ITT gamer fuel

>ITT gamer fuel
starting with the best drink

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I unironically get this combo for every new game launch I'm hyped for.

now give me my (you)s bitches


The most disgusting food and drink that I enjoy

It's whole grain spaghetti. I munch on it raw.

Why are you guys so weird

These right here with a cup of black coffee.


For me, it's the 'vaark


Been saving my hubby points for a bottle.

This with some cream-cheese topped crackers

Get a comfy warm buzz on, kept energized by the malty sugars, delicious thirst quenching smooth dark lager, don't get dehydrated, doesnt cause bloating, instant +5 immersion to fantasy/historical games


all day erryday

Literally tried these from coles for the first time today, they’re great



Waterfag through and through but when I'm feeling a little naughty I like to squeeze a little pic related into my drink

treat myself

Oh hi Santa.

President's Choice is the greatest Canadian food brand. It always surprises me how good it is.

You're a little late user.

This picture doesn't really make much sense, since all of those are actually good paired with at least one other option.

ho ho you got me

Thanks for reminding me to hydrate myself.

My booiiiiii

Is it true aussies eat vegemite because their butter can contain bugs that kill them?

No, some people unironically enjoy the taste.




daily reminder

your thirst and hunger signals from your stomach travel the same path to the brain, so when you think you're hungry, you may actually be thirsty

drink a glass of water when you feel "hungry" and wait it out 10-15 minutes. you're probably just dehydrated.

you can lose a lot of weight like this if you get over how retarded the human stomach/brain is

Thanks user!

>needing fuel for sitting on your ass


weak cunts



and breakfast of champions. fuck what brett lee says.

I keep hearing about this piss, I’m a ns Welshman and never seen it

Elixir of the gods.

>finally decided to try the water meme out
>lost 15 pounds
feels good man

Put a carrot in it.

christ you must have been drinking nothing but orange soda if just switching to water did that much.

This but unironically.

yeah so what

Enjoy your asbestos aids drink.


how is it?

it's really nice, tastes good and it's relatively cheap as well

The makers of G Fuel are being sued for lead in the drink.

Undiluted of course


in commiefornia where the lead restrictions are way, way stricter than anywhere else in the US

>killing retards that actually buy that gamer fuel merch shit
i don't see the problem

>drinking liquid reddit

Can eat this shit all day and never get fat. Tastes fantastic as well.

>had redbull for the first time today
Holy fuck its so bitter

>die from overconsuming salt
white people are retarded

>when even veggies have more lead that commiefornia deems safe

wasabi is better

Cheddar cheese and siracha sauce.

I cant honestly remember the last time I had soda or anything sugary to drink.

No et kai sä nyt vittu oikeesti syö spakettia sellasenaan?

>90mg of sodium per box
>4% of your daily sodium value

I unironically want to taste this shit.
Where can i find this in Europe, without it costing a billion euros?

>white people
>bag clearly says Annie Chun, Asian, and Korean all on one package
kys illiterate

Is it okay if I only eat a big ham sandwich every 24 hr

Eating feels really gross these days and I throw up if I try multiple portions throughout the day.

His probably just fucking about.

This plus half a stalk of celery

Thats not healthy, go see a doctor or something.

>hubby points
please dont tell me this is like good boy points for tendies

mitä vittua nyt taas

You might have bowel cancer, user.

it's called Kim/Gim and koreans arent stupid enough to shovel it down their throats cause it contains high amounts of Sodium

obviously as an uneducated american i wouldnt expect you to understand that

based auschwitzbro

100% OJ juice and cheese and spring onion flavored chips


>OJ Juice

Just have it on buttered toast and spread it lightly and first and you’ll love it. I eat it everyday but I couldn’t eat the shit on regular sandwich or without butter

>assume I'm white
>assume I'm American
>only argument is "Koreans aren't dumb enough to eat it" even though they made it is like saying Italians don't eat pasta because they export it to Switzerland
Again, kill yourself brainlet

>shovel it down their throats
>eat it

reading comprehension please

Raw cold onions and a very cold glass of milk* is pure foodgasm.

If the milk has been exposed to room temp for more than just a few minutes during transport or whatever you have yourself to blame if the milk tastes shit.

Based onion to getting his test back

>Reading comprehension
It's you who needs it.

>"shovel it down"
>get 3% DV salt

I've eaten raw onions for 16-17 years as snack.
When I heard Sup Forums users using it to boost testos I had a good laugh at them.
Raw onions are not a substitute to training and not consuming estrogen bombared food.

my nigga

>If the milk has been exposed to room temp for more than just a few minutes during transport or whatever you have yourself to blame if the milk tastes shit.
>Not putting ice in your milk
Why do you hate water so much you reject even solid water?


Water is boring.
I want something I can feel when I drink it.
Well-chilled milk quench thirst way better than water.

>not consuming estrogen bombared food
Like milk? Milk that actually contains real estrogens, not molecules called estrogens just because of their shape?

Don't mistake estrogen from milk to the likes of soyboy products.

soy doesn't even contain estrogen


I only drink water straight from an old fashion well and only eat home cooked food.

No, I'm not joking.

what is that?
