, it would have been jarring for the first hour or so, but a great actor will make you forget that.

you mean you're not autistic enough to do both? gotta admit, a little disappointed in you, user

Learn Japanese, problem solved.

9S's voice acting in English is outstanding. The issue is the fucking translation team.

How do you know the Japanese is better if you don't understand the fucking language?

user, don't ask stupid questions.

Quick tip: 2B sounds monotone because of story reasons

>If 2B had instead been voiced by Keith David, it would have been jarring for the first hour or so
nigga, I'll pay 100 bucks to hear David voiced 2B

>Hi I need your help
>>Ah yes the Japanese is much better since I can read my localization text and easily understand them

Stop playing the game because it's shit anyway. Listen to the soundtrack instead.

I don't know. I've never had any problems reading subtitles in any game.

>need to read subtitles in the middle of an encounter or boss fight, which is more than a little inconvenient
Learn to read faster.

The English voice acting is fucking fine jesus christ I fucking hate weebshits so goddamn much

>tfw not a brainlet
>tfw can play and read at the same time

thank christ

English 2B doesn't sound monotone. She sounds like a bitchy teenager. Even her Japanese voice is not monotone since she seems to have more personality than her English counterpart.

The English dub has some pretty great moments lad, just takes some getting used to. Save the Jap dub for the eventual replay.

Oh no, you might not get the true, deepest emotion of this plot written for literal 12 year olds. How will you ever survive not undergoing the true nippon experience of *anime battle scream* or, better yet, the touching moments of "DO YOU WANT TO FUCK 2B"

dubfags please kill yourselves

>but something about subs in video games puts me off.
your individual experience of basically being the caricature of a soyboy means nothing to anyone but you


That's the best part, and its completely unvoiced.

Yeah why don't you go outside, have a chat with a normal, sensible human being. Start it with "i only play my anime games with true japanesse voices, if you disagree, kys."

That would be the point.

>I fucking hate weebshits so goddamn much
This, thankfully there isn't as much on r/gaming
i hate weebs so fucking much

i only listen to games, or film, or television, in the original language, because i'm not five years old and i can read subtitles.
if you disagree, you have bad taste and i don't want to associate you. feel free to also kill yourself.

Is there anything sadder than pretending you're superior because you can read subs?

You're getting effectively the same experience, with the exact same dogshit script as a dubfag.

>Is there anything sadder than pretending you're superior because you can read subs?
pretending you're superior because you don't try to?

I found myself in the same predicament, what you do in that case is understand very little.

spam dodge while reading, the game is hella forgiving with dodge so you can literally be god mode for a couple of sec while reading if you want

the subtitles are still based on the localized script same as the dub. unless you actually understand the original language you're just deluding yourself.

>cant read subtitles and pay attention to whats going on onscreen

need to watch more anime senpai

Don't worry, the english subs aren't accurate anyways.

so? do you also need someone to read it to you?

You must have misunderstood me, I'm not a peasant like you. I don't need subtitles for weeb media, dude.

Acting like you're better for reading subs is like expecting people to be impressed that you chocolate coat your dogshit before you eat it. Sure, you might be slightly above the idiots who are consuming straight dogshit, but you're still eating 90% dogshit.

The rest of us are over here eating regular chocolates, wondering what the fuck is wrong with you.

so you're getting the exact same inaccurate translation as dub fags.

so why do you also need to listen to the dub? can't you read, nigger?

>English voice acting is shit


Are there seriously people that have difficulties with reading subtitles?
I refuse to believe this.

>enable japanese dub

Never again

So what you are saying is that you DON'T know the languages and you are just pretending you can appreciate what you are watching because someone else had to translate it for you. Truly a weeblord. None of the knowledge, all of the ego for it.

Reading subtitles while passively watching a movie/anime/cutscene? No. Reading subtitles while in the middle of a boss fight is something else entirely.

How ironic that your post lacked reading comprehension.

Why are you pretending like you're so superior when you're still getting an inaccurate view of the game just like dubfags? Learn the language or fuck off.

how about you learn to read or fuck off?

that's not the point. you listen to the original audio because you think it's more accurate to the original experience, but you don't understand the language so you have to read the subs which are based on the same source as the dub. you are essentially getting the same experience someone listening to the dub would also get.


>normal is too easy
>hard means everything one shots you

This game is garbage. It's clear Taro only cared about airing his shitty sophomoric writing.

Explain what you mean by a soyboy user, it's not like the word has any meaning anymore

>i can't understand emotions unless they're speaking english

Doesn't matter, takes split seconds.

What's the best way to learn Japanese besides living there?

you can hear the emotion behind the words sure but you still have no idea what they're saying and your only source of information is inaccurate subtitles based on the localized script.

>I can only appreciate things in my make-believe assumption that this language I don't comprehend does it better, even though I have no idea if they do since I can't fucking tell what they are saying to begin with
>but they say shit like in my animes so i get it!!

>can't keep track of 2 areas of your screen
Why do you even bother with action games? Just stick to farmville or something you woman.

>be american
>can only speak one language
>can only do one task at a time
Is this the future of people? Racemixing needs to stop.

