Rainbow Six: Siege

>Rainbow Six: Siege
>130k players on Steam, most likely twice as much on uPlay
>20-30 minute long games
>runs on infamous uPlay servers
>25 seconds on average to find a casual game

>"millions of players" according to Blizzard
>5-10 minute long games or even less
>runs on famous Blizzard servers

Really makes me think.
>60-90 seconds on average to find a quick play game

Other urls found in this thread:


I would say I get a game in 30 seconds or less almost every time, but Overwatch also searches within an MMR range which changes constantly and on regional servers. Siege will often plop me in matches with terrible latency or full entirely of chongs which might account for the slightly faster times

mating press images of this girl when

it's almost as if people only pmayed Overwatch when even drops so they can try to get all the limited skins. Don't forget to buy some lootboxes!

kinda makes the whole gorillions of players accounts that ran the game once thing moot when you're still stuck waiting a minute or two. skill based matchmaking in anything but a competitive queue is fucking cancer.

MMR and region lock. In my opinion results in a better gaming experience, so I'm willing to wait out the extra few minutes.

DM on Overwatch is cancer, though. I shouldn't have to wait four minutes to play against Silvers on a Masters account.

excuse me?

When are the drawings of the girl in op's picture in the mating press position going to appear?

I want to be mating pressed by her

get to posting more brigitte, niggers. what do you think about her new skins?

keep postan

If you exclude smurfs and console players then the player base is small as fuck

there isn't very much good art that isn't porn yet

Who the fuck cares fucking nigger overwatch is shit you should probably go back to r3ddlt you fucking faggot

wtf user??

How dead is Overwatch league now? Even back in january, they haven't even reached 100k concurrent viewers.

>phone poster

Blizzard games always seem to enter a cycle of: big hype release > slowly dies > update > players come back > slowly dies >update >slowly dies e.t.c. and through all of it they are constantly bleeding numbers. It's probably about ~80k active players right now if I had to guess. Of course that'll increase again once the new waifufag bait comes out.

i wanna be brigitte

usually when I see a "I want to BE x" poster I want to fuck them because they usually want to be slutty things, but in the case of brigitte I can't help but want to wife her

k players on Steam, most likely twice as much on uPlay
>Rainbow Six Siege gets 2.3m players a day

I know it's a really shit bait thread, but I felt people should know anyways

>he'd marry an user
that's gay

Is that a tf2 mod overhaul?

if an user became brigitte, I'd easily marry them
anyone willing to keep that kind of body in shape and look good seems to be pretty good wife material

The sooner the better lul

>Play Rainbow 6
>Kids get tacticool and roleplay as operators
>Autistic as they are, they're useful "Cav 2nd floor SW room"

>Overwatch coddled manchildren double their age
>No defusing, just swaps to torb and throws the game even harder than a coordinated Zarya/Hanzo ult

Kids are degenerate tryhards these days but at least half of them can be taught, the oldfags are too bitter and stuck with their misery.

They're in their late teens at best usually. Maybe early twenties.
And I doubt any of them are actual oldfags of the internet. The fact they're playing Overwatch hints at this strongly

I've definitely noticed this as well
I hear a lot of young voices when I'm playing siege, but they're usually nice and give good coms
sometimes they're just dirty fucking memers

>autistic moba shooter made by ubi vs autistic moba shooter made by blizzard
they're both trash famalam

>I don't know shit about anything but let me spew some buzzwords
Thanks for your input

>publisher says

>no counter argument
I accept your concession

wait they added Ash from paladins to OW?

Your post came off as a fedora tipping "i'm nootral" post. It doesn't help you crammed as many buzzwords as you could for flavor
Of course they're both shit, but one's shittier than the other., and it's always fun to shit on Overwatch

>sometimes they're just dirty fucking memers
Those are often the ones that ban themselves by TKing, or are coordinated against to TK round by round or kicked.
Something OW needs is an autoban system for tards to conflagrate themselves.

I think OW' community suffers because Blizzard are control freaks and tries to make too sterile of a system. It's infuriating but there's literally nothing to be done about throwers and the winning move is not to play the game at all.

Conflict between two players spills over to the other 4 not involved in the issue but lose altogether.

I estimate mid 20s on average.

In GM/T500 EVERYBODY streams for some reason and brings in this high school popularity contest nonsense about it, the worst bit is the positions are often filled with their smurfs too.

I seriously doubt most those faggots I was playing with last year were in their mid 20's. It was amazing how many of them were attention whoring streamers, though they are blizzdrones at the end of the day and that's what we should expect.
t. grandmaster


Shit argument. Dota 2 has ~600k people playing at any given time and queue times are 4 to 6 minutes long.

How long does the average dota 2 game last? Around 40+ minutes, right?
Game length is an important factor, which is why it's pathetic overwatch has such long queue times despite having such short games.

Like 500k of those players are from Peru, Russia and China though. Queue times are probably quite a bit faster if you're in those regions.

