Why do Blizzard hate high-skill heroes but buff potato tier heroes to godtier?

What's the consequence for missing a Symmetra-tier aiming hack sequence as Sombra that disables abilities? Nothing, not only is it 0.65 of a second but there's no cool down reset either.

What's the consequence to missing a slow moving projectile sleep dart that disables abilities? 12 second cooldown and you're probably dead

STOP making low-risk high-reward heroes brokenly overpowered. Now with flail girl coming who just hits people (where's the finesse in that?) I fear that Ana will just be pushed aside because at the moment she's high-risk low-reward

There you go. Now move on.

Who gives a shit anymore, Overwatch isn't gonna get better any time soon.

I'm sure if you posted this to Jeff in the blizzard forums when he's doing a QA he'd gladly respond on it and his reasons in depth

I shouldn't care, BUT I really do.
I'm well aware i'm addicted to the game at this point but I can't seem to drop it

The reward for playing a high skill character is knowing you’re playing a high skill character. If you can’t play that character, there’s plenty of easy characters who will always do good.

The same people who still haven't nerfed brainlet hero Junkrat.

>Luicio (deservedly) nerfed in ctf
>Meanwhile Roadhog is still an unkillable tank that can heal while carrying the flag in ctf
>Genji double jump was also ignored

Why the FUCK can't they make good decisions when it comes to balance?

ana is literally the only fun healer and they nerfed her into shit. Fucking mercy, MERCY is better than her.

and she wouldn't even that bad if it wasn't for that fucking monkey and fucking d.va

It's been exactly a year since I played Overwatch, I dropped it when they removed No Limits March 2017. It's simply put a trash game, while the balance was always off, I used to have fun fucking around with friends in No Limits. Now it's just an unfun mess that forces you into one of the more 'serious' modes, while the game itself is not nearly serious enough to support it. If you're looking for a MOBA, get Dota. If you're looking for a better shooter, get CSGO.

I forget who it was, but one of the TF2 guys who played early Overwatch with the devs mentioned how the Overwatch team felt it was more important that characters feel useful and how rewarding good movement or aim was secondary.

Blizz is always going to have balancing issues because of the higher skill ceiling characters. Characters like Widow or Hanzo will always either be too trash or too good, until they get a completely revamped toolkit. There's a reason they're both not in the top 10 heroes played right now. The risk vs reward to use them isn't worth it. They are extremely easy to shut down and require skill to play.

lmao do you not remember when ana first cane out?
She was fucking autopick, you lose without her + roadhog

Blizzards design philosophy is literally "each character takea turns being good". They LITERALLY ADMITTED THIS for hearthstone. Your fault for expecting anything different

all overwatch heros are braindead

> feel useful and how rewarding good movement or aim was secondary.


I always thought this was retarded. Mercy, one of the easiest heroes in the game has the undisputed best healing while Ana can only do better in bursts while struggling to keep it for the rest of the time. If they're so adamant on kissing casualfaggot ass they should at least add more depth to their skilled heroes.
Why can't Ana headshot? Because they feel that it'd make Ana players priotize DPSing over heals. So why not just make Ana heal more (obviously not the standard 2x multiplier) on headshots? Or even an AoE heal effect like the Sydney Sleeper's piss explosion.

Dude ctf was absolutely fucked from the start, you are literally retarded if you think it is even possible to balance in this shit game. It is not designed for ctf and it will NEVER EVER EVER be fun in ctf

Now with 1 Star difficulty "DUH just bash stuff" Ana is gonna be even more marginalised.

Dive is only popular because it's the meta that fits all of Blizzards favourites in it. Genji, Tracer, D.va, Monkey (All mascots for the game) and Mercy.

Ana should be made more rewarding to play but she's just not gonna get a look in with Brigitte and Moira. The Support that was always associated with triple tank is now worse at it than Moira.

Ana is my favourite hero but what exactly is Ana good for now? Zen is the strongest off-support, Ana can't survive in dive but also she just can't heal if preoccupied. She's not a main healer any more, her damage is shit, I guess nade is still pretty good but you have to decide whether to keep yourself alive or actually use it for it's purpose.


Stop playing skin simulator 2016 and expecting any content of merit, retard.

Honestly, I have no idea what the fuck you idiots expected.

Because the potato players buy loot boxes.

Kill yourself. It's almost fine with the exception of the two I mentioned getting away with what they do.

There's no reason Ana should feel so unrewarding. There are ways to balance a high-skill hero without making them trash unless you're grandmaster.

Mercy can just hold left click and crouch in a corner, occasionally hitting right click. Moira has some nuance but Mercy shouldn't have been anywhere near the high tiers and pro play yet it was an instant loss if you picked anyone else but her.

