ITT: Vidya fan"art"

ITT: Vidya fan"art"

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is that Gus Fring with a purple wig on the right? what game is this supposed to represent?

Doki Doki Literature Club.

Spoiler: He got blocked.

How anyone thought that putting tanned men faces on Japanese highschoolers was fine is beyond me.

Why does tumblr draw like this?
This is borderline body horror

Why do fat people order so many fries at McDonalds?
I think that tumblrites have lost many brain cells and believe that their shite is ok,


la creatura...

tfw when someone who can draw wastes their ability on bad art.
Anyway, referencing is the way for those who want to learn art and put out better fanart than anything shown here.

it gets attention. it's "empowering". it's traced from other sources so they can't fix shit to make it look less horrible. pick a couple.

This is why women belong in the kitchen and tending to the family, not drawing shitty fan-art

>someone who can draw wastes their ability on bad art
What the fuck did he mean by this?

this fan art is not good

Imagine that your personal value depends so much on being desirable to males that drawings of attractive females are a legitimate treat to your sense of self-worth.

Besides making a few characters black for no reason (and the dumb getting offended over fictional characters) it's not actually THAT bad; they at least still look like girls. Not like this

What are these height inaccuracies and why?
Eli even has a chin.

Do you have koala nose?
You know what I mean

It appears to be an act of violence against the concept of cuteness. At least with shitty mspaint fetish art it's conceived as something that certain degenerate people find appealing, but this seems to be purposefully hideous.
Are you sure you want it?

The far left and second from right are guys in girls clothes, look at their legs not only their hairy as apes but very masculine looking

this is fake right
there isnt a single normal one in here

I know I also found this

Seeing fuckers like koala nose fuel me with rage and grant me strength to never stoop to their level

I could sell my soul and draw furry shit for money for the rest of my life and still know that I'd never be one of these tumblrinas. Now post that tumblrina that actually went BACKWARDS in her art, the one with the Tony Stark and Steve Roger fuck ups

Delete this right fucking now.

>adding delicious chocolate
>"Not your waifu"

Bitch, you just made her more waifuable.

Why is Zelda levitating?

Eh, that's more innocent cringy 16 year old discovering fetish art for the first time type of stuff. The people in this thread like that fire emblem bitch are way beyond ever getting their heads out of their asses. Meanwhile, those 16 year old cringe fucks can eventually realize "oh I was a dumb kid".

she hanged herself acording to the author

They're all dudes. Blond 4th from left has the kind of masculine features people would kill for. Mexican goblin 4th from right is the least femine thing you'll be able to find today, even if all you do for the rest of the day is look at pictures of penises.

brown maki is unironically kinda cute
also nico is a clear improvement over the original

oh wait shit i just realized she's 29

Sure she is user, sure she is.

I love her

Tumblr produces almost nothing but absolute trash, the content, the userbase, the ideas, all trash.
The best artists on tumblr are always guys that just do it for exposure and nothing more.
Whey are women so shit at everything?

I wanna hang out with Sayori but Natsuki is my one and only

kek those comments.

Much of Japanese art is made by grils tho.
The west on the other hand, hmmm.

m8 there's so many good smut artists but none of them decide to go anywhere else, it's a shame. guess some of them care about being known on deviantart, for whatever reason?

Hey now, tumblr has some great pages for art and inspiration and such. Its just that the shitty stuff seems to be the majority or gets the most attention.


The 4th bloned guy reminds me of crossdresser from this season anime about hitmans


Lets be real here, Jojo was never cool. It was just homoerotic smut passed off as a children's comic


TF2 is still cool
Evangelion and KLK are still cool
MLP is only bad if you delve too deep into the fandom


no, mlp is and always will be cancer. everything else are things you can be forgiven for, but not THAT

>legend of the galactic heroes

infinitely better, infinitely cuter

Please delete this



New series being produced. So queue the cancerous fanbase latching onto the old series.

Eh, least they didn't intentionally make it look like megashit.

This utterly disgusts me.

I don't give a fuck about the fandom but FLCL was perfect just as it was and season 2 is going to retroactively ruin it

I heard it. But in a deep black mans voice. And its truely disturbing.

It's going the way of Jojo
People keep bringing it up to show their "good taste" (no popular shit allowed) and soon it gets a new series/entry (Jojo had the anime)

I don't care much about dumb fanbases or whatever, so I'm fine with a new series, but I'm not digging these designs here.

Can't wait until reddit takes over bkub completely so people stop posting it


haha thats what it sounds like when i take my penis out haha

>galactic hero no basuke

Someone please post the JoJo one or the Undertale one.

You know what it is

i have seen literal fat fetish art that did bkubs style better than this

mfw I know this artist and last I checked she was a massive troll.

>original work is shitty on purpose but still entertaining
>manage to make fanwork that is unironically bad and unfunny

I play this version

things can be art even if you dont like them. your approval, or even its quality is unimportant, the only thing that matters is whether or not the artist´s dedication went into it.

dedication is stupid overrated. the results are all that matter.

Spoken like a true soyboy.

I am not disagreeing, I am only saying that you can not simply dismiss things from being "art", even if they suck, which in this case, they do.

I don't dislike them, they definitely provided me with quality entertainment.

spoken like a true mental retard.

>the only thing that matters is whether or not the artist´s dedication went into it.
Just because I've got constipation doesn't make my bowel movements art.

I don't disagree but sequels retroactively ruining things has always been fucking stupid. An easily ignorable sequel is not a detriment to the original. Does anyone shit on DMC1 for DMC2's existence?

where's the 4th panel?

Sure, it's still art. And art can be shit.

Yes, and just because modernists and post-modernists believe there are no objective standards for art does not make it true. Shit art can be objectively shit.

it was fun before they added stands

I like this. This image makes me happy.


And some art is shit you seaweed gargler, no matter how much effort the artist put into it.

Gee.. it's almost like there's a joke behind the image that went miles over your head.

That's what you get for liking popular things user

>"i-it's just a joke"
Sure, keep telling yourself that

>Dude, what if we merely pretend they look like retards, haha

Meant for


Right. There couldn't possibly be any logical reason that they all have very distinct charicaturized male faces. I'm sure its some tv show reference or something.

>it was fun when it was ripping off fist of the north star
pretty much, yes

Some are jokes.
Most aren't.

Alright who did this?!

why the fuck do 'women' have to ruin absolutely everything they get their fucking hands on


Tumblr fan-art and the like still disgust me but it doesn't bother me anymore. Most of these artists will die alone and cold because they are weak, their bloodline is weak, people like these artists will not survive the winter. For this, I offer them sweat embrace of sudden liberation, the swift movement of my safety scissors across their chest and back and suffer uncomfortable scratches into oblivion.

"I think the video of Luther inflating makes me want to do Freddi Fish inflation, so I used to pump her up!"

Someone drop the Danganronpa one

Stiens? When?...
Are the fans a bunch of elitists?