Nobody plays overwatch anymore. Blizzard obviously doesn't want you to know this but it's True. Hell, even the owl streams that they invested millions into can't get more viewers than casual fortnite.

No I've played in eu and sea, same queue times.

this image shows what OW is about.
Shiny skin to attract money with every event, long queue times because no one fucking plays the game.

Some friends got me to play a few games yd after not playing for a year atleast.

Even tho our average level was around ~100-120 the lowest level enemy team we faced was atleast 500-600. We spent an hour getting our shit pushed in.

Yeah, we should get good before crying, but the matchmaking should've matched us with worse players, not turbo autists that have sunk atleast 500 hours in the fuckin game.

That's what the matchmaking system does.
The problem is nobody plays the game anymore, so outside of densely populated regions you're going to get placed against veterans.
But Overwatch is really easy, so you really do need to get good.

game is fucking dead and only fueled by tumblr mercymains who spam shit on overwatch forums demanding racial and sexual diverse heroes

I picking up playing once a month just to see what changed, beacuse I used to love this game and it was fun and promising and full of potential, but I get fucking depressed at state of overwatch right now, where you cant even have some fun quickplay match without sweaty tryhards reeeeing at you for playing outside meta or not playing good enough in qp, healers who refuse to heal because you didnt thanked and sucked their dick enough and reporting you for harmless banter in chat, overwatch community made me salty and toxic as fuck

True. But to get used to things it would take what? 10-20 hours of getting stomped on.
Got very little free time to play vidya as it is. Wasting a week or two worth of vidya for overwatch because it's a shit game that can't entice new players or retain casuals is not on my agenda.

k players on Steam, most likely twice as much on uPlay
>twice as much on uplay
>25 seconds on average to find a casual game

Takes a while for that matchmaker to find the perfect forced 50 composition.

>im nootral
How come millenial subhumans just aren't capable of discussing and do nothing but
>haha, im going to repeat what you just said but im going to write it like a kid

Both videogames are the bottom of the barrel of videogames, they represent everything that's wrong with this industry and the only good they can bring to videogames is dying.
Only subhumans play them anyway.
Like all character based shooters.

Millenials are, and will always be manchildren, so they act like children.
They even made politics about videogames and superhero movies because that's all manchildren do, play videogames and watch movies.

>Only subhumans play them anyway.
imagine having discussions about games that only subhumans play, isn't this pathetic ahhahaha???

>literally embodying what the user accused you off in the very post you replied to him
dumb neutralfag

Neutrals don't care about the topic in question, i'm actively against both.
They are both cancer made by terrible publishers who have never made any decent videogame.

You see user I don't entertain the ramblings of homeless drunk madmen either
You've exposed yourself to not know shit about the games, why would anyone want to argue with your after that?

And? Who doesn't already know that. This isn't reddit, no one needs to be epicly redpilled that blizzard and ubisoft are horrible.

Overwatch was actually genuinely fun if you never played competitive and just shut your brain off to mindlessly pass time

Then they started balancing based on what their loudest and whiniest crybabies on the forums screamed for and the game became shit

Then they started adding absolutely ridiculous abilities that didn't need to exist

And they keep trying to force in new characters that add to the shitheap of imbalances instead of fixing what's broken or changing the maps from autistic linear chokefests into coherent strategic maps

Fuck Blizzard and their incompetence

The only way to win at Overwatch is not to play it

Exactly, there's no reason to compare both terrible games.
Do it with actual good ones.
Or maybe you can't because modern videogames are all terrible.


I was having decent mindless fun in comp up until they added a free res to mercy and gave her that fucking valk ult.
That plus the uncalled for junkrat buff with no buff to F-heros like mei just made it no longer fun even for mindless play.

I'm just glad some homo gifted me the game, i'd be mad if I spent my own money on this shitheap.
The reason is to point out that Blizzard's massive AAA game is dead in just two years while even something Ubisoft made lasted longer. That's funny.

Brain damaged retards just from turd to turd.
First it was Unreal Tournament, then TF2, then COD, then Battlefield, then CSGO, Overwatch and now Rainbow Six.
Casuals, as always, the cancer that single handedly ruins the industry, supporting exclusively bad videogames.


You do know Titanfall 2 finds games faster than Siege, right?
And that game has about 5k players.
What happens is that OW has a garbage matchmaking system that takes a shitload of time in order to put you in a place to force the 50%

Besides, Sup Forums has been claiming OW was dead ever since it came out.

I've been winning since it came out, and I will continue to win it.

Ah yes, TF2, the official reddit videogame before OW existed.
I wonder if someday they will just fuck off instead of latching to the latest meme game of the generation.

>we were going to have highlander matchmaking in tf2
>autistic reddit eceleb convinced the team it wasn't esports-friendly and made them shut it down for shitty 6v6 that no one wanted
The one chance to fix TF2's downward trend, destroyed by a fucking eceleb

Multiplayer videogames dying are good.
They have been cancer from the start.

