Why haven't you bought FFXV: Royal Edition?

Why haven't you bought FFXV: Royal Edition?

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What is this shit are they still driving around in the middle of nowhere taking selfies.

I have the console version with all the DLC but id not see an option to upgrade to Royal Version. Is it because the store only updates on Tuesdays? Although there was a big patch before I went to sleep so maybe it’ll be there tomorrow. Also, how long is comrades? I just finished beating up Iggy and I think I only have two more trophies left. Is it just unlock all modes to beat the game, or is there some final mission I have to do?

Because PlayStation America hasn't updated the damn store so I can't fucking buy it.i hate being impatient.

Because I can buy the Royal Pack on sale much cheaper.

Because I bought this shit at full price on PS4 and it was easily one of the worst games I've played this generation.

yeah thats unironically the whole game

I doubt that highly. Have you tryed forming an opinion that was unbiased? It's not that hard really. You just have to give a little effort.

>Have you tryed forming an opinion that was unbiased?
Actually I haven't. I waited 10 years for this game so I was actually biased towards liking it, turned out I didn't. Also it's my fucking opinion, why on earth would I try to have an unbiased opinion on things I like? I also got the game on release day which means that not many people have played it before me.

looks okay. i'll have to try it out myself but i'm done paying for stuff for this game so fuck it

Because the game was a mess-technically and narratively. A mess of half-baked ideas. No tacked on insignificant DLC can change that.

One thing I can assure you, is that my hatred comes from a place of pureness. I was excited for this game since 2011. Didn't mind the rebranding from Versus to XV. Talked about it with peers all the time. Tuned into ATRs whenever I could. I had a lot of optimism going in. I just came out of the game, utterly perplexed at how they could mess up so horrifically. I couldn't even lie to myself that it was good. The lies. The deception. The failed potential. The awful story. The poor characters/side-characters. The downright detestable ARPG combat system. The sporadic pacing. The uninteresting world. All those cut-sequences. The butchered magic and summon systems. That stiff and ugly engine. The trash that was XV-Universe and the subsequent milking. The early-access nature of XV and the call for another season pass.

If there isn't a more pure form of hate than that, then I don't know what is.

>buying the Royal Edition
>when Finally "Finished" Edition will be out in 2019 with the 3-4 new DLC chapters included

whats that? i literally just bought the windows edition is that newer than the windows edition?

Maybe you just expected too much from it.

Yeah. I expected it to be a final fantasy game like the past few I played. Turns out it wasn't.

My expectations were reasonable based on the demos they fucking released. THEY DOWNGRADED THE GAME FROM THE DEMOS. What the fuck is wrong with Tabata?

Royal Edition is a re-release of the game with all of the DLC included as well as new content. The PC version is the Royal Edition.

>about to rebuy the game on PC
>All those missing slivers of content

Why would I want to?


>New cutscenes are low effort and awful looking like the new pic related scene (that also adds nothing to the game)
>The rest of the Royal Edition new cutscenes are VERY awkward to look at with barely any facial animation and the camera being placed away from their faces so they don't need to animate as much
>New boss fights are thrown in with no real reason or thought (having the past kings fight Noctis right before fighting Ardyn and literately just after fighting Cerberus)
>Luna is shoehorned in after the Cerberus fight and there's still no reason to care about her

I might buy it in 2025 when it's actually finished

I have. I'll be playing all day tomorrow.

Because I honestly think the added cutscenes and old kings bosses worsen the game. The way the bosses are implemented doesn't feel good, too forced for the fanservice at the end of each.

I don't like how Bahumut gets summoned right before the Ifrit fight to kill trash mobs. Kind of ruins the reveal. It's clear no thought went into this RE content.

Yeah the updates are actually making the game worse in many ways.

It still won't run at solid 60fps at 1080p on my machine. The character models spazing the fuck out every 5 seconds is also jarring and immersion breaking, especially in cutscenes.

Exactly, he just appears there along with all the other summons when he's supposed to make his grand entrance right after, it makes no sense.
They could have made it so his sword was launched from off screen without actually seeing him, but knowing he's there. It would have been much better imo.

>They added in a new side quest during Chapter 10 (the train station chapter where Ignis is stumbling around)
>Expect high value conent
>It's just a fetch quest where you find 4 baby Chocobos hiding

Reminder that people paid for THIS new content.


That seriously has to be a bug or mistake, FFXV is a mess, but this is a new low.
I'm getting Ep Ardyn and after that I'm done.
>tfw the final Episode is Episode Insomnia, and let's you actually play the invasion

Baby chocobos are a miracle of the universe.

Well, let's see.

The game is shit. That's one pretty important reason.

