Freelancer remade in unity

Freelancer remade in unity
yay or nay?

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unity is as bad if not worse than cryengine

Only if bandits become joinable and AI is improved.

Eh, why not?

>implying you can recreate the feel of freelancer

Oh hey, that's my game.

I'd play a new game resembling freelancer but remakes are stupid.

Also I hope you're across level of detail and not rendering shit that's too far to see because this will cause problems and it's the number one fuckup that amateur unity devs fuck up.


I mean, you could mod it into Freelancer but it's not a straight up remake. It's an original game, original setting, and a lot of shit Freelancer never had.

>Also I hope you're across level of detail and not rendering shit that's too far to see because this will cause problems and it's the number one fuckup that amateur unity devs fuck up.

You mean LOD and occlusion. Already got that in.

Why unity?

Play this instead


You realize I also made that.

lol Todd



It's trainwiz now but yeah, hi.

You better have at least gotten to Daam Kvosh space in Sup Forumslancer. I didn't spend weeks slaving over shitty text files for those.

What do you think of Star Citizen?

Too slow and too many little QoL problems. They keep focusing on the newest feature or the newest tech rather than sticking around and making what's already there feel good. And it doesn't feel good. They also shouldn't have used CryEngine, so much boilerplate crap is in there that the advantages it does have are unsuitable especially if you were going for a giant ass space sim game.

>mouse flight
Nigger, it's 2018. If you're not going to make a spaceflight game with HOTAS support, then don't fucking bother.

Already as hotas/gamepad support. Doesn't feel good.

explain why, not-developers

It's unoptimized

Honestly I've been making this on a crappy refurbished laptop and it runs fine, and I've barely optimized it beyond the skyboxes.

How to print easy money if you're named Microsoft:

A) Release Freelancer on Steam, GoG and mobile

B) Use your Freelancer IP and create a new game using this IP

Doesn't seem that hard on paper, what the fuck is M$ doing?

is that a fricking space train?
what is your obsession with trains?

Trains are cool man.

selling Minecraft

What's with these Rick n Morty names


This particular race has really stupid names and language, much to the embarrassment of the sapient suns that created them.

what do these meters mean?

Of course it is unoptimized, because it is universally appliable.
The optimization is supposed to be done by the developer of the game, after they have decided what game they are making, and know what parts can be optimized.

Are you gonna have 'tall' space ships.

dont care if they used the same engine like the original, what matters is, can they make the second half of the game not-boring?

Orange is your heavy equipment meter, it's what you have in place of torpedoes. It's like Sup Forumslancer's heavy equipment slot, usually it's some sort of super strong weapon, like a railgun or a hyperspace rift creator, or a gateway to the missile dimension. Some of them play different or are defensive in nature though, like things that create a bubble that negates any incoming projectiles or marks a specific enemy to take more damage.

Green is your frienddrive. Lorewise it's a lost piece of tech that lets you make instant jumps but only to those you absolutely trust.
In-game it's got two different functions. Singleplayer it quick summons party members, in multiplayer it lets you jump to group members that are far away for quick-teamups. It's got a charge rate and range.

>using the environment in space to damage enemies
hey,that's pretty cool I hope you expand on that

There's various stuff like that. A big feature of Sup Forumslancer was the boss fights and this is no different. There's a few bosses that even come back, albeit in a different context and a lot different mechanics.

If you mean after the singleplayer campaign where all that's left is to go the monkey planet, yeah. There's sidequests and a bunch of other side content, since a general lack of content was Freelancer's biggest flaw.

keep it icy men, i don't want to end up a corpse before my time because YOU were daydreaming.

But do you have canned dialogue and shit talking back-and-forth. Do police scan you for contraband? And do they tell you very loudly that they are.

will it have a cute asian waifu?

Had the tech to construct conversations for space chatter a while ago. So they do all that. Different sectors of space have different things they consider illegal though.

It doesn't have humans, at all. It doesn't even have water.

Who are (You), then? A robot?

No SODA no buy.
I'd buy it anyway because Sup Forumslancer is fun.

It's all weird as shit aliens. Hyperintelligent warrior microbes, floating crystal entities that are permanently angry at everything, religious starship hiveminds, that sort of thing.

if i'm not going to be shot at, knocked out, held at gunpoint, electrocuted, skewered alive by giant alien shapeshifters, have to dive out windows, or fight off spindly nomad incubi, then no thanks.

You only did half of those things in Freelancer.

To this day I still regret not continuing my work on the freelancer inspired space sim.
But at least I will get to play something similar in the future, good job underspace dev


why not team up?

It's got several, lots of races make those. You know before they're consumed by interdimensional death storms that bring ships to life.

Would be hard. Already working on my own projects and a different space game with a team.

Does it actually bring your ship to life

>yay or nay?

