Bannerlord Hype thread

This year lads, this year.

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No release date no shits given.



>Reigns are right there
>holding a second invisible one

So this is explains the years of delays

>says increasingly anxious man for the fifth year in a row


The content is mostly done, the engine is now "done" but will continue to be updated, so I'd guess a release towards the end of the year.



delete dis

Guess I'll have to play modded Kingdom Come until those fucking roaches decide to release it. Before Erdogan declarea video games haram and has the whole dev team executed.

I might be in the minority here, but I really hope they keep taking their time and really flesh out the macro game. Let the features creep and get as much in there as possible. I can wait another two or three years.

I want a crushing defeat where 800 elite troops die to actually mean something and not just Whoops he manage to get way so he immediately spawns back at his capital with 800 new elite troops magically spawned in under his banner a week later like it is with warband. I want population simulations where if a village is razed enough and all their able bodied men are levied for war and then sent off to die that as a serious lasting negative effect on their economic development since there is no one left back home to tend the animals or work the fields. Conversely if a fief is well guarded from bandits and enemies and lightly levied and shrewdly governed it can flourish. New combat is one thing, but something mods can't fix is shallow game systems that are hardcoded in.

Nova Aetas.

But that's what tbe modding community for is user, if they keep making all the things themselves it will never be released.

It's almost harvesting season god dammit.





>hype thread

into the shit your thread goes

>eating literally fat

Dumb americans


>skinny faggot

>1k texture on the actor's first-person sleeve

It's fucking 2018, pass.

I'm from europe. And pure fat is one of the healthiest things to eat.
However that thing in the picture looks like a margarine spread, which is definitely not healthy.

remember when it was coming out in 2015
and then 2016 we would have a playable version
and then in 2017 we heard nothing but silence
and then in 2018 every time they do a weekly blog it is spammed with "release when" in 20 languages
its never EVER coming out

that's bullshit. you have to draw a line somewhere. they can continue to tweak for a decade if they wanted to. people demonize publishers, but developers can be pretty autistic sometimes


that's not a screenshot of bannerlord ya plonker, it's mod for M&B/warband

Not that bannerlord will look amazing, it wont. it'll just be acceptable, but that's ok because the gameplay more than makes up for the average visuals.

So, what's the deal with Mount and Blade? Why is it getting so much praise from everyone? From the gameplay i've seen all you do is have large battles and stuff like that. I don't really see the reason behind all the praise. Is there more to it than meets the eye?

How about you play it for yourself, you fucking weirdo.

you can have large battles, man


They said "this year" in 2015.
I don't believe these lies anymore.

It's the way it combines those large battles (which you play from an action-RPG perspective) with a huge dynamic campaign map

muricans are fucking disgusting
what is wrong with that burgerland?

it's a pleb filter that you obviously couldn't pass

>big empty field absolutely no design put into it possibly randomly generated
>combat isn’t even on par with fucking chivalry
>horrible graphics

What the fuck is the point of playing this other than big battles? Unless the game plays like Mordhau or some shit why would you even play this

we let irish, italians and slavs in

Post your sins
I've got over 300h played with auto block on

It's deeper than it looks, and is genuinely one of the most fun games there is once you get into it.

There's also no other game like it which offers large scale battles with hundreds of troops on screen at once with you being able to play from the first person perspective, with no special treatment.

>>big empty field absolutely no design put into it possibly randomly generated
>>combat isn’t even on par with fucking chivalry
>>horrible graphics

It doesn't matter, as long as you are having fun.

>good combat
pick one

Salutations numale cuck!

I've got Kingdom Come to tide me over while I wait. I'm fine with next year.

I mentioned chivalry as a way of showing how behind-the-times M&B’s combat is. Never said it was good. Once Mordhau comes out every other melee fighting game will be irrelevant as all hell

I think you guys are really defensive because you know you’re a cult following for a reason. This shit is ridiculously shallow

>I'm shit at the game so it's shallow
Just have this (You) and get out of here.