Then there is the fact that the "Royal" Edition still isn't the complete game. There will be more DLC afterwards which is absolutely cancerous behaviour by SE.

oh, neat, thanks homie

Who's the hottest girl of FFXV?


> That stiff and ugly engine
Pump your brakes kid, UE4 is a national trasure

FF15 being on PC doesn't magically turn it into a good video game.

What about Cindy?

FFVII Remake Survey: Select the content you would most like added to FINAL FANTASY VII Remake:
Story Content: Barret's Past
Story Content: Tifa's Past
Story Content: Aerith's Past
Story Content: Red XIII's Past
Story Content: Cid's Past
Story Content: Cait Sith
Playable Character: Yuffie
Optional Sidequest: Wutai
Playable Character: Vincent
Optional Story: Vincent's Past
Upgrade: Weapons can be crafted with multiple link slots
Upgrade: Add new Materia that alters stats

Save your money PC brothers. If you really want to play it, pirate it.

Does it have the Season Pass built in on PS4 too?

FFXV was created using the Luminous Engine, a combination of FFXIII's White Engine and FFvsXIII's Black Engine.

I liked the demo but I'll buy the game when it's finished

For the old content. Highly doubt it does for the upcoming DLCs.

Aranea, clearly. A character better than the game she's in, like Iggy.

>Royal Pack doesn't include Season Pass and that are DLCs and Comrades

ughh..like grow up ughh...

Its luminous engine though?

>Playable Character: Vincent
>He plays like a more refined version of Dirge of Cerberus, with various guns with customizable parts too
Fuck, I'd actually want that.

Aranea feels like from a completely different game. So I'd go with her.

DLCs dont work in the cracked version from what I know. And DLCs got Denuvo I think? Its gonna be a while before anyone gets them working if so.

>UE4 is a national trasure

I hope they stick to their guns. UE4 looks extremely ugly, especially with the way it handles explosions and fire which are all this sort of disgusting orange-ish hue.
And absolutely no one rewrites the shaders by themselves so it's staying that way in all the games made on it.

>national treasure
UE4 is a Chinese engine.

Alternatively, who's the hottest guy ?

So you're okay with SE selling people FFVII piecemeal like they're doing with FFXV?

Yeah, that's what I meant, god knows if they'll do another Royal Pack a few months after the whole second Season Pass is out. I wouldn't be surprised.
Is it at least discounted if you have the first Season Pass?

>UE4 looks extremely ugly
A game's engine does not dictate how it looks. Sup Forums, please stop being fucking stupid.

Obviously not, a game is not something you sell bit by bit like those promotions that come with magazines. FFXV is an embarrassment. But Vincent playing noticeably different from Cloud and like in DoC could be cool.

For fuck's sake, user. How about you finish reading the post before responding to it.

Iggy. There's little actual competition.



Still looks pretty bad and it won't change any of the horrible enemy and boss design. The whole combat was ruined from the start and they can't fix it anymore, a slightly better armiger than you get late in the game definitely won't fix this, there's nothing fun to fight anyway.
The MP has slightly better gameplay overall but even then it's still mediocre

Okay, that is fine (and something I hope for along with the characters being available for manual control by the player).

I don't understand why Luna looks so bad. She's actually ugly. And it's jarring when you compare her to Gentiana, Aranea, Iris, Cindy, etc...

>j-just expect shit guys and buy 5 season passess then it will be fine
No wonder FF is dead

I did finish reading your goddamn post, and my point still stands. I could show you 24 fucking games running on UE4 and you'd never guess it because you're on some autistic crusade.

Wtf? I literally watched the trailer in the steam store yesterday and it gave the UE4 logo right at the start

The massive amount of untapped potential from the dark world sequence pisses me. We never see Iris all grown up as a badass demon slayer, or Cindy, or fucking anyone really. You only get to explore the dark world alone until you get to the gas station, and you never get to explore the dark world with your full party in the fullest. The final city area and ending sequence is fucking tiny. It had all the potential to be an amazing end game reboot of the game world and they did fuck all with it.

That's essentially the entire game, nothing but fetch quests. It's like it's a shitty offline MMO.

Ignis, without a doubt.

Just wait another year so Tabata can ask fans again what they want because he has no idea what he's doing and doesn't give a shit about the game. He just wants to please the masses and blinded them with open world and fetch quests.
The future of FF baby

It's lazy design, isn't it? You know what's worse? FFXIV; an actual FF MMO has far more interesting and fun side quests.

The old king bossfights are so bad, every boss in this game looks nice but that's about it. How can you fuck up combat and bosses so hard. Why do the bosses have phases where they spam attack or projectiles that you would actually dodge or parry in other game when in XV all you have to do is literally just hold dodge

Is the PC version royal edition?