>What do?
Play a good game

>you can hear the emotion behind the words sure
And then for some reason, you just kept talking.

I feel like people who go on a site like this and ask "what's the best way to do x" are people who have a vague wish to do x but not the actual ambition to accomplish x.

Normalfags and children. They have the basic excuse of blind ignorance, most of them probably couldn't even locate Japan on a map. These people are definitely retards, but this is more due to inexperience than actual idiocy.

Insufferable ironic weebs. They have managed to cotton on to the basic fact that localisation work is a sham industry that only produces low quality content, but they're too lazy to learn the language. Almost certainly insufferable people to be around, due to their bizarre superiority complex despite consuming identical content to dubfags.

>Japanese speakers
Kings. Anyone who has made it through the hilariously simple path of learning Japanese, especially in the internet age where high quality learning material is available around every corner, has managed to elevate themselves a few orders of magnitude above the petty arguments of sub v dub.

Women are better at multitasking, doofus.

"Fine" does not mean better user

Why do you fags have such a problem with people who wan't to play game or watch a show in their original format?

Personally, I just find it Anime/Jap game Eng dubbing cringy

I have such a fucking ambition to do it at this point that I'm one step away from signing up for one as a class for next semester

all of the information you're getting in subs is inaccurate to the original audio and just as bad as listening to the dub

>i only listen to games, or film, or television, in the original language, because i'm not five years old and i can read subtitles.
You watch it in its native language but in the end still have to understand it through translation into your own language. What's the fucking point? I could understand if you actually know the language and can sense the nuance but using subs for the sake of subs is just being literally pretentious..

I feel you, but actually having to tell people you know japanesse has to make for a laguable circumstance. You gigantic weeaboo.


You listen in the original language to get the original emotion and tonality because the original language actors have direction directly from the original writers and directors.
When you watch dubs you're getting guess work. Not just guess work but guess work in a chain of guess work. Like a big game of telephone. Subtitles are supposed to accurately translate because you only have to sync the scene overall and not every detail of the scene like you would in a dub. And as we both know, video game localization are shit at localizing so you don't even get that. Which is why 2b is sardonic in english and stoic in japanese and why a2 is a grumpy old man in japanese and bitchy in english.

Yeah that's why women rank at the top of every e-sport competition. The "multitasking" you're thinking of doesn't apply here, imbecile.

your post is garbage. it's clear you didn't play the game. very hard is where you die instantly

Yeah, but the dub has the double distinction of not only having inaccurate information with regards to the words, but also inaccurate information regarding the actors' performance. So now, you're losing both the script and direction in translation.

thanks for making this post, now i know the guy that calls subfags ironic weebs is just asspained that none of his friends know japanese.

learning jap has been one of the best decisions i ever made

>You listen in the original language to get the original emotion and tonality because the original language actors have direction directly from the original writers and directors.
I don't know about Automata but Taro was involved in the dub of the original and liked Kaine's english delivery so much that he gave her a special intro that's not in the japanese version.


>not being a japanese speaker who still watches subs to constantly criticize how shit/localized they are
you are like a baby

You aren't going to make it.

If you actually had "ambition", you'd start today. Go to one of the /djt/'s, read the guide, and start the grind. A class will teach you next to nothing, learning a language is 95% self-discipline. You can easily self-teach something as basic as a language.

I don't have trouble reading subtitles, I'm a foreigner (to amerifats) but it is blatantly more enjoyable to be able to focus fully on what's happening at the screen rather than reading lines. Maybe if you've always watched stuff with subs your entire life and you don't care about cinematography or quality animation you wouldn't realize it, but once I started caring about these things I grew less fond of subtitles and now I prefer to avoid them as long as the dub isn't garbage. Sure, the rest of the screen is still within your vision when reading subs but you aren't able to fully appreciate the visuals, and you can easily miss brief and subtle nuances while your eyes are focused at the bottom. Pic related, just imagine a whole scene above that text completely blurred out.

Comparing film dubs to video game dubs is not really valid because in films you are constantly seeing the lines not syncing up with the mouth movements which is jarring as fuck. This isn't an issue in video games because you for one rarely get a close view of their mouth movement, two, many video games lip sync for more than one languge, and three, a lot of video games don't even have accurate lip syncing in their home language to begin with. It is for similar reasons also not as big of a deal in anime as it is in live action film. The only genuine problem with dubs is that they so often just sound like shit, but in the cases that they don't it's hardly any different from reading subs.

Kill yourself.

English was fine in the game and this is coming from someone who speaks Japanese.

Literally not how it works in the slightest, you pedantic, pretentious, uninformed gook-lover. A 0.5 google search can even bring you up the process of approval necessary for current age dubbing work.
Stop. being. a faggot.

Ladies first.

>process of approval necessary for current age dubbing work
being related to anthony burch?

Well it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm already in bed, so I will start tomorrow. Thanks user

>being an always sub or an always dub fag
>not listening to both sets of voices individually and picking one arbitrarily
I bet these always sub fags would play Kingdom Hearts in Japanese, despite the fact that they were rereleased in Japan because they all preferred the English cast.