Best little girl/loli game

Which is best game allowing you to "woo" little girls?

text/2d/3d allowed.

Best I've found is **Mu soft** Hizashi no Naka no Riaru (pic related)

tell me Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Not a chance, FBI.

Ped cant find new material to bust a nut.
Must be honeypot

Guess I'll jump >.>

Lunatic Delusion was better.
Younger girl, voiced and better animations.
However you should be aware user, your pic is NSFW.

Lunatic Record even. The first game that is, the second one is pure garbage.

wasn't there supposed to be a sequel coming out?



Stop being a retard and learn how to use relevant databases if you want to get your rocks off so bad.

Most of the material you are likely after is in Japanese only, anyway. Either that, or the art is garbage.




I'm still amazed that this got on Steam

>not wanting to play as the little girl

So much to learn.


That's not a little girl.
>buying censored crap

what game


For all the memes about it being some sort of lolicon heaven, it's really not. I wouldn't even consider Monobeno a lolige in the strict sense.


Man, Subway really sucks nowadays. Have you guys seen that awful color scheme they've been doing recently, with the hard greens and yellows? Literally drinking out of a puke cup with a mustard straw. Disgusting.

It clearly is though, unless you are literally blind.

>Which is best game allowing you to "woo" little girls?
Rune Factory games, maybe?

I don't know, I don't care much about porn, I just want a game filled with romance with a loli. Loli love is so rare in vidya.


Is that the same as gothic delusion? (
The one by the monobeno team (still salty it's not translated)

Looks T R A C E D


This guy just wants a cheap 5 min jerk-off, I doubt he cares about kamige like RF.

UK here, that's the only colour scheme they've ever had


That;s a fucking old hag.

Actual people don't have head tumors and bug eyes, user.

I guess they changed it only recently where I live (Germany). Because I don't remember it being nearly as saturated as it is now.


Is this the new exodia?

>subway user again
Huh, didn't saw you in a while. Must be hard to spam loli threads with this new captcha system.

No, just some guy that's been trying to fight against lolicons on Sup Forums, by using subway pictures.

I wonder where he was during the 530+ post loli thread earlier today

spooderman tryhard, probably migrated from Sup Forums a few weeks ago

I remember playing the early jap versions of this two years ago, how's the translation coming along and what did they put in the game?

also a phoneposter, you can tell by his filenames

That's your opinion, but luckily you don't get to make definitions.


Yeh and you are wrong. KYS.

Any idea if this has been translated or uncneosred?

Found a nyaa link i'll hvae to try out.
Expacting the answer to be no, but cant hurt to ask

only UI translated last I played, still one of the better h games out there

>pirating video games
Not gonna help you, no.

Oh I agree, it was some real quality time.


Your struggle is pointless because truth and justice is on my side.

tried Saya no Uta?

Best I've ever played. Comes with TL and Uncensor

Nah, you're plain retarded.

The porn is shit, that's not what the game is about.

>A poem

The true loli love is amazing! The story is gripping and draws you in enough to really CARE about the characters.

The consumation of the love is icing on the cake. Could never pick a best ending tho

Nonces to the gallows.

That game lead me to candydoll because of laura B

... I mean. Nothing officer, never looked at anyone under 18. HONEST


Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream

There was a 530+ post loli thread earlier today? Aww man.

Go on. I'm listening.

How to be able to resist the charms of cute underage girls? I tried so much to get away but they'll always lure me back with their cute chest, small stature und hairless cunny

90% of men can't

>that video
>that huge ass video
forgive me FBI for I have sinned

Will any other game reach this level of loli kino?

What is this? I've seen this game posted around Sup Forums a bunch of times.

Also am I gonna get vanned for watching this?

For me it's the rock cds and beer. I fall for it every time.


RIP thread.

yeah it was pretty comfy with a surprisingly low amount of "reeee pedos" shitposting from normalfags

see this
& this

Mako's game

By putting a plastic bag over your head.

it's soo puffy

>that bulge

You can't, embrace it.


Why do I feel like I've seen this thread before? With the exact same replies

Mako v1.2 is definitly pretty good, if a little... odd. Gameplay wise anyway.

Not actually a trap. Just an estrogenised toddler puffy pussy

Not a game you can really get through without a walkthrough if you decide to play OP

It's a game about lolis and Bernd (German type of user from their image board). Bernd starts a new job in the town of Unteralterbach (literally underage town) as a police helper who has to browse CP and help fight it. Ironically his colleagues and himself are all big time pedos so hilarity ensures. It's a great game because it is based on real life cute lolis. Dutch Mara who has been posted on KC for years or famous candy doll model Laura B. Basically it's the best thing out of Germany since forever

came here to post this

also a good contender


>best thing out of Germany since forever
i thought that was the MG42

Kyon-kun denwa


>How to be able to resist the charms of cute underage girls?
carry a bag with green bell peppers AT ALL TIMES

Thank you.


>File Deleted
I'm at work right now so I just dodged a bullet

This, but be aware that some lolis are resistant against it, so carry some carrots as well.

>tfw browsing this thread at work
I work at a school
I'm on some kind of list now, aren't I?

Because it's Sup Forums. I've had the same deja vu feelings in other threads before.

amazing doujin, haven't found something this good in a while

Glasses girl looks so cute.

>missing the chance for a promotion

What's this artist again? Kou something? He also did some amazing mom/son shorts but his lolis are still the best

Senke kagerou.

what kind of school? When did you realize pic related?

5th grade through 10th

>tfw summer soon

someone post that picture of the lolicon teacher's blog


This fucking thread