Death status is inflicted on the player (unavoidable) when boss fights take too long

>death status is inflicted on the player (unavoidable) when boss fights take too long
Why do the devs hate me for taking too long on a bossfight? Me slowly tickling down HP isn't encouraged? Any JRPGs without shitty dev things that ruin your game?

git gud

Holy shit, that screenshot looks so bad, I can't believe it's been so long since FF13 came out.

I dropped the game over this.

Why the fuck are you playing such a shit game? End your meaningless life.

I'm honestly getting the urge to play XIII purely to play as Sazh again.

Stop being shit.

really? never knew because i wanted to get out of battles as fast as fucking possible

>enrage timer

I dare anyone to justify them at any level.

>why did I play it
To see for myself if it was all that bad or not.
Name a better game. I really enjoyed 13-2.

If you don't enjoy the gameplay part of the game you can just not play the game

That was actually one of the few things I liked about the game. Most of the bosses being a DPS check meant that you actually had to figure out a good strategy against the boss instead of hoping your supply of healing/revives lasted longer than it's health bar.

just fucking use buffs/debuffs

>Name a better game.
FF12 of the same series comes to mind. Actually, pretty much any FF game except 13 or it's bastard-spawn comes to mind...

>enrage timer
Sounds better if mechanics allow you to circumvent it, better than what FF does at least.

Having recently played the Zodiac Age I can actually safely disagree that the autobattle, bad voice-acting, bad ost and worse story FF12 is, in fact, worse than any game in the FF13 trilogy.

I'm okay with soft enrages, but yeah, hard enrages are usually pretty shit.

well makes sense in MMO's, makes dps have an achievable goal that can be measured so they dont just fuck about
singleplayer though no, no justification there

Oh, well I can't cure shit-taste user.

It’s because it’s tehcnically possible to never die in 13, so you could potentially never learn the combat system and still win just by brute forcing the game. The death timer is there to prevent that. And honestly, if you can’t beat a boss in 15 minutes, you probably need to rethink how you play the game.

>that you actually had to figure out a good strategy
>FF 13

He was the only likeable character. Jesus, they were all so bad.

You just can't be objective can you? FF12 isn't a better game, and even if it is it's still not a good game. For me FF12 ranks worse on the gameplay, ost, va and story. I haven't really heard any argument from your side yet. I feel like FF13 is honest to god objectively better as a GAME requires gameplay.

>stop using this build to never die use this one instead
Yeah I'm not buying it. Me having a tank and a healer in a single team is not some weird ass unique concept.

Show a picture of your playtime

Never said it was extremely hard to figure out one, just that you had to. Quite a few of the bosses would wreck your shit unless you had some pretty specific job setups.

>Show a picture of your playtime

Literally never left my team. Vanille's sound effects made me want to kill myself

Each character has three roles. If you ALWAYS have a tank and a healer, then you’re going to have a bad time.

there's like 5 fucking choices in the whole game

I like FF12 but the characters are really dull in that game for some reason. Even the FF 13 characters have more memorable personality.

that's not really the point is it? I'm just saying it's not a unique concept. And any solution that's a solution shouldn't be impossible just because it's not fast enough.

It was a better game though, even if the characters were boring

But it’s not a solution. It’s a stonewall.

>Even the FF 13 characters have more memorable personality.
having a party full of literal retards that spout idiotic nonsense the whole game through is more memorable because it makes you want to kill yourself the whole time

Sazh is useless after late-mid game unless you’re going for a very specific build, but even then, it’s not so great. And while his character is good, he has the least amount of character depth in the series.

>And any solution that's a solution shouldn't be impossible just because it's not fast enough.
Why not? Especially with a combat system that makes it easy to bunker up and last for fucking eons, why is "kill the boss in x minutes" not an acceptable way to add some challenge?

It should never be encouraged to play the game in a more boring way. If it was more reliable to have only tanks and healers in raids, people would do it, but it would be boring as fuck and take forever, so then people would decide the game was boring and stop playing. Having a minimum dps requirement is a good thing, and enrage timers are a means of enforcing that

Encourages you to find an actual strategy and learn game mechanics rather than stumbling through every fight and winning because you grinded a lot or spam shit.

its literally a mechanic so you can't cheese the boss, stop crying you slow fuck

If you are talking about XIII, the AI killing you off is a mercy, since you're playing garbage.

>Even XIII characters have more personality

Either you're the same idiot agreeing with himself or thetwo of you are the same, devastating amount of wrong at the same time, holy shit.

Yeah no doubt. Much more depth to combat and less retarded level design.

13 is the most complex game in the series.

