What's your favourite horror game?

What's your favourite horror game?

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I like Ib a lot, if that counts

me too

Cave explorer

Silent Hill (1>2>4>3) > REmake > Rule of Rose > Clocktower 1



Saya no Uta

Corpse Party or Ib
Kara no Shoujo

For story, Irisu Syndrome. For atmosphere...Haunting Ground? I just really like gothic scenery.

The anime has really butchered his stories.

At least Tomie is still a 10/10

Dead Space

>Junji Ito
>worthwhile story

Those endings are a fucking joke most of the time, don't kid yourself.

it cant be translated into any other medium. the movie was so shit it grounded this as fact

SH1 + 4, Darkseed and IHNMAIMS, System Shock 2... and Dark Souls 3 must count.

i thought Bioshock was pretty spooky for the first 3 or so areas.

i also really liked Haunting Ground even though the gameplay was kinda shit.

Silent Hill 1

What is this anime called?

>Trusting Studio Deen to actually animate anything

Nothing, It doesn't exist.

But if you want to know where OP's image is from read the junji Ito collections.

Why is horror so often tied in with sexual themes or lewdness in general? Honest question from an user that doesn't really play horror games too often.

Junji Ito's Powerpoint Presentation

They made a Tomie anime? since when?

The mission in Halo CE where the flood are introduced.

I'm guessing it's because such a thing is considered sacred/taboo

take my armchair opinion with a grain of salt:

maybe the shock from gratuitous nudity is lessened (or perceived to be lessened) when next to something grotesque like bloody violence.
"omg do I see a tit- HOLY SHIT THEY JUST CUT HER HEAD OFF" something like that?

Dark Corners of the Earth or Resident Evil 2. Can't really decide

Both are heavily ingrained in b movie tradition horror movies almost always had tiddies

junji ito game when?

Both fear and sexuality are deeply embedded in our instincts
are you still doing the hand thing

It doesn't even matter if the endings can be disappointing, they're butchering his ALREADY very short stories. They took out half the development of the Window Next Door story despite it being something like 10 pages - absolutely killing the pacing and build up. They did the exact same to Used Record and it's baffling why they think that's a good decision.

World of Horror is heavily inspired by his works.
It's only demo for now but looks pretty good.

Sex is something that the normal human unconsciously thinks of everyday
A lot of human actions are determined by sex without us knowing
A large amount of heinous human acts are done because entirely because of sex, just looking at pretty much any male serial killer
Plus in Western society sex has become a taboo to most people, when you mix violence and horror with it, it instantly becomes sickening to the majority

what anime is this

I honestly love playing World of Horror but it's so fucking buggy.

Shut the fuck up we're discussing horror vidya

ok, my bad

Alien: Isolation

Junji Ito collection. It's kind of hit and miss imo.

The last episode with the circus and the ancestral scalps was so fucking bad. The animation completely ruined everything and the stories themselves were laughably dumb.

It's okay, we're all human in this thread

The shittiest taste in the whole thread

Cry me a river.

Forbidden Siren 2

>t. Freud

Please fuck off with this m8.

Stalker was spooky as fuck in the first playthrough. Even after playing all 3 parts modded to hell and back it still manages to create some tense moments.

Dating Ariane

Holy fucking shit is that supposed to be Tomie? So cute

Negro P.T. was basically a Junji Ito game

You moron that picture doesn’t even capture 10% of Tomie’s beauty.

>he thinks those images could compare to Tomie's beauty


I don't know if it's a reference to one of the stories where a guy tried painting her but the anime version appears to be 100x better. Might even watch it because of that

Not my favorite and fuck the haters...but I picked up the new RE on the steam sale. Its pretty good. I wish there were more enemies, but overall the game is decent.

Have you played a RE game before?

Tomie is perfection in every medium, but some Tomies are better than others

I want to play as a snailman.

Many of them them. I never played 1 or 3 but I played 2, code veronica, 0, 4, and 5.

thank you

Fear and the urge to procreate are probably the two most basic, primal emotions. Fear and sex also enhance one another. When an animal senses there's substantial risk of death, the urge to replace itself rises. Conversely, during coitus, an animal is at it's most vulnerable, so the fear response is stronger when danger arises.

Play Dungeon Crawl or Cataclysm DDA

Play REmake then, it's a lot better than RE7

>Implying this isn't hot

Junji Itos Fun Time With Sharks and Robots

Fear for the flesh

>waifuing Ito characters


I mean, many of the former resident evil games were better, but 7 has been quite enjoyable atmosphere wise other than the bad scrub enemies and the shortness.

I know Sup Forums is so far up its own ass, but I still think that of what I have played, 4 was still by far the best RE game, and all those games mentioned I played around release.


>Silent Hills was going to have Ito as the main artist


Are any of these live action Tomie movies actually good?

Sex is scary

I hate RE7, no wonder it's mostly played by twitch streamers. It's like Capcom wanted to ripoff boss Outlast and P.T. They failed.
It's a near perfect game. Nothing wrong with liking it. REmake=RE2=RE4 but RE2 is still the best for me.


I haven't watched them but since japs can't into live action except for Kenshin they are most likely shit

>tfw you miss the ito dumper
Good times

both, fix'd!

t. creationist

Tomie a cute.

Would give head pats to.

Is this as terrifying as it looks? I've been wanting to look at japanese horror. Fucking Ringu and Ju'On are awesome

But would Tomie let you give her headpats?

Anybody else think the first model was cuter than Tomie?

Read the manga and ignore every other adaptation

No. The show is garbage.

Owch. That sucks. I really dig Junji Ito. What did they fuck up?

I'm surprised that Kenshin was actually pretty good.

The animation is really bad.

Everything except making Tomie the cutest

>her duh der pretentious
I acknowledge that Freud is a fucking nutbag hack
but if you ignore the fact that sex and death are two of the most important things in human psychology then you're actually retarded
I'm not even pretending to be smart, it's just a simple breakdown of what almost every good horror piece does

So what does this lady do?

She'd be embarrassed and try to act all tsun tsun, but in the end she'd just heavily blush.

she's beautiful

Steal your heart with how beautiful she is!

who is tomie?

Animation is terrible, basically it tries to do a panel for panel recreation, take out about half of those panels and story, and then have no idea what they’re doing inbetween so everything comes off super awkward.

So far episode 8 has been so far the worst offender in terms of quality.

And what if you continued to pat her head?

a cute