Condom Cum: Unpolishness

> unfinished 60$ game
What went wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread:


>unfinished $60 kickstarter game that lacks many promised features and doesn't represent that was shown in trailers at all

>bash thread
I lost 20 hours to the corrupted save glitch before the patch, and I still think it’s the most interesting game this year. Suck a dick tech fucker, if you want immersive sims with perfectly running operations go play farm sim or any EA sports game you fag

the only bug i have seen in ~50 hours is a quest item that didn't leave my inventory when it was supposed to. it has zero weight, so it's no big deal.

i think people with the save mod are breaking quest scripting by saving constantly and then blaming the game

what the fuck this shit is real

I'm really enjoying the game but holy fuck kickstarter is such bullshit

Smithing was also promised, but it was a part of original pitch, not a stretch goal.

I got 2 bugs in 60hours. Too fat for doors and the stairs, tho I dont think its a bug since you can sprint up so maybe a physics issue.

game is fun, nothing u can do about it
back to leftypol you go

>playable female character

The reason why the game doesn't get abused for its missteps is it sucked alt-right dick.

>unfinished 60$ game
What else is new?

>I'm really enjoying the game but holy fuck kickstarter is such bullshit
If it wasn't for Kickstarter, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the game.

That's what happens when your developers are alt-right schmucks.

Holy shit I didn't even realise it was a Kickstarter scam. Shills did s good job of sliding that.

how unpolished is it compared to, say, the gothic series or even elex?

Haha、stay mad faggot

Why are commies so easily triggered by this game? The only thing 'controversial' I've heard is that the only race is white, which is historically accurate in that part of Europe

>Oh shit someone's pointing out it's flaws better start political shitflinging to distract

Love how Henry beats the ever loving shit out of Runt with his sword pommel and guard.

The first few posts of this thread discuss some pretty ridiculous flaws with the game- why are you not engaging with those?

>people paid $60 to play the worst version of the game

remember kids don't pre-purchase, don't buy on day one

Because I don't give a fuck

Witcher 3 launched with as many bugs as a day 1 bethesda game, and reviewers worldwide proclaimed:
>OMG game of the year,

KC:D has bugs on release, Reviewers worldwide:
>Fucking piece of shit game

What went wrong?

If you have right wing opinions you're less intelligent - that's a fact, google it.

>buying singleplayer games at launch

it'll be half price and way better in a year

Then go to Sup Forums or resetera if you want to talk about politics. This is a vidya board.

>AAA game with paid marketing gets treated well


So when will you start replying to yourself since no one is dumb enough to take your shit tier false flagging bait?


>As the point of the other guy's post completely goes over his head
Typical delusional lefty, when will they learn?

If you have left wing opinions you are most likely suffering minor brain damage, that's a fact, google it.

You're either samefagging or falling for a false flag

Runt fight was a joke:
> loading black screen with subs instead cut scene
> he dies from 1-2 hits
Wow gg, vavra u so good

Because at least Witcher 3 had 200 hours of content on launch day, Kingdom Come only has 50 with 30 hours added in because my save file kept getting corrupted.

If a game has something political surrounding it that gives probable cause to have a discussion about it retard

It's been shown in studies that your brain actually functions better by shutting down certain parts of it.

If you’re leftie or alt right. Both are retarded cunts. Sup Forums kids doesn’t understand that world isnt black n white

The mods really need to ban discussion of this turd on Sup Forums already.

People would rather fling shit at each other over politics rather than talk about the game so i don't see the point in allowing threads in it anymore.

>mfw I killed him with a single stab to the face a second into the fight

>I'm so above it all, opinions are for losers. I didn't vote either. Only retards vote.

Your brain damage went wrong.
W3 was more polished, kcd has unacceptable level of bugs glitches

i wish they would ban all wojack posters as well
but that's not going to happen either

The game isn't political. It's a made up controversy between SJWs and Sup Forums and has literally Z E R O bearing on the game. Sup Forums is a board on this site specifically suited for politics and political controversies and would be much better suited to discuss the naunces of SJWs wanting to blackwash media but please keep it out of this board so we can just discuss games.

Ironic shitpost is still shitpost, kenistani nigger

>still butthurt

You could always hide the threads but instead you come in them and whine like a little bitch.

Maybe in certain specific situations it does but in a survival sense it does not. False positives keep you alive, false negatives get you killed. Our brain evolved to be this way for a reason.

Becaues the reality of small indie devs is that they don't have the time and resources to QA like big AAA devs do.

Look at STALKER or Mountain Blade for example. Amazing games after the modding community was able to polish them to perfect but completely broken and buggy at launch.

I paid full $60 to support the genre and the ambitions of the studio but I had no illusions I was probably gonna get a buggy mess.

Still wasn't expecting the combat system to be so shit tho.

>cant play as a pretty girl
Biggest turnoff for me t b h

Not a vidya related post. Take it elsewhere

It's legitimate to tell foreign invaders who don't respect our boards culture to fuck off. Surely you agree with that concept eh?


How about you fuck off?


Literally the only political-wing autists think the game has any racial agenda. Only loony Tumblr spastics who think eye contact is rape were asking if there were gonna be blacks in the game and honestly if people are defending this game for refusing a fringe opinion then they have ridiculously low political standards.