12 is a much better game but the characters are seriously boring. Compare them to something like FF7 and 9 with their strong, memorable casts, it's a night and day difference. The FF13 characters are at least a bit more memorable even though a lot of them are twats.


Doesn't matter Sazh is my boy. I could relate to him.

Prove me wrong, faggot.

12 exists, so does 8

>supply of healing/revives lasted longer
But you can heal forever.

>bad voice-acting, bad ost
This much shit taste shouldn't be possible.

>boss battle is just a gear check with an enrage timer

I'm aware he's just not that great an unit, but I still used him just because I liked him. There are some setups you can use to make it work, as you said, but in the end you'd still be gimping yourself.
Even then, though, Sazh is simply best boy. How is he the character with the least depth in the series, though?

>you're playing bad because you're winning!

>why not
Because it's arbitrary

>cheese a boss by working hard
>instead use an easier mechanic
Doesn't sound like cheesing to me.

FF12 has bad voice acting dude. The OST also doesn't really fit any tone. It's just background noise instead of being interwoven into the cutscenes like an ost should.

I'm actually an expert on voice acting. Even FF13's English cast is better than 12's JPs.

Sentinel Sazh best unit.
Prove me wrong.

He only has a single character arc and there really ain’t any “holy shit” or “aha” moment with him. His attempt at suicide was a nice character arc, but compared to Hope who’s a bit more complex or Vanille who is full of secrets, he’s just a good character with not much depth.

Raid fights ad infinitum?

>I'm actually an expert on voice acting

It's a DPS check. Really common in almost all MMOs now to stop players from taking five days to beat a boss with 39 healers and 1 tank.

Half of the techs you get in 12 become useless in late game. And 8 isn’t really that complex either because the options you have in battle and character building isn’t that great. The idea of junctining to create a custom character is good, but because all it does is increase stats, there isn’t much difference between using Fire or Lightning for a certain stat except for the bigger star gain. 12 is good in Zodiac because it limits the amount of things you can do, thus forcing you to play smarter, but again, a large majority of the skills you don’t use.

it honestly feels like someone else wrote his stuff and whoever was in charge of the main story got ass hurt that everything they wrote was worse than the sazh character arc so they shafted him for the rest of the game

to prove that you know what you're talking about. FF13 isn't a super amazing game, but the combat roles and changing them where very cool

You could use him that way, and not too many fights require a constant sentinel so you could just have him there. You probably won’t be in that paradigm long enough to take advantage of the various guard skills and the sentinel bonus is the same all around.

>Snow's DLC in XIII-2
>You don't even play as him
I feel robed. As if the terrible new design wasn't bad enough.

>useless after late-mid game

>when his blitz is the highest dps move in all game


That's true, I understand that Sazh's primary role is that of a father figure, helping other characters grow instead of himself, but he seriously feels like he's underused. Outside of the Vanille extravaganza he got shafted hard, not even his DLC in the sequel does much for him.

It's all about the Lightning game, user, she's very strong in the three roles that matter the most.
I seriously hate the blatant favouritism.

It takes a specialized build, like I said, and it only works on monsters big enough that all hits will actually land. For 90 percent of all other encounter, it’d be much better to stick the str boosting accessories on Fang or Snow.

Long Gui only casts Doom if the fight has gone one for longer than 20 minutes. It should not take that long for you to defeat this thing with a proper strategy and build

Lightning's character arc across the games confuses me. So she and only she becomes a personal servant of Etro just because? Why?

>he doesnt know

But why would that dumb mutant turtle be able to cast advanced magic? It makes no sense.

>she killed millions
as a l'cie in ff13 and while etro still released her from crystal she felt like she has to help after seeing caius fighting her

Serah - newly married to Snow
Snow - newly married to Serah
Hope - young boy
Vanille - crystal
Fang - crystal
Sazh - single father to Dajh
Dajh - young boy

Lightning was the only one who had nothing going on

because maybe you should stop being fucking shit at one of the easiest games ever made

Off-topic but even that image shows a group of retarded wojaks you can clearly see they are in a good mood chilling out. The more I look at it the more I appreciate the scene.

Because Adamantoises are magic? It can already cast Ultima, I don’t see why Doom is any different

>holy trinity
>not boring as well
Tank and spank is the stalest shit in the world and devs are bending over backwards to avoid balancing around something else.
Minimum DPS requirements enforces the holy trinity and encourages devs to design new content as gear checks rather than skill checks or fun checks.

Talking of which, Hope ends up being a better buffer than Sazh, doesn't he?

