Why are there no more nipplebumps in games now?

Around 2000-2008 they weren't really a problem but now you can't even find them in fanservice games like Dead or Alive. The only game I can think of that has them is Gravity Rush 2 for some reason. Why is this? Are nipplebumps considered TOO lewd?



Don't worry it'll be gone after the coming economic collapse. In the Cascadia I will build after only men will vote.

they realized how stupid it looks
nipples don't stay hard 24/7

>middle of the fight in DoA
>the girls are getting sweaty
>the nipples get erected with wet shirts


you need the power of PS5 for that stuff

The nipplebumps in DOA pushed it's rating up.
They dropped it for the equivalent of a teen rating in Japan.

No nips, but Tekken 7 has sweat and wet skin.

>sweat and wet skin.
pretty much every modern AAA game has that

True, but I am talking fighting games with this. I don't know much about DoA so i'm not sure if it does.

One of the marketing blurbs for their newer engine for DOA5 on PS4/X1. was wet effects and better jiggle physics, if memory serves.

t virgin my gf has to use double pads because her nipples are always hard

incomplete without erect nipples

Only a handful of games have erect nipples in them at all, so you are really asking for something that wasn't common at any point.

Blame the SJWs

>has to use double pads because her nipples are always hard
>she's actually looking for a new bf and wants her boobs to appear bigger
You're a cuck user.

>tfw Kat's game has nipples

is fapping to 2d more ethical than fapping to 3d?

why are nipples considered the naughtiest part of the titty when men have them too?

As far as DoA's concerned it's because oatmeal cookie left and without his autism team ninja became twice as lazy and jewish

Fuck user, are you literally some nippleless freak or something? Even for guys that shit hurts after awhile. Ask any runner.

Probably because devs are lazy. Same reasons mirrors don't work in modern games.

never because waifufags killed the franchise since 5 is trash and only cared about whales playing dolls

At this point it all depends on the game's popularity. Street Fighter and DoA have notoriety for have sexy women in sexy outfits and have gained a lot of attention in the media. Gravity Rush isn't anywhere near their levels of attention grabbing for people to lash out at so it gets to be left alone.

>two examples
>one is concept art
Bring me more vidya nipples, faggot.

Nobody gave a shit back on the day, now you have feminism so no one wants to deal with them because of nipples.

yeah but that's because she's a fucking hobo who can't even afford a bra

every game is rated D (17+) except for dimensions which is rated C (15+)


I am still upset at this.


don't need to tell me twice

Sweat/dirt effects were added in DOA5. They improved the wet skin look in the volleyball game as well.

Because there's not really any point to sucking on a man's nipples. A woman's breasts represent motherhood and nourishment.

Expect them to add nipple bumps to Venus Vacation eventually. You'll have to pay extra for them of course.

Wtf are those things pointing out?

This. If you fly under the radar like Gravity Rush or Senran Kagura, you can get away with it.

these little bumps on women's breasts

I wonder what a womans' nipple feels like...

I'm not even him, and you sound in denial.

truly these people are worse than bowser

I need to suck on those kitty titties.

Cammy used to have nipple bumps under her leotard, but because SFV was going to be on ESPN, Capcom quickly patched them out just before the event.
She also has a cameltoe and that wasn't removed, but because of that ESPN won't allow Cammy's default costume to be used when the games are being broadcasted, the player must instead use the only outfit in which she wear a dress with spats underneath.

TLDR. Eatsports are cancer.

>because devs are lazy
user, i think getting a mirror to work in a game is a much more arduous process than adding a couple extra bumps to the character model.

sjws are to blame

There are cases of nipplebumbs removal but you are missinformed as fuck OP.

- Dead or Alive was never know for nipplebumbs, DOAX2 was the first and only game to have to them, it never came back after that, that is till DOA5 had a costume DLC pack for sports outfits, the soccer shirts have nipplebumps for some reason.

The only legit case of nipples being dimed is Street Fighter V, Cammy had them and ESPN had Capcom remove them if they wanted that e-sports coverage. Now people need to wait and see if Taki in SCVI will have them or not, she had it just fine till Lost Swords.

>motherhood and nourishment.
those are hardly negative things

And even without the nipples she was still deemed too lewd in her DEFAULT outfit. What a fucking joke when in beach volleyball you can see bare ass and cameltoe all the time.
But they won't tell Capcom to remove Urien, Ed and Zangief bulges, I guess television wants everyone to turn gay.

That double standard is interesting. Video related.

esports has always been cancer. A bunch of soy eating skinny nerds who think they're hot shit when most people just view them as social rejects. Then they'll look back on their lives when they're 40 and flipping burgers for minimum wage and question their life choices.

No, but that's why men have been obsessed with women's breasts since the dawn of humanity. It just morphed into a sexual thing so that men could continue that obsession into adulthood.

>turn everyone gay

Oh silly goy...user! Whatever do you mean? Turn everyone gay? That's just crazy!

And yet previous cultures had no problem with breasts or sexualising breasts. Why do christian countries... oh that's why

>Turn everyone gay? That's just crazy!

user you were a faggot all along, I've been here for years and I still don't jerk it to trannies or futa because, you know, I'm not a fag.

stupid asshole amerifats ruining everything

they hate nipples but chopping people up is fine

Games with occasional fanservice are more exciting than just dedicated soft porn. It's almost absurd, but getting a good glimpse of Ayane's figure in a Ninja Gaiden is hotter than seeing her straight up pole dancing in the latest DoAX. It doesn't help that the "standardized fanservice" models reek of cut corners and make things repetitive. Also as the others mentioned, nipples. Their presence, even if hidden, makes the girls feel real while in the newer games you could dress em up in a bikini as small as a peanut and you'd get not even the subtlest hint of a nipple. It doesn't count as a tease anymore when there's fucking nothing there

there are a site who compile videos like that?

glad pron games developed further, mainstream progresses backwards...

post more examples of this problem

DOA has had it since 5. It also has thin fabric becoming translucent while wet and hair getting darker while wet as well.

>they improved

The fuck they did. Skin looks awful, like plastic.

>because oatmeal cookie

Kill yourself Itagaki autist

Also i can't believe there is no video on youtube of Momiji's sweaty Hot Police win pose with the translucent fabric and sweat running down her cleavage. What the fuck are these people doing?

The real question is...
Are cameltoe in games to lewd?

*Too lewd?

Good stuff