Get decimated online

>get decimated online
>"haha fucking bitch ass scrub, why you mad?"
>"I'm not"

so that's why they wear boxing gloves

I'm sure kangaroo meat tastes good, but I'm weirded out about the idea of eating it.

Nah,it has a really strong tinge on the meat,and its pretty tough as well

Real gamey taste, makes a decent burger though

Yes, I'm sure eating muscle would be pleasant.

better than beef imo

So literally like all other forms of meat? What the fuck do you think a steak is?

>lemme in, m8. I'll be your kangaroo wife, m8.

Man I would knock that giant rat right the fuck out if I caught one clawing my window


id love to see a red lean back on its tail and open you up m8

It's shitty meat for pets. Have camel if you want good meat.

A particular sort of taste hunted "game" meat has, such as venison. Even when it comes to stuff like venison, it tastes different if it's been hunted from the wild rather than farmed.

Camel is even weirder. I couldn't eat the animal that sells me my cigarettes.

Steak doesn't come from steak pouches? Then how to they harvest it without hurting the cow?

Taste like cat meat actually

It's basically, beef, but better quality, since they lived natural full lives and got culled as they are a pest here.

>wanting a big muscular thing to "open" someone up

Interesting, I've never hunted a game before but I have slaughtered a bull for the meat.


>It's basically, beef, but better quality, since they lived natural full lives
shouldnt you be posting on facebook about chemicals or something

Most meat you get at a supermarket is shit quality. This is a fact. Camel meat costs same as whatever the standard meat quality is, but is of better quality since you have to go out of your way to get it.

It's cheaper and of same, or better quality than store bought shit.

Where the fuck do you live? Saudi?

there is something that affects the meat in a bad way, and its not that(protip, its the manner in which they die)
but you did try your best

Australia, they're a pest species here.
That is factually incorrect. Easiest example would be wagyu beef, different fat content, more marbling etc.
Also time from death to your door (or the supermarket's door) is a factor as well.