Behind the times as compared to mordhau? Mordhau really isn't doing anything that's all that innovative. Take Chivalry out of Source and polish it a bit with some cool combos and you essentially have what mordhau is. No intricate block system that is actually dependent on you blocking in the correction direction to mitigate a hit. It's far too fast paced to be realistic and way too easy to exploit similar to chivalry.

I honestly don't see what point you were trying to make by bringing up either Mordhau or Chivalry, both going to be/are trash melee fps games that pander to the most pleb of demographics.

>This year
I say we have at least two years of waiting, 2020 if we are optimistic.

Day 1 Linux support?

>comparing Mordhau with it's small 16 - 64 player count to M&B which supports hundreds of on screen actors at once

Are you really this fucking retarded? they're completely different kinds of games.

I wouldn't call the combat shallow. It is easy to pick up and that's what makes it good. Not everything needs to be complicated. However, I do agree with you that M&B is mostly about large scaled battles.

>Mordhau isn’t innovative
Okay so why is it going to feel like margarine compared to M&B which plays like a stick of butter that’s been sitting in the fucking freezer

When you play M&B you are playing a game that plays like it’s from 2003. There is no appeal, especially in the current market. Again, defensive because you know you’re a cult following for a reason. Nobody plays this shit other than you faggots circle jerking one another on Sup Forums

What does it matter having 100+ on screen if the interactions/combat with them are janky and dated as all fuck

Like what is enjoyable about that? Tell me. You might as well play Oblivion, but wait, even oblivion’s combat is more enjoyable

>no appeal in the current market.

That's for the market to decide, not you. With the amount of hype that's been surrounding Bannerlord for literally almost 7 years, I'd beg to differ. And you have no idea how Mordhau is going to play because it hasn't been released yet so don't say it's GOING to play like margarine. And like others have brought up, comparing a melee fps arena style game to an intricate medieval rpg is comparing two entirely different genres so again, what exactly are you trying to say? Are you retarded? It's like saying Halo reach is a better fps than Megaman

>purging the sarranids or whatever is the sandnigger faction on day ONE

There will be no better feeling

>with the amount of hype
You mean on Sup Forums and on Sup Forums alone right? Lmao. Pull your head out of your ass dude

>Nobody plays it besides you fags on Sup Forums!

MB is one of the only games on steam to have active multiplayer servers for 13 years, I'd beg to differ.

Who cares about the current market? why do you want games to pander to the worst retards there could possibly be? M&B is a niche game that pleases it's fanbase, that's what the devs want and why they're not changig any of the core mechanics.

sorry was meant for

That camel looks smug asf

Bannerlord has consistently been one of the most anticipated games of each year since 2015, once again your arguments are in no way substantiated and I'm tempted to believe you are just baiting because no human being can be this retarded.

Great combat, lot's of weapons, lot's of units, lot's of freedom, lot's of mods, lot's of possibilities, and it's a hard game. What else do you want?

Are you seriously comparing a game released in 2007 to a game released in 2012 (and that probably got "inspired" by M&B)

it's total chaos and in open fields it's fun commanding your army and being all tacticool

If Mount&Blade was nothing but putting you on a random map with random troops to whack at it nobody would give a shit.
What matters is that the guys you´re fighting with are your troops you´ve painstaikingly recruited, that if the battle goes south they die for real, that you´re the guy who initiated the battle in the first place because it fits you´re greater design, and that the outcome of the battle will influence the future of the realm and your prospering warband.

>margarine memes from the 90s
it's not made with transfat anymore, hasn't been for decades

Try a thousand+

>This year lads, this year.

Stop this.

All I see here is you complaining about people having fun with a game you don't fancy and not understanding how people can have fun with something you don't approve.
I'm trying to say that you have the 'tism , son.

Will there be COOP campaigns? Cause that would be cool as all hell

>I-it will be this year, right?

Why are you expecting the game to be good? Like, okay MB is pretty good, but only because the community made it so.

