Were ubisoft /ourguys/ all along?
No faggot
>republicans aren't all bad
fuck off shill nobody cares
>"Obama loving libtards"
I will be pretty disappointed if these NPCs don't also praise Trump
ubisoft, EA, bioware.
if you have bought a game from any of these companies in the past 5 years please kill yourself
fuck off marketer
I love how liberals loved Far Cry 5 at first, because they thought it'd be all about killing Trump Supporting Christians, but once it appears to be the opposite, they feel "uncomfortable"
ugh I just can't
>terrible at everything and they lie all the time
not buying ubisoft ever again, they've been bottom of the barrel for over a decade
T. Soyboy
While you should kill yourself for being an Ubi shill it’s nice to still know that game journos are still completely retarded.
fuck off Sup Forums
what are they confused about?
>implying i will watch that shitty video
>"Obama loving libtards"
this terminology is so accurate I wouldn't be surprised if people on the dev team aren't being tongue-in-cheek rather than criticizing conservatives from the opposite side.
jesus what a dirty whore
literal alternate history.
Sup Forums couldn't shut up about it.
tl;dw edition?
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Republican you faggot
ironic weeb whores are the lowest form of trash
There is a quest giver that says, and I quote “Obama loving libtards”.
That made those faggots very uncomfortable and they don’t seem sure about how to feel about him.
The majority of people who act like pic related are the same as pic related. Newfags who think that Sup Forums used to be some safe space free of the word nigger and politics before the 2016 election
Looking mentally ill is not attractive.
woah, you found a random degenerate on the internet who doesn't like Sup Forums, congrats
now fuck off
GameSpot finally turned into a full shithole after that discount Matt Damon took over with his hipster friend.
why is Sup Forums so OBSESSED with being validated here?
NPC questgiver says the phrase “Obama loving libtard” and they are confused when he isn’t shown to be a Villian, the black guy believes the NPC’s mannerisms to also be a personal attack towards him.
>word nigger
This one always seems weird to me. If you say "nigger" now most anons will jump on you calling you a racist and how you're a "drumpf supporter" because no one used to say nigger here before Trump became a candidate.
Sup Forums leaking has never been this bad, fucking faggot
>Video games make political statements
>People begin to argue them
>You get asshurt
Face it, you just don't like discussion.
>things that never happened
Wolfenstein 2.0
gonna flop and they gonna cry and wonder where it went to wrong. I'm glad they are wasting millions
>They wasted millions
So they live in black and white world and when something doesn't fit they get confused? That's seriously childish mentality.
Before Sup Forums shit leaking, we had Sup Forums shit leaking. The flavor of the month board is always going to leak onto the smaller boards.
I love discussion, which is why Sup Forums derailing threads to make it all about them is annoying.
If you're so obsessed with validation, get a fucking trip and sperg on.
Otherwise, why would you even get peeved if someone calls you Sup Forums?
You don't have to believe me if you want. Sup Forums likes to complain about Sup Forums but you have to realize that you're the ones at fault for giving them so much attention and screeching about it. I don't even go to Sup Forums for christ's sake. The last time I was on that board was during the election to see the reactions.
What about Sup Forums leaking onto other boards? This board is complete ass
I hope pol is killed, that way they'll flock to all the board until they slowly migrate to another site and all boards can finally shitposting in peace about other things unrelated to the board they're shitposting in, instead of pol posting in every single thread about race, niggers, politics, lefties, niggers, soy products, niggers, etc
They’re games “journalists”. They live in a bubble, and if someone says something they disagree with and isn’t portrayed as being totally in the wrong their small minds can’t compute it.
>Some gun-toting bigot says something I disagree with
>Game doesn't tell me to murder him with my gun
>You can't criticize John Oliver's political opinions because its just comedy! Dumb republitard don't you have a sense of humor?
>You can't criticize Wolfenstein for releasing an obviously politically charged title in a politically charged time because it's just a video game! Wahh leave Sup Forumstard!!! Muh Sup Forums bogeyman!!!!
It's the same shit. I honestly don't see the problem. If you don't like those threads just ignore them.
aha yes trolling libtards EPIC style XD
You realize everyone on this site play video games right, has nothing to do with Sup Forums. But you can identify Sup Forumsfags by their shitty memes.
>Cartoon clownish depiction of a hillbilly.
>Obviously depicted as an idiot simpleton.
>"A-am i supposed to like this guy?!"
This must be the result of all those cape-shit movies, turning people's brains into shit.
When Farcry's character representation is too subtle for you, it's time to reconsider a few things about your life, jfc.
Now i understand why Star Wars color coded their good and bad guys tho.
Sup Forums is shit but we know how shit we are and leave it at the door.
we know our taste in anime is shit, so we don't bother Sup Forums about it.
we know we don't know shit about computers other than building gayman rigz so we don't bother Sup Forums with it.
