>C-Capcom san.. c-can we just do that for you

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The state of the switch is genunily sad
its going the way of the Wii U exactly, losing third party support right at the 1 year mark

Fuck porting MHW to Switch, localize XX.

Why not fallout on switch?

They're also the ones that ported Borderlands 2 to the Vita and Arkham Knight for the PC, so I quite frankly don't believe they could do it without it being a hot mess. Anyone porting it to the Switch would have to butcher the game anyway.

Oh no.

How was the surprising to anyone? This exact same thing has happened since 5th gen.

I don't want World on Switch. I'd like to see Monster Hunter diverge at this point into two alternate realities. Console Hunter and Handheld Hunter.
3DS MonHun printed money for Capcom, PS4 MonHun prints money for Capcom.
There's literally not even one single tiny reason to stop making games for either of these systems if both of them make Capcom a mint. I fully expect to see a Switch Monster Hunter at some point.

this is it... i'm changing my switch for a ps4 slim... i just can't keep faking it, nintendo is dead...

There already is a switch monster hunter game, but it's Japan only so far with no news of localization.

Spotted : 2 niggers

>we'll never get XX localized
>i'll be fucking stuck doing nothing but farming kushala and vaal for the next year because MHW has no fucking end game

>Console prints money
No when they say shipped it means Capcom aren't making money so they have to ship a bunch of copies out to make a big number. Monster hunter will die on consoles, it isnt meant for normies and niggers. The main reason to have it on handhelds is to play with friends locally. Making monster hunter on consoles means everybody can play it like call of duty and neglect their friends. It's fucking pathetic that they buckled and put it on ps4 and xbox, PC will kill monster hunter with pirates.

Monster Hunter World is a massive flavour of the month right now. It might not have lasting appeal in the west, but it's definitely been popular among mainstream audiences so far.

>When a publisher delivers it’s product to a retailer, the retailer pays the publisher for the product. That’s it. The publisher got it’s revenue, and whether the game/console/accessory finds a home or gets to rot on a shelf, it doesn’t matter. The money is in the bag.

>Play XX on my switch anyways because it's region free

bro they sold 7.5 million to retailers in a month lol Capcom already got their money selling it to retailers

>Implying they even could

It'd look like trash, and ultimately be deemed an unprofessional hack job.

This game has BTFO Nintenbronies like no tommorow. They're literally begging for it now, holy hell.

Thats false, based on the fact they are IPs and Capcom is paying money to have these at stores, not the other way around you retard. Profit gain, for both the store selling the games and the game developer, starts when the videogame start selling.



What does you frequenting a gambling board have to do with any of this?

It means I know my shit more then some arm chair retard who doesn't do his homework on how shit works.

>already exceeded Wii U lifetime sales in less than a year
>it's going the way of the Wii U exactly

The nintendo cycle is real. Same thing happens every gen.

>Ships 5 millons
>Sup Forums meh just ship
>Sold it
>Ship another 2.5 millons
>Sup Forums ...

This is getting embarrasing

Better than farming rajang.

rajang is fun though

Not after the 100th time.

I'd gladly take anything that would be a challenge at this point. The closest thing to "difficulty" in World is Kirin, and then then the dumb horse can be stunlocked into death if you get lucky.


okay? So the idiots fell for this harder, doesn't mean that the third party support is going to materialize, or did you forget about the first Wii?

Should've waited for WorldU/G.

>Sold allready more than Wii U in 4 1/2 years
>Had more Third Party Support in the first year than Wii U in the first 2 years

Shitpost quality is dropping on lower lebvels every day

Weren't skyrim and doom switch ports hot garbage? Also pretty sure capcom could do that themselves.



Even if it mattered this time around, I don't see how Capcom not wanting to port World to the Switch when it already has an established MH title on it means the console has lost all third party support.

Capcom was being nice when they said it wasn't possible. You'd have to severely gimp the game to make it work when current consoles struggle at times for 30 fps.

third partry support doesnt mean shit when it consists of multiplats and shitty indies you can get off of humble bundle for 5 cents nigga.

the first party ips are all that matter on a nintendo system, and theyve clearly fucked themselves a new asshole by spreading the releases so far apart.


They did what they could with the hardware.

>losing 3rd party support
>sells the most on indies next to steam
>even fucking bethesda is making games for it
>even got a dark souls port

what exactly are your qualifications for failure

>third partry support doesnt mean shit when it consists of multiplats and shitty indies you can get off of humble bundle for 5 cents nigga.

Actually this means everything according to this thread.
The Switch has more multiplats so far than in the first year than Gc, Wii and Wii U combined in their first year.
Indies hold now a much higher position in the gaming community compared to last gen. This is reflected in the high Indie sales in the Nintendo eShop.

And how did they fuck themselves if they released First Party titles faster than any Nintendo console before? The first year had moregrea First Party titles than Wii U in the first 2 years for example and more exclusives than Ps4 had in the first year. I dont get it

State of Nintendofags. They are turning into a crazy cult.

>being poor

Personally I think World is not a good fit on Switch, it's cluttered as fuck and only looks pretty on the big screen, it's gonna look awful on portable mode.

Objectively false

No one could have ported Borderlands 2 to the Vita and made it good and Dave Lang all but confirmed that there was WB fuckery that prevented the Arkham Knight PC port from being worth a shit. Iron Galaxy has done good work with other games, they improved Killer Instinct's performance so fucking much when they took over that game that it's almost unrecognizable to the game Double Helix put out.

>muh indies
Difference between Switchfags and Vitafags is that Vitafags never bragged about $20 Flash browser games.