The devs are slow, lazy roaches. For those of you who have jobs, imagine how much work you can do in 1 week. Just the amount of shit you can take care working a full week. Now, imagine these fucks working on a game like Bannerlord, for 7 years with almost nothing to show.
Honestly, looking at the images, I'd say it's barely an improvement graphics wise on Warband.
From watching the video they showed with the battle in the forest - the mechanics aren't really improved or different at all from Warband.
The added game mechanics takes modders about 2-3 days to make, and these fucks have been working on them for over 5 years.

I don't really see what the hype is here, it's fucking shady and the dev blog updates they are giving out weekly are literally 0 content and just shit like 'this is Mohammad and he's working on creative shit, he likes dogs and taking long walks on the beach'.
Really just feels like a bunch of incompetent devs working on something that will never release - or will just be a pile of garbage on release - so now they're just trying to get people to preorder by acting like they are working on it.

Just don't get your hopes too high, Sup Forums. I warned you

>it's a siege episode

bring it on mameluke piece of shit

Better engine for modding the game is what you make it

you answered in your first paragraph.

You can form a huge horde of horse niggers and fly around the map raiding rich and vulnerable targets to make ridiculous amounts of money. Of course you will become hated and feared by every civilized lord in the world but no matter if they cant catch you. Once you're richer than god and the other empires are poor and weak from fighting each other buy elite troops, take the most defensible castle in the world and sit back and laugh as your men throw back hundreds of enemy troops who have come to stamp out your evil once and for all.

After that become a bandit god or something, idk.

>with almost nothing to show.
I think you live in a different universe entirely buddy

And that shit takes 7 years? The guy working the engine already said it's done. Just release and be done with all the shady shit.

I am not defending them, is just that if they release this shit now they are gonna get so mcuh money and they wouldn't even need to worry about bugs, cause all the modders would fix them in the first week, I don't know what shit they are doing to delay this so much

They're porting to console, that's why. They're aligning it so that the console version and the pc version launch at the same time to get maximum sheckles. A release this year won't be likely unless it's some form of early access, but if I were to say an estimate I'd guess we'd get a release date this year and the actual release early-mid 2019.

If you scoop it down your throat with a spoon, yeah.

I belive they're trying to apply their own "Nintendo polish" but they're taking too long because: 1. they're not NIntendo, they don't have the same work ethic. 2. It's practically their 2nd full game that they've ever done 3. Turkey is a shitshow right now


To be fair they are adding a lot of unnecesary useless shit as well that nobody asked for and that's also wasting their time, like the camels. Who the fuck wanted camels. Is it really worth the time and effort to waste time on camels when the fucking guy can't even hold the reins while sitting on said camel's hump?

Not trying to defend Taleworlds, but I think they had to rewrite core engine parts to accomodate for things they were adding to the game. Like thousands of NPCs in a battle.
I think that at the end of the day, they are an "advanced" indie team that are trying to make a AAA game which throws a lot of hurdles on their path.
I think they should instead make it possible for their engine to be modular in such a way that they can release the game and keep adding new content (as in new engine features, not new races/models/textures) while they receive feedback from the community. Shape the game with guidance from the players instead of trying to make the ultimate creation and release it when it's "done".

>releases 2021
>unoptimized as fuck
>need a literal 16gb ram, i7 6 core, gtx 1080 to even get 300 fps on medium

by that time I will be spend all my time with a japanese doll, and call her Chi.

yeah, they are like putting useless DLC in the main game while people are starving for a fucking demo or just a release date.

Latest gameplay demos have been running pretty damn well for ~500 unit battles. Warband was struggling when going over 300, and it didn't have all the fancy physics and visuals.

Bannerlord itself is probably gonna be shit, the standalone expansion like warband was to the original will be a lot better though.


You do realize that Bannerlord is a sequel to WARBAND right?

What did he mean by this!?

Isnt that what they did with the first game? That worked out unironically good

Warband is an expansion to the original M&B fool


I hope they dont, why would they take the modders job. Just get the base game out, dont be greedy roaches

I never said that it wasn't, but you're implying that they're regressing content to the original mount and blade and then adding more features in a stand alone expansion and that's fucking retarded.

We're at least getting most of what warband was, which is already a good game. So I don't understand what you're saying.


Yeah. That's what I'm saying.