They made a video way before release detailing many features they were cutting from the game.

why wont you just cut off your balls?

>veterans of gaming industry
>8 years, 4 in active development
>don't have the time and resources

>completely broken and buggy at launch.
Are you retarded?

No. I'm the one who wants to talk about video games

Wow... $1M missing from a $35M game means it won't be made... really makes one think...

Then start talking about them

Buddy just because you decided to have a stick up your ass about people discussing certain topics does not mean we have to as well, if you don't like that than I have bad news for you - Nobody cares and no amount of crying will change that, fuck off

The combat system needs work. Lategame just isn't fun as there's no point in being aggressive when enemies constantly riposte you even if you feint and all you can do is master stroke their attacks.

>Kingdom Cumskin

STALKER and Mountain Blade were completely playable at launch.

>Only loony Tumblr spastics who think eye contact is rape were asking if there were gonna be blacks in the game

Imagine being such a delusional gamergator that you think people are put to get your shitty little alt-right mount & blade rip-off.

You are the looney ones who keep bringing the damn thing up at every occasion. Literally nobody else cares.


Still not a super big AAA developer with DICE money. Though it's admittedly not a real excuse for what they churned out.

>Release M&B

Remember fighting a siege and almost winning but then an arrow kills you at the last minute so the whole fight is rendered irrelevant?

STALKER crashed every 10 minutes before it was patched senpai.

Literally my first post in this threat so direct your autistic rage at the other dude faggot.

lawsuit when? how is this legal?

Did I triggered you, alt right scum? You

Drumpfkins refuse to buy games with women because they're of them. So it was a smart business decision.

>Remember fighting a siege and almost winning but then an arrow kills you at the last minute so the whole fight is rendered irrelevant?
yeah that still happens. Almost every mod lets combat continue ater you get knocked out though.

It's this sort of newfag behaviour that fucking killed Sup Forums to begin with.

>Still not a super big AAA developer with DICE money.
They still had all the time in the world and $35mil, that's more than most developers have and much much more than what indies have to work with.

>Remember fighting a siege and almost winning but then an arrow kills you at the last minute so the whole fight is rendered irrelevant?
Your whole argument is irrelevant, getting killed and resorting to auto-calculation is not a bug. Shitty auto-resolve exists in all games that have auto-resolve as a feature. You really are retarded.

Then leave

The best part is that you just know 95% of the people who backed this game will go through mental gymnastics to defend this.

Not surprising since they refused to buy zero horizon dawn simply because the main character is female. These cavemen are threatened by anything...

Kinda my point tho, vanilla M&B had so many weird gameplay decisions at release the almost all mods like Diplomacy hammered out later.

Admittedly, M&B's release was way more stable than this.

Suit yourself buddy, just my 2 cents. For what it's worth I was disappointed in what I got and I don't see the modding community hammering this into something functional.

>STALKER crashed every 10 minutes before it was patched senpai.
I played STALKER on launch. Got it on CD without any patches, game ran completely fine. How the game ran on Steam and modern OS years later is not an argument.

The sight of a single black NPC would send them into a blinding rage. It's not like they didn't exist back then. Like a b
African trader wouldn't make the journey up there or something.

Wasn't disagreeing with you user, just thought it didn't have anything to do with release instability or whatever.

This, and I've been here about five years now. You're too old for this site now grandpa, scram

Bugs in every quest was already okay in a game that no one could possibly describe as Anti-SJW, because it was good and fun.
People who screech about this game are no better than bethesda shills who can't accept that Obsidian made their shit infinitely better.

> finished monastery quest
> keep getting daily monastery notifications
> go eat with others, go to church, go to sleep etc
> started vranic mission
> ALL Talmberg related quests are bugged now
> Aaah so this is what they mean by “you won’t be able to continue some quests”
> literally warns you game’s in beta test
My fucking sides

Yeah that poor phrasing on my part, I'm already getting roasted for it.

The main problem is that it was a kickstarter game and the backers were demanding they release it.

Impatience is an asshole.

It's better than Skyrim.

At least I didn't call you retarded

so have the patches fixed this shit or what?

Thanks user.

Because they're literally not obligated in any way to produce anything you mouth breathing retard

The performance is shit on anything other than low gtx 1060 here. Pirated copy but version 1.25. Is the steam version as shit?

Should've worn a fucking helmet. Or gave him plate armor for fucks sake.

Lock picking is so fucked on XBOX, sold it back to Gamestop the day after I bought it. Mayber buyit back in 2 years when they fix levitating horse and shit combat and and stupid cut scenes, dream sequence immersion, etc. this game should have been fucking wenches, drinking mead and kicking ass but its on rails garbage instead. Rather read a book.

3 weeks and still no patch, even though niggers said they’re working on it. They’re prolly counting money

Skyrim had better combat. Both are repetitive and boring but it was less frustrating.

>Sup Forums
that's hilarious you redditor/neogaf/resetera wherever the fuck you came from, faggot. board culture is fucking dead and has been dead since before you got here. ecelebs and jewtube isn't board culture

I've been using Sup Forums on and off since 2008 my man so your blatant lies won't do shit

Try not being poor

Prove it

Stop lying retard