When is Nintendo going to step up their game?

When is Nintendo going to step up their game?

Even Minish Cap is better than Alundra desu, and even Skyward Sword is better than Okami

>Implying either of those statements is true

Okay I was exaggerating with Skyward Sword but the gameplay of Minish Cap is still better than Alundra

>Okay I was exaggerating with Skyward Sword
They're both about as bad with recycled content and filler


What recycled content and filler?

I enjoyed Alundra more than any other game.

Okami however, while possessing a lot of charm, is even more handholding than Zelda. Issun, your sidekick, gives away the solution to every puzzle or side quest as soon as you approach them. Areas are completely linear and straightforward. The concept of the magical brush is completely squandered on puzzles that are no more complicated than using a key to unlock a door.

Meant to say I enjoyed Alundra more than any Zelda game.

Literally poor man's Zelda games

Meh I felt the opposite honestly. To me Alundra was just a Zelda wannabe and there was just less to it. That’s just the gameplay, not looking at the plot though.

Okami WW LttP
2 BotW TP

>Zelda is a genre

Alundra is great. Only "Zelda" that doesn't really hold your hand and can be hard both combat and puzzles. The story was quite good as a bonus.

No one said this, dumb apu apustaja poster

Ocarina of time kind of aged like milk dude.It's still cool, but it's not that fun to play.
I'd argue it's a style, not a genre. It's like saying "Metroidvania", there are enough games that can be defined as Zelda-like.

Well I just played it and you’re wrong

Well besides the original Zelda of course, but the rest of the series isn't like it.

Alundra was pretty easy to me desu

Really more than the first LoZ?


I’m not a badass I just don’t think it’s that muh harder than say a Link to the Past

Alundra was terrible, I regretted buying it at the time, the controls weren't tight enough for the platforming, those horrible slow appearing-sound effect-texts, contrived - dream- story.
To each their own I suppose.

Okami is insanely verbose and hand-holding, and it has like two decent dungeons. I love it, but it's flawed.


the awful platforming ruins Alundra

Kinda hard to step up your game when other games just copy and paste the same type of game and add their pwn shit to it. Its like asking vanilla to syep up its game tp be more vanilla because other people took the vannilla and added hot fudge brownies gummie bears and sprinkles to the mix.

Alundra is too punishing, one tiny fuckup and youll spend the next 15 mins correcting it. I still like the game though, graphics, music, characters and setting are all top notch.

What's the best way to play PS1 games, emulating on a PSP?

On a PS1

Nah, both my tv and my monitor aren't very suited for that.

It's funny you think this. Alundra is just a weaker version of Landstalker. And Okami starts strong but falls near the final act.

Completely agreed with Okami.
I played it for the first the when the HD version was released on PC, and while I love the world of the game and agree that it's an amazing adventure, it's really not the BEST ZELDA like people were saying it is. All of the dungeons are very simple, and... Well, there really isn't much connecting it to Zeldas at all. It's not a Zelda at all.

Both of those games are garbage. Hang yourself Sonyfag.

It's been 11 1/2 years now and this opening cutscene is still playing. Hope the gameplay is worth it!

Everything in Okami that mimicks Zelda is worse than Zelda. Also the game fucking draaaaaaaags

Alundra is charming but it has nothing gameplay wise on the best zeldas.
You just outed yourself as an old, mindless sonybro.

>Minish Cap

Minish Cap is a 7/10 game at best without the Nintendo Bonus, the Nintendo Bonus during the GBA and NDS eras was at the all-time peak. Minish Cap is weaker than things like LandStalker, Crusader of Centy or Neutopia, let alone Alundra.

>Skyward Sword is better than Okami
Ok, this is bait.

I tried Alundra and dropped it after 30 minutes; was too boring for my tastes.

I was really dissapointed with Okami desu, from all the praise I was expecting a really really great game but it was just alright.
You say that is if Minish cap is a bad game or something


>Nintendo Bonus
Post ignored, only fucking retards actually believe that anything gets a fucking bonus in scores.

I want to play a game that makes me feel as sad and in the same way as Alundra did.
Probably one of the best dark games I've ever played. You'd do all you could and save some people but no matter what you did someone would still die and you just couldn't be there for everyone.
Lots of people died, but they all died in a way that had weight and I never got numbed to it.

Wonder boy 3 and Wonder Boy in Monster World are some of my favorite 2D action RPGs ever.

>this user really believe this

All the big IPs get bonus points (especially if they're associated with a certain brand), the Nintendo Bonus is just stronger than average bonus.

I’m not actually it’s a fucking great game and that’s the point, the weakest 2d Zelda is still great

I'm like 5 hours into Okami HD (just got the second weapon) and it's, like, very okay so far. I'm just not really engaged with it at all.
When does it get good?

When Issun stops talking.

Someone's too young or too American to remember team17 doing all they could to put Amiga Power out of publication and business simply for their realization that numbers below 73 exist.

>even slower start than TP & SS
>Orochi is just a longer version of the black thing from SS

Best post ITT

Okami starts pretty slow, slowly picks up, ultimately plateaus, then drops off again, rises again until it's not quite at that plateau but relatively close, then drops again, and then rises one last time just a little bit only to drop off pretty rapidly at the end again.

The best thing about Alundra is the grimdark setting. The game literally made me cry as a kid, because of all those villager deaths, IIRC. This alone makes Alundra better than Zelda games.