The wait times, shit matchmaking, the hordes of players who obviously don't care anymore. I want to play serious matches with Bridgette in a few weeks because she is pretty fun, but then I'll probably uninstall for good. I took a year long break shortly after Ana came out, plus several shorter gaps, and they just don't know what they're doing. The new maps are all trash. Eichenwald was okay but it's been sharply downhill from there. And the custom server system is absolutely not the same thing as community servers.

Overwatch is genuinely well made and fun game no matter what your background in gaming is. There are multiple problems with its design, though
1. You can't solo carry and game is too reliant on healers.
2. Game's design is too controlled and sterile. Brood War wouldn't be half as fun if not its clunkyness, and some exploits in it actually balanced the game, like muta stacking. That's how Blizzard like their modern games, but those exploits and quirks is what makes the game fun for both players and spectators.
3. I have no idea how, but the game has the worst and most toxic community in any multiplayed game I've played.
4. Blizzard spend more effort on skins rather than content.

Also "it's just for shutting your brain" and whining about abilities only reveals you as a bronze shitter. The game is not fun for you because you're bad at it and blame the game rather than your lack of skill.

It's because it can't find any players who are as shit as you to match you with.

>expecting a game of 2fort to go anywhere

>Also "it's just for shutting your brain" and whining about abilities only reveals you as a bronze shitter
I must disagree. It's entirely possible to shut your brain off and climb to the highest brackets
t. climbed to gm as off-meta picks with brain shut off

>3. I have no idea how, but the game has the worst and most toxic community in any multiplayed game I've played.
It's easy. The matchmaking system is so bad on so many levels that it, by design, puts players on edge and hostile to each other. One aspect is, as you said, games are too reliant on healers. So you might be great at DPS or tank, but then you rely on your healer being really good; or you're a good healer, but then you rely on others accomplishing anything with their lives. Maybe you're good but your healers are shit. Why? The game threw six people who have never once even considered choosing healer into a team together. Good luck!

Also, you're all actually wildly different in your skills despite being roughly nearby in rank. That player on the other team who gets quad kills more often than your team even has four people alive simultaneously, and that hitscan on your team who is incapable of looking at an enemy Pharah without seizing up IRL? They're the same rank.

If 2fort games never go anywhere, why do you get kicked for ending them?

seconds on average to find a casual game
Where the fuck are you playing?

>Expecting to change the mind of have anyone on Sup Forums accept your opinion
I'm sure they know all of this but Sup Forums hates everything reminder that TF2 was a shit game that almost everyone agreed on until overwatch came alone and now it's suddenly god's gift.

because people don't want 2fort to go anywhere its the map for fucking around

TF2 is always talked about nicely when the americans are asleep or in school.
Then they should be on a 24/7 server.

>TF2 is always talked about nicely when the americans are asleep or in school.
Why, why would you even lie? You know you're lying and anyone who isn't a /r/the_donald or gamergate new fag knows you're lying.

>5-10 minute long games or even less
Competitive games last like 30 minutes and it's annoying as shit.
Every match in competitive feels way too long.

>You can't solo carry and game is too reliant on healers
You totally could solo carry as Tracer or D.va last few seasons, now it's probably gonna be Sombra and we're heading into the worst, the most cancerous and unfun meta to date. Thanks Jeff
But yeah healing is overpowered in OW and I genuinely feel that the game will be much MUCH better if all healing effects would be reduced by 20-30% and all ult charge by 10-15%.
Also, the obvious direction towards low-skill-high-impact characters across the board is sad, considering the fact how dead are all the other arena shooters.

I did enjoy my 30 minutes of Lijiang tower because koth is the most fun game mode and it always had the closest most clutch matches. But noooo they had to fucking cut it
Meanwhile yesterday I had a 5-5 draw on Anubis that went for almost 30 minutes and fucking nobody on either team had any fun with it.

Also, shields. Sure is fun shooting shields the entire game! And they keep adding more heroes with shields as well.

>130k players on Steam, most likely twice as much on uPlay
>25 seconds on average to find a casual game
I guess anything can be true if you just blatantly make shit up, huh user?


>dedicated server era
>You have been banned. Reason: Be nice :)
>You have been banned. Reason: knives only
>You have been banned. Reason: no swearing
>>You have been banned. Reason: ONLY I CAN USE AWP
The search for "your server" was a long and grueling process and you know it.

And now you can be banned for nearly all of those reasons because you're forced unto the same servers in matchmaking. Great improvement.

No, you had to be an increadibly abrasive shitter to have a hard time finding decent servers to play on.
>>You have been banned. Reason: ONLY I CAN USE AWP
Newsflash: Servers with powertripping admins like this didn't last long unless they had their own personal group of friends playing with them.

>play Overwatch
>get banned