>walk tall, my son
Noctis is 5'9"
Walk tall, my son
Other urls found in this thread:
>5' 9"
When will Manlets learn?
And you are 6'2"?
>tfw 5' 11 and 3/4"
What are some games that let me be this autistic?
Manlet spotted
Why did we get this decrepit 90 year old when the early designs for Regis looked fantastic?
>tfw 6' and want to be a trap
>you are a manlet!
So predictabo your post nigga.
>officially confirmed to be crippled for life
He actually has an excuse to be a manlet.
He got old and being a Caelum sucks.
What are some games where i can project this hard.
Manlet pls
royal edition on pc has more stuff than normal windows editionright?
>tfw 5'8"
I want to fucking DIE
I'm 6' 3" though.
Windows Edition is the Royal Edition for PC. The cracked version is gimped, though.
in what way gimped?
>tfw 6"3 but micro penis
Any games where i can the height of other people based on their opinions?
No DLC content (or at least it was inaccessible a few days ago).
God, this game is so terrible in english
like honestly it's one of the worst localizations I've ever seen
I suppose it makes sense if he were to age badly, having had Noct at 30 years of age and being now 50. It could make sense given the strain of maintaining the wall and all that, but he looks like he is between his late sixties to late seventies.
Why they keep pushing this manlet propaganda
>tfw 177cm feminine bull with 19 cm pengas
No but you can have this (you)
I know that feeling
> 6'3
> 6" micropenis
> only 8/10 face
> last time I had sex was two weeks ago
>it's a height thread
>no dick threads
>no face threads
>no int threads
Really makes me think.
>tfw 5'8"
then again I live in a nation of manlets so there's no need to worry about it
Are you me?
>6.5" micropenis
>8/10 face
>last time I had sex with 2 months ago
we're going to make it brah
Thanks, dude.
you kidding? I'm 5'11" and every time I step on the tube I feel like the tiniest person alive. Everyone here is fucking huge.
>tfw 5'10"
>tfw perfectly middle of the road in height at school
>tfw no one has ever mentioned my height as a negative or a positive
then you've not listened to german
That's the point; the Caelums have short lives. Cor for example has served three Caelum kings and still looks looks young enough to be Regis' son. Iedolas outlived three Caelum kings and still lived to see a fourth.
Why are you LARPing?
They just don't want to call you a manlet to your face in case they hurt your fee fees.
How is 6 inches a micro penis?
>tfw 5'11
>always say I'm 6ft when someone asks me about how tall I am.
Well, that's half-true since I always wear an over inch footwear everytime I go outside.
>or at least it was inaccessible a few days ago
is there a new crack other than the demo.exe one?
below 6 is basically laughing stock
6 is average
7 is good
8+ is optimal
atleast im tall enough for them to respect me enough to not hurt my fee fees
Fucking kill hourself. Hoe can you be sad with these. I have a small penis (and i mean a legit small penis, not huur 6 inches), am ugly, poor, am a third worlder, and im also a huge obtuse sperg who cant function
And to top it all off i fell in love with some dumb slut people keep posting on /v
So fuck you
where abouts? maybe it's a northern thing but the 5ft 9 average seems dead on around here
Gay user here. Ive talking to the girls who said 7 inches is the new average. They told me anything below that is a no-no.
Be my bf
>That look
Reminds me of this
wow sure is burger in here, aren't you guys supposed to be sleeping
>be me
>be 5'6"
>be still mad that Versus was ruined by Tabata
Dont you have some muslims to fellate? lmao
>some dumb slut people keep posting on Sup Forums
Pls post this slut?
>tfw 6'5 and only have a 7 incher
its not fair bros. Why cant I be part of the 9 inch master race.
>one and a half inch erect if I'm really aroused
Sometimes I wonder if God is a man, assuming he exists. I find that highly unlikely.
It's a trial for you, user. In your next life you will be born with a 10 incher if you respect your lot and let your gf fuck all the BBC's she wants. :^)
>sure is burger in here
' and " is what the UK use faggot.
Its that bitch who does jill valentine cosplaying
the chad confident manlet > the virgin "m-muh height" lanklet
>it's a obsessed Sup Forums episode
if there was a god humans would be a lot closer to equal in terms of body parts and skin color than they actually are. how do you think the entire 5'4 asian race feels
>this user has the same sized dick as me and is LITERALLY a foot taller
im so sorry
>tfw 6'2" with almost 8 inch micropenis when full erect
>can never get it fully hard though so it's usually only 6" and flaccid
Manlet pls go
You and you're friends sound like stupid ass sluts.
>Using retard measurements
Who the fuck even invented that shit.
Who went out of their way and said "this thing is 3 times the size of my foot"?
lmao youre 5'5, doesn't matter how big your dick is. Youre literally a failed abortion
>tfw 6" tall
>only have a 5'11" penis
Do you want to be my bf?
shut the fuck up
height is everything
Just saying. Seriously, if ur ugly, short or have a small penis you should basically not bother. You wouldnt believe the kind of shit that goes on female only conversations lol
i'm 5'5 and even i can feel your insecurity through your post user
Are you a bottom? Whats your opinion on small dicks then? I'm sure a small one would suffice since the prostate is only 3 inches in
he's not wrong though
you are literally invincible to women if you are even one of the following:
>below 6 foot
>below 6 inch penis
>below 7/10 face (acne scars, blackheads, ugly)
>terrible frame
>tfw 5'11
is there anything worse than almost not being a manlet
Im 5'5 and my peen is 4 inches and my gf said both dont matter. Stop being so insecure. I went to pick her up as she was done training with her personal trainer qnd she was sweaty and flushed and then i asked her what that wqs about and she told me it was because she was so happy to see me. So no, dick size height are a meme
>be 5'7" manlet
>loling forever that I've had sex and there are a ton of lanklets on this board that have not
>below 7/10 face (acne scars, blackheads, ugly)
just tell everybody your 6, noone can tell the fucking difference
Well if you ever get photographed shoplifting and walk past those height markers on doors, you'll look 6, maybe 6'2".
>Have GF
>Skip towns to visit her old friend
>Talks about my dick size
>Friends starts looking at me with a smile
>Get confused because I had no idea about what they're talking about because I don't speak their language
>She tells me later
Did my language barrier cuck me out of a threeway?
Don't mind him, manlet user
I would suck your dick
It's not.
>tfw 5/5
>you are literally invincible to women
>5" penis
been thinking about suicide a lot recently
>he doesn't know about penis surgery
The future is here, biganon.
He got old waiting for his game to come out.
>2'' benis
i would kill to be in your big shoes
>5" penis
>tfw under average but still not under enough for fetishists
Life is a series of almosts.
How does it get so small? Is it a legitimate medical issue?