If you do have dyson spheres, you need to add an easter egg that can randomly occur where a boat can come flying out of a random portal or something and go hurtling towards the dyson sphere, only to make a tiny, piddly little impact against it

No. The main "gimmick" for the game is that storms blow across the galaxy and systems they hit have weird effects happen to them, usually hazards or monsters that spawn. One of these things can be wrecks of lost big ships that alive and end up as haunted death machines you fight as random bosses. There's a specific faction that hunts down the ones that escape and a few sidequests involve them.

Can you still engine kill thruster drift?

Yep. I think I do it in that video. It's got every single feature Freelancer has already.

So I can be a space monster Hunter? Fucking sweet

Space monster hunter is exactly what your profession is supposed to be. You're one of the guys that goes in and kills the storms.

>It doesn't even have water.
this breaks any potential immersion so fucking hard, like holy shit

Buy an ad like everyone else


This always gave me a sensible chuckle.

What I loved the most about Freelancer was the "lore" of different capital ships embarking on the journey. When they fled Sol system I liked how the Spanish ship went missing and they eventually became a group of raiders doing their own shit. I love how there's a German sector, British, Japanese and Murican. I love how they have their distinct ship designs. I love how they have their stations and planets named after real life stuff from old earth. I love the politically landscape and would love to have more background info about it. Fuck man, I need a Freelancer 2 so bad, it hurts

Because they're retarded.

shame you have pirate freelancer, i'd buy it to show support for a new game.

Wait I remember this, ganbatte dev user

>Freelancer remade
>in unity

There's nothing actually wrong with Unity.

Keep it up user, I'll buy it. Saw you post on the vlancer group a few days back.

Anyone here remember Limit Theory?

I try not too.

Then why do all Unity games run like shit and feel like half-assed jobs?

Dude went insane trying to code the game solo a few years ago, but apparently he has 3 people on his team now and they're making progress according to his dev blog

>all unity games
You don't know what games are actually Unity games do you.

Huh odd, your trip isn't showing for me. I didn't know you do things other than tes mods, this looks amazing. Do you even have a real job? How do you have the time for everything?

It doesn't take that long to do everything. This is about seven months of work and most of the features are done.

Was that the like Star Citizen before star Star Citizen?

There's always a Unity logo somewhere. Either in the game's splash, or the dev was too lazy to disable the launcher and code proper settings into his game, or the game's icon etc.

Don't only focus on the wacky stuff though. What I love about Freelancer is that it feels so personal. Like playing the X games, Elite or Darkstar One and so on they all feel so impersonal most of the time. Like you never get a sense that you are an actual person in this world. I hope you manage to capture that feeling.

Or just taking a peek in the game folder
You can really quickly tell it's a Unity game just by the folder structure and filetypes

Is there anywhere I can follow along with this things progress other than the vlancer steam group? Do you have atrainwiz blog somewhere that has all your projects for that matter, tes and this?

That's exactly why you don't know which games out there are Unity games. The actual good ones don't have the logo.

It was one of the games that was kickstarted not long after the Star Citizen campaign reached its original goals. Showed tons of promise. Then the dev got a psychotic episode (as far as I understand from reading his blog) and the project crashed completely.
Could've been worse. I hear the Noctis dev is in an even worse condition.

is that a talking barrel?


Thanks. I'll buy this when it comes out. Been a fan of your stuff for ages.

I always use barrels as placeholders.

Hey Trainwiz, I'm kinda curious. Does any of the Papyrus scripting lingo carry over into Unity scripting/programming? Like did it help you any or are you more of a "classically trained" programmer and knew all your shit before going in?

Got into papyrus scripting recently and I'm kinda curious if any game engines use the same type of syntax with the if statements and stuff like that since it seemed to click with me and I've managed to actually do a lot of the stuff I set out to do with my mod. Which is insane to me since I've always had no patience to learn or understand to code.

How much of this art are placeholders anyways? I remember reading this was the kind of style you were going for and I can't help but feel it will turn of a lot of people off from trying it. Even if it has some simple charms to it.

There will be a variety of ships right? Will we get capital ships?

I work professionally in the industry as a programmer already and have a degree.
Papyrus is sorta similar but it has its own little issues.

Pretty much all of it that isn't shit like planets, suns, effects.

Shadowrun and upcoming Battletech are fine

>Papyrus is sorta similar but it has its own little issues.
Got it. Thanks.

And Cuphead and Hollow Knight.

can I have a space apartment where I can store my ship,get calls for missions,look at the artifacts/relics/decorations I've collected?

I'm in favor of this idea.
That or like a Mass Effect style thing where you can walk around your ship a bit. Though I guess that would be hard since most ships will probably be smaller and you would need to make functional interiors for every single one of them.