This went on for 6 months

>takes a hero out of action for 6 seconds
>on a 12 second cooldown
>i missed boohoo boohoo this isnt fair wtf why did I die
Overwatch is a shit game, but you are retardedand ana is still overpowered. its just that everyone else is too

Because the game is balanced more around pro meta than it is around average meta. Low skill champs don't figure highly in high elo.

No it isn't
You have shit taste and enjoy swallowing cum

Ana wasn't to OP one in that meta. All the tanks were nerfed after that too.

Ana's burst healing wasn't what made tank meta unstoppable. It was DPS 1-shot Roadhog, Defence Matrix D.va eating everything. Maybe the speed boost on nano boost was a bit op but otherwise the dominance of triple tank was down to overtuned tanks rather than Ana being massively OP.

What was 6 months of Mercy meta in pro play about then?

Even if I agreed with you (which I dont) the second part of my post is still completely valid.

There are exceptions to every rule, especially if that's the only support that could fill the niche that mercy feels. For awhile your only choices were Lucio and Mercy, Lucio got nerfed to all hell, and Mercy got super buffed and Ana has been a mixed bag her whole existence.

Huh sounds like blizzard fucking sucks dick a balancing, WHO WOULDA THOUGHT???

Ana already does 70 damage a shot is why she can't head shot. She shits out damage in a really safe and strong way. The issue is that Winston bubble is buff as hell and D.VA can delete you if she looks at you now. It doesn't help that discord enables them both super hard and Lucio/Mercy/Moira are flexible in positioning. Fact is even if Ana was never nerfed she'd still probably be in the backseat right now.

It went from nanoboost the rein to nanoboost the reaper to nano boost the genji. Ana was pretty fun back when she first came out. I remember at times my nanoboosted reins could catch up to a lucio on speed and kill him.

The top pick list for GM is D.Va, Tracer, Zen, Moira, Genji, Roadhog, Lucio, Mercy, Winston, McCree.

The only high skill classes from those are Genji and Tracer, and to a lesser extent Zen and McCree. The rest are extremely scrub friendly. Pros don't pick Hanzo or Widow or Ana because there's no fucking point. High skill, high risk, low reward. They need to have more diverse toolkits. The fact Widow still has an 8 second cooldown on such a weak ability like grappling hook is a fucking joke. Genji can flip around the map and climb up anything, and this bitch has to wait 8 seconds to use her restricted mobility ability. Her mine ability is weak as fuck and her secondary fire is basically useless. If you aren't headshotting Tracers or Genjis with her you aren't helping your team. So, nobody picks her, except scrubs, and then your team gets punished for it.

What this post forgets to mention, is that of the characters listed, the only ones that are enjoyable to play are the DPS

Good job bliz

But Widow is meta in pro play. If anything the grappling hook has too low of a cd so they can just keep switching positions repeatedly to get picks. And because in OW your skill doesn't matter when it's 5v6 because fight is autolost by then it makes Widow really strong.

>lucio was broke as fuck day 1
>needed to be nerfed to the ground before he became balanced because they didn't (and still haven't) though to put a single ability in the game can that provide AoE slowing that isn't Mei's ult

>Mercy was broke as fuck pre nerf
>needed to be nerfed to the ground before she became balanced because there was literally no counter to rez (i.e. no way to make targets unrezzable) and the one ability that did (reaper's old passive) was removed from the game

>ana was broke as fucking during triple tank
>needed to be nerfed to the ground because there isn't a single ability in the game that does % damage to deal with tanks

>sombra is on the table for being OP
>if she is she'll need to be nerfed to the ground because there's literally no way to counter hack nor hacked healthpacks, even the one cleanse (why the fuck is there only one cleanse and then it's on a tank?) game doesn't cleanse hack.

>dive has been OP as fuck and continues to be so
>Blizzard is only just clicking onto their own game that most heroes in dive have high RoF and low damage so a character that can provide armor to the team helps to counter it as well as making abilities that might actually be able to push dive back.

>Multiple characters are still almost entirely useless because the character roster doesn't have the depth to actually support them.

will brigitte really change anything though because she can't even aim her shield up and will get destroyed by pharah

I can't say either way but it's at least a step in the right direction.
Why the fuck they implement three types of health into the game that function in fundamentally different ways and could be used as another way to balance the game and then only have one fucking hero each that can actually provide armor or shields to the rest of the team for two fucking years and have NO ARMOR OR SHIELD PACKS ON ANY FUCKING MAP is beyond me.

This, people are begging for torb and sym to be viable and it's staring blizzard in the face. The three health types are indistinguishable in play. The only time i have to think of armor is playing as winston. Apart from that there might as well be only 1 type of health