I haven't seen a lot of people complain about that part of the game though, and most people seem to love the entirety of the missing 10 years between the party being resolved in one awkward campfire convo. Going by priority it will probably never be good or stuck in a side DLC and not added to the main game.

FFXV's problems are structural and impossible to fix with DLCs. SE's trying to fix critical faults in the foundation and load bearing walls of a building with scotch tape.

The story is hot garbage, failing at the most basic storytelling tenets.
The combat is a complete joke. There is no skill in evasion. There is no skill in attacking. When there is no skill required to evade or attack in a realtime combat environment, there is 0 engagement beyond flashy visuals. And those quickly lose their luster.
The party has weak character designs both on their own, and relative to the series overall.
The way the game just completely falls apart from the middle onward is something else, wow.

It also has way better boss fights and summons and writing and still keeps the goofy stuff without going full meme embracing like FFXV. XV is basilcy just a meme at this point, they would put anything into the game to keep the attention up

>Luna is dead and the world is slowly falling to dark
>Ignis is blind after sacrificing his eyesight for Noctis
>Tensions are high
>"Sure! I'll go look for your Chocobos!"

...Did the team actually put ANY thought behind this?

This did happen kind of, Japan has an international edition of final fantasy 7 that came with all the tweaks and additions like the weapon bosses that the rest of the world got when it released.

Obviously not as horrendously fucked up as FF15s practices though

>Ignore hype
>Ignore disappointment
>Wait years for complete edition
>Finally announced
>Just the normal disc with a code for 900GB worth of shit which will probably have 30 minutes worth of pop up notifications and a gameplay options menu with 50 toggle features
>Gotta wait more years for the second complete edition

The entirety of Heavensward is better than FFXV in every possible way.

No, FFXV was created using the Luminous Engine user. No UE4 here at all.

Hardly the same when it's Japanese exclusive. All that really did was fuck over people in Japan and maybe the odd weeaboo.

It just feels like every DLC and patch moves it even further away from what it could've been even after it turned into FFXV.
The DLCs and patches are clearly just built around fan demand and shit and not to actually work well with the story

>>Just the normal disc with a code for 900GB worth of shit which will probably have 30 minutes worth of pop up notifications and a gameplay options menu with 50 toggle features
Because the game is warming shelves and they need to use the unsold copies for something. It SHIPPED 6 million copies which people don't seem to understand. Sold =/= shipped. The game has been on permanent sale on my country's PSN store and regualry between $15-25 physically at my local mall; something VERY uncommon in my country unless it's a commercial failure.

Come on dude I loved FFXV and am excited for the PC release to play it again, but that dude is just sharing his opinion and stating it as such, how is that a bad thing?

Most SE and FF fans are idiots. They see those numbers and probably think it has teh most FF sales ever and that braking even at 5 million is a good thing when that shit probably doesn't include all the marketing and engine cost

Truly, games as a service are a cancer that is just starting and will only get worse.

No criticism against FFXV is allowed. It's always "you haven't played it", "just don't expect anything" or "it's better than [insert random game] cunt"

Hell, Noctis is in Tekken, use that bullshit to give me an unarmed moveset.

Well yeah but it's just interesting, there is a surprising amount of these "international" versions out there FF12 with the Zodiac Job System is the only one I can think of that made it back round to the rest of the world.

Well, Comrades is supposed to be about the 10 year stretch.

wew lad even mmore flashy shit to fight all those amazing sponge bosses that don't give a shit
The KH handheld games play like masterpieces compared to this shit

You know what's worse?
>"But FFXV is the FASTEST selling FF game of all time...!"
Yeah, because it was the first FF game to have a simultaneous release around the world.

And don't forget things like Kingsglaive that would have cost around $30 million to make only grossing $1 million.

I will probably never go back to it, some story updates definitely won't pull me back when the gameplay is still not good and all the bossfights are horrible and way too easy.
Usually i go back to arpgs and do boss challenges or runs or harder difficulties but in XV it literally doesn't matter

Really? They didn't even add any lore about the old kings? That was the only thing that even remotely piqued my interest in giving this game a second chance. Welp.
Are the individual fights themselves fun at least?

I want Ep Iggy 2, where they fix the thunder daggers and add a toggle to use spear combos.

After the initial release people really shouldn't expect anything better afterwards anyway. SE is literally just shitting out DLCs for years and make half the team work on the game for 3-4 more years after release.
I hate all the idiots that say "b-but at least tabata released a game!"
If we're really at this point of acceptance then i'll just drop FF forever

Meanwhile fucking HZD and MHW basicly already outsold it in less time and without years of marketing and events and movies

No, not really. They're standard fights really. The only one that's remotely interesting is that one of them is Ardyn's brother, but it's never expanded on.