Steam Refunds

>*Play game for 1 hour and 50 minutes (possibly even beat the game in this time)*
>"I've had enough of that. Give me my money back, Steam."
>*Gets refund*

Why is this allowed?

Nah, fuck this thread. Let's talk about something else instead.

How do you pick up girls at conventions?

best way is to find a girl who likes a game you like. then you have a lot to talk about

start by being attractive

They block you if you do it one time too often.

Ever day the same fucking shit
Check my 6

You can thank europeans

>find a girl who likes a game you like
Is this your way of saying "it's impossible"?

Talk to the superhero cosplayers. Not booth babes, but the ones who actually try. Dont bother talking about video games, instead talk about TV shows and other personal things girl neets do.

Thanks Europe.

Like a cosplayer dressed as someone from a game you like? Because otherwise, there's no way to know what game someone is into until after you've talked to them, which is the whole point of my question.

it can be any cosplay, you can offer to take pictures for them, or ask to be in a picture with them. within the small talk aim for some common ground and then talk about that.

No one should have the right to charge consumers for less than 2 hours of content. "Indie experiences" are just lazy as fuck and scared of being called out for what they are. Overinflated crocks of shit made by large teams of people who are lazy as fuck and think that going on tumblr for 5 hours a day and coding for 1 constitutes a full work day. They are the ones that need to get their heads out of their asses and actually produce content that is worth anything.

>Buy physical game on Amazon
>Play it at my leisure for up to 2 weeks
>"I've had enough of that. Give me my money back, Amazon."
>*Gets refund*

Because this is also allowed.

that's cool and all user, but we're talking about important shit here, not stuff that was shitposted years ago

Let's make this a Sup Forums thread and get deleted you mad indie dev

Niggers don't deserve a main role in any game unless the game is about crime

good. as a talented indie dev myself, its good to see bad devs held accountable for making bad games

>Make dull or bad game that can be beaten in under 2 hours or the player can get bored of it in under 2 hours
>surprised when people want their money back
maybe if your game wasn't depression quest or something similar people wouldn't do this to you

>tfw attractive
>tfw also mentally ill

Accept the fact that any woman that lets herself get picked up at a con by someone she has never met before is literal bar skank tier and is probably loaded with STDs and emotional baggage. If you do manage it, fuck and bolt. Never give your real name or number. Or anything that can be used to track you.

Not Sup Forums and I agree with you unironically

I unironically did this with Cuphead, being a Wings of Vi speedrunner and generally running other platformers helped a lot with achieving this too.

its allowed because you can only do it couple of times before they prevent you from doing it again.

Why would you want to? She's probably seen more dicks than a urologist.

You don't. 9/10 of them are fucking insane and not worth the effort, even if it's just a one night stand. You never know when "It's okay I'm on the pill" turns into a fat hambeast you don't recognize harassing you for child support 10 years later.