The best thing about the game’s subtleties is the paradox in its entire design. The story is very much about saving the world, but it focuses so much on each character. The story could not work without any single one of them missing. Although I do decry Sazh as the character with the least amount of depth, he also plays a very important role: he’s the only character that trusted the government. He plays a good foil to the others who are actively fighting the governments’ views of l’cies. He doesn’t like it, but he goes along with it, even surrendering his son to the government because he believed it was for the greater good. That’s why it’s so interesting to go back and replay the game from the beginning. He was instantly interested in Lightning’s plot because to him, it represented something that he did not have the courage to go. And his attempted suicide is made all the more potent because he realized that he gave his son to the bad guys, that everything that happened to his son then, was on him. I’ve watched a lot of people play who don’t understand this, and they all always say “why not shoot Vanille, she’s the one started it,” but no, Sazh knows whatever happened to his son was because he lacked the strength that Lightning did in order to fight for him. And each character is full of these little subtleties. It’s no wonder 13 is one of my favorite game.

How does a fun check even work?

he is the best medic, vanille is the best sab, sazh is the best syn(if you dont abuse blitz), lightning is the best rav, snow is the best sentinel and fang is the best com

This is a series that has dinosaurs that can cast meteor. There's really no logic to what can cast what other than "yeah they can probably do that because why not"

Sazh ends up being the most even. I think he peaks at 500ish STR and MAG. He’s the only one who has access to both regular and aga tier buffs, so he has more choices as a synergist, but you don’t ever really need both versions so he can be replaced by Hope, who knows the regular version.

It's probably lived for hundreds of years. You probably caught him in the last 20 minutes of him calculating it and then he used it on you.

As many forced platforming and jump rope segments as possible.

But really, imagine potentially fun gimmicks like enemy AI that ignores tanks and runs down healers first, but can't walk through players, allowing body block formations to be a thing. Suddenly you have a reason to bring warriors into the mix rather than having 4 tanks, 4 healers, and 32 dps. The usual autistic setup won't work, and that's fun, which means autistic guilds won't be able to play as they are incapable of having fun.

Debateable. Hope is programmed to priories defensive buffs over offensive ones. He'll eventually cast them once he set up the defensive buffs in everyone but sometimes you just wanna defeat certain enemies before they become a problem. Also he's has much less HP than Sazh and can only hit with Magic, albeit pretty hard whereas Sazh can have a decent mix of both stats

>tfw i wish every boss fight had doom
half the complaints i heard about ff13 was from fags running a medic in every comp and complaining boss fights take 3 years.

If you didn't have the right paradigm set up and accessories in 13, you couldn't win any of the optional fights.

what if not doing that is fun for them?
you cant just go around and say
>this is how you shall have fun

like look at this thread
how people fucking DARE to have fun playing ff13?

thats called a PVP in PVE fight, and that shit did not work in WoW

>stop learning about things you care about

I didn't mean this boss in particular (pic is from google). But I had a strategy that did work only took long. And I feel like it's just a shit mechanic in general when you put it down on paper. I for one actually like having bossfights that feel like them. I know there's always a cheese strat in every single game. But finding your own things and working your way from there is what's fun about jrpgs.

Most ff13 complaints are about the corridors.

Then they failed the fun check and can go play another dungeon that they find fun.
Every dungeon being the same thing with differently placed red circles is boring shit and the reason MMOs are dying both in quality and in popularity.

Good read, tell me more about our best man.
>why not shoot Vanille, she’s the one started it
Really? Sazh himself says why it's pointless. And topped off with one of the best lines too, "many things can be forgiven, but shooting kids is not one of them".

>potentially fun gimmicks like enemy AI that ignores tanks and runs down healers first
Cid Raines was programmed like this. He targets what one would usually consider a problem in a fight. So he would always target supports unless of course he was successfully Provoked by a Sentinel in which case he would be forced to attack said Sentinel

It was just one idea. Any number of gimmicks could work, but coming up with good ideas is harder than just shitting out another holy trinity dungeon with slightly rearranged rage timers and circles of death.

>muh press X to win
guess how I know you only played the first 2 hours

People say this like paradigm setups were some complex form of minmaxing.

I think by the end of the game literally everyone had the same paradigms, along the lines of:


>the gameplay mechanics are inherently broken so we put duct tape on it
bad game design

>i dont like something so its bad game design
bad brain design

depends what your fighting, you can really capitalize on the passive boosts the classes have.

SYN/SYN/SYN put your buff time through the roof

The best thing about 13? There are no cheese strat. Some people thinks using poison the last mark is a cheese, but I’d ont consider so, since he’s one of the few bosses for whom the strategy will work, and even then you’ve gotta refresh and buff pretty often as well.

pretty much start
into rav/rav/rav
and maybe rav/com/rav or rav/com/med just for the com to keep the stagger bar from dropping


no wonder you guys get fucking doom timer dropped on your ass

Which boss was it?