Then these games clearly aren't worth playing on the switch then.


No kidding

I love how the thumbnail for that article is low rez as shit and perfectly represents how a Switch port of MHW would go

The next difference Switch is actually selling and has good exclusives games that dont consists out of waifu bait weaboo shit

>no arguments, heads straight for personal attacks
are we sure Nintendies aren't actually underage?

The third difference is that Vitafags never became desperate enough to brag about their indie games like Nintendofags are doing.

Nah, just leave the Nintendies out of MonHun's future.

They are not needed anymore. World has proved the franchise is healthy enough to move on from the pit of shit hardware and shittier userbase that it was stuck in since Tri.

This is getting pathetic at this point
Well, it's not really a surprise i mean, who didn't see it coming ? When your entire marketing campaign is based only around hype and when you think that shovelware/indies are a good substitue to actual thrid parties and that they will make it easier for people to wait inbetween your few first party releases, then yeah it was pretty obvious it would turn out to be like that.


Pointing out the flaws of your and the other shitposters argument isnt bragging dipshit.

>third party support doesnt mean shit when the support is made up of indie games


it would run like ass on a switch

people forget the switch is worse than an xbox (not even the one) in hardware

Nintendofags don't realize what a huge bottleneck Switch is for multiplat development. MH is done on Nintendo. World proved Capcom doesn't need them.

Shovelware and Flash browser games is hardly third-party worth bragging about.

>gets paid to do it
>royalties from one of the most successful games of the year
>get to take the game on the go portably
Literally no downsides for the guy. It would be the career opportunity of the year.
No chance of it ever happening though.

neither of which are what the support is

How will they manage that when the switch cant even run it? It'd have to be mutilated beyond recognition, even then it'd run at around 15fps, completely unacceptable.

What a fucking surprise a Nintendo machine that it's only worthy to play Zelda and Mario.

I never saw it coming!

Switch lacks the defining third-party games of this gen. It has shit wortwhile third-parties.

Man I sure miss my quality games like fifa, madden, cod, other fifa, other cod, assassin man guy and many many more over those shitty varied indie trashgames with gameplay unlike my safe space games!

so third party doesnt matter if it doesnt have the games you specifically deem viable

4 is probably coming and they're waiting until after wolfenstein comes to switch.


Lel pathetic

literally asking for gibs.

Reminder that partaking in consolewars is an autistic trait leftover from schoolyard kiddies in the 90's who fought about sega and Nintendo. If you open your braindead mind and buy multiple consoles and a PC you will literally never have this problem. We're consumers, only people who work for those companies should care about 3rd party support, install base, etc. Just play the fucking games you like. Also pretty sure console war threads are banned anway so whoops.

The switch is barely less powerful than the xbone, just turn the clutter down a notch and it would run fine.


im extremely curious to hear what you would consider a "defining" third party game

You are missing MH World, boy.

Third-party doesn't matter when it's irrelevant indieshit that even Vita got you fucking toddler.

whatever man. i dont have anything against the switch, im just saying that i wouldnt buy one for some college faggot's newgrounds-tier video game project, man. which is like 90% of the fuckin indies, with the rest being on every platform imaginable


you dont even know what third party actually means, so you

>Vitafags don’t brag their purchase in defense

Why would you want XX over World?

Dude, console wars between Sega and Nintendo in the 90s were the best, the fucking best.

Nintendo didnt suck back then and at least discussions had a point

There's at least shit to do in XX.

i already beat world

don't talk about the gaming industry if you don't even understand a basic concept such as stores stocking a product. stores don't get their produce for free idiot.

Lol I have everything except the Xbone and still participate

They should do another MH Freedom

>only one wojak
I expect better from you Sup Forums

Why is any of this news? I didn't see those games come to the 3ds.

They don't use shovelware Flash games sold $20 like Nintendofags are doing. This is a new low even for toddlers.

that means I have to buy a fucking switch then

clearly you've missed every umaru pet game thread on Sup Forums ever, you blind dipshit

Yeah, Monster Hunter World will sure be nice on the Switch at a buttery smooth 10fps, at an eye-popping, stunning 720p with dynamic resolution scaling topping out at 360p during anything more exciting than staring at the wall in your house.

Just can't wait, Switchbrahs. HYPE!

They werent. They were a contest between children and manchildren who were so insecure about their purchase that they had to measure two companies dick sizes, when in reality they were cucking themselves out of doubling their library by not purchasing another console. When you really think about it console wars are just here to seperate the autismos from rational thinking consumers. There is no reason outside of being a poorfag to limit yourself to one console. It isn't like you own the company you're arguing for, so why are you so personally offended when people say one developer is better than the other? Just play the fucking games, christ. We should be arguing about game design. We should be arguing about what works in individual games and how developers can improve themselves. Comparison is the lowest form of analysis.

Why isn’t it on Switch anyways? Hasn’t Monster Hunter traditionally been on Nintendo system?

Most of these games wouldn't even run in the first place, you would have to downgrade them to the point where the game would just look like hot garbage

Seriously, are you saying NO ONE saw this comming? Nintendo had always had godawful 3rd party support, it's literally the same manchilds buying the consoles and bing bing wahoos over and over.

But you gotta wait for it switchbro, but dobn't worry daddytendo has thought about everything so here, to make us wait, daddy released a dong freeze wiiu port for only 60 dollars and how can i forget about great titles like chess ultra or snake pass costing 10-20 bucks more than on other platforms..... man nintendo sure knows how to treat their fanbase