What game are you confident you could beat Telence D'arby at, if your soul was on the line?

What game are you confident you could beat Telence D'arby at, if your soul was on the line?

Mario party. All down to luck now, fucker.

RTCW, Wolf:ET, TF2

Dokapon Kingdom


MW3 qs

Part 3 takes place in 1989, so any modern FPS with a decent skill ceiling should do.

he said game user


metal gear online
dirty bomb (and fps like that)
the multiplayer for Brutal Legend

Halo custom game where he's stuck in a hole and I spawn with all the weapons



Mario Kart DS, so long as he doesn’t know about the secret item box on DK Pass too

>implying that Sup Forumsirgins have any actual chance to defeat Daniel

>p-poker is all luck! just be random and you'll win when you get a good hand
>wow a new hearthstone expansion is out! i just need to spend $300 to get the cards so I can get legend!

What are you even trying to say


also this part made me mad

>remove kakyoin from story, bring him back just so he can job and then get donutted

Given his reaction times, accuracy and mind reading I probably only have a chance at either a game he doesn't know where his mind reading isn't fast enough or pure luck. So, mario party it is.

I don't think I could beat him in anything that is multiplayer, I only play singleplayer games, so unless it's a "who beats the game faster" or "who gets the best ending" type of competition, I would stand 0 chance against him.

I survived a year with nothing but preloaded games once. I think I can do all right.

The fuck is on his face though?

Guilty Gear Xrd.


Halo 2

Breakers Revenge

Everyone aside from Pol Pol was written like shit

>Jotaro is one of the blandest main characters in existence and never actually does anything of interest and is hardly even friends with his parts designated brojo
>Kakyoin is the worst brojo of the series, never gets any time to shine except for that time he made a baby eat shit and spends like half the adventure missing, completely wasting the parts best theme
>Avdol has one (O N E) cool fight with Polnareff and never does anything again except die twice
>Joseph is pure comedy relief and uses hamon like twice

It's the 80s, right?

>rocks fall and you die

delightfully devilish

F.E.A.R. multiplayer unarmed only

SHIEt nigga what happen?

I lived in a boat


worked as a dishbitch on a cruise and didn't pack my vidya