Crossboarding is no problem as long as you lurk first and don't try to make every other board like your home board.
And you can tell Sup Forums by its garbage memes too. This board is already garbage. I honestly don't see much of a difference between stupid pepes and yellow PS4 wojak sucking a nintendo fan into his asshole. It's dumb and not funny.
A character in a video game wasn't a leftist writer self-insert and that's weird and iffy so they immediately begin casting aspersions on Ubisoft like they're promoting racism.
this but unironically
bet i could beat all those guys up by myself, man they look useless.
Honestly I hope Far Cry 5 triggers faggots that nought the game was going to virtue signal to them about the evils of the white man when in reality the cult has blacks and whites in it and it’s other rural Americans trying to stop him through asserting their 2A rights.
>this whole post
Go to Sup Forums right now. You'll get laughed at and sent back to Sup Forums. They're constantly complaining about Sup Forums crossboarders. Just like Sup Forums does with Sup Forums
As someone that posts on Sup Forums periodically you're completely wrong.
Only For Honor and Siege are worth playing.
>haha, le epic invicible bear that plays the game for me. so fun XD
you can criticize both for inherrent (comedy/gameplay) or polticial flaws.
However most Sup Forums homeboarders do not know how to take even the slightest shit without sperging out.
If some retard calls you Sup Forums, why would you even get mad and spam your pre-fab images about how "Sup Forums is fine guys, please don't hate us!".
You're anonymous, stop caring.
Libtard males have about the same iq as women, that’s why they have narcissistic tendency’s.
>Legacy captcha
>always used nigger for the dummy word
>always worked
>not even racist
heh heh heh
it would be like getting offended by using fag on this site, that word has transcended into another
where even?
shonenshit threads?
>Obama loving libtard
wtf I love farcry 5 now?
The one with the glasses seems like a tremendous faggot.
They’re all tremendous faggots
Any thread. Darlingfags are called Sup Forums crossboarders this season. If you say something stupid you'll get redirected to Sup Forums. This isn't just exclusive to Sup Forums as well. Other boards do the same. There's a reason why this board is called Sup Forums2.0 and is regarded as one of the worst boards on this site.
Because politics seem to be a big deal with video games now and I honestly don't see why we can't discuss them without people tossing accusations of "board loyalty" around. I don't even browse Sup Forums and a lot of games now are making really stupid political decisions that personally alienate my point of view. So why shouldn't I be allowed to say something about it? If game developers want to inject a narrative against right wingers or left wingers into their game, it is relevant to video games. If I think it's completely retarded that Blizzard has to make Tracer a homosexual or decreased the size of her ass because a bunch of autists and tourists that don't even really play games decided to scream like banshees on social media, I don't see what the big deal is.
I'd be confused too, I wouldn't expect Ubisoft not to pander to sjws
>that like/dislike ratio
Good to know other people also think they’re retarded
isn't the ubisoft studios pretty different from each other?
just look at those dudes, they radiate weakness.
I feel confused thinking that the concept of being confused at politically incorrect satire exists. What the fuck is wrong with these people? What the fuck happened with the world?
because nobody cares faggot
why don’t you go to /vg/ you want to talk about Overwatch so badly?
I wouldn’t say anything definitively yet. He could be just an absurd republican straw man.
Though given how triggered they were it’s possible he is portrayed in a more neutral light, idk.
really gets the thinker aclinker don't it
FC5 first shown
>REEEEEE! White guys are villains! Fuck virtue signalling SJW devs!
FC5 now
>REEEEEE! It's not all black and white! Go back to your safe spaces! wtf I love FC5 and Ubisoft now
Makes me think
>I don't even browse Sup Forums
then why did you post Sup Forums images that attempt to validate Sup Forums?
And to the rest of your post, you can post about the politics of video games all you want, I just don't see why you want poster validation like this.
You could have told me to fuck off 2 posts ago and yet you're still trying to validate yourself to all of us despite your anonymity.
What are you doing?
If you don't care, that's fine. Move along. But stop whining about muh Sup Forums every time someone posts something you don't like. You completely missed the point, anyways, brainlet. I don't give a shit about Overwatch, it was just an example of a hot button issue that can be perceived as politics.
>much worse than Sup Forums
Hello polcuck.
The worst part is that Sup Forums can actually be really fucking annoying when they raid your board like when they raided Sup Forums for like a week and you couldn't talk about subnautica at all without the thread getting derailed. You can't tell them to fuck off though because people will accuse you of being one of these faggots. I just want to discuss video games.
We saw so little footage there is a chance this guy is portrayed in a more neutral light.
Or maybe it’s just because they need a smart liberal academic there ingame to refute everything that guy says.
All Far Cry games are like this, though. It never portrays a side as being totally evil.
I think even Ubisoft realizes that if they released the game and it portrayed literally 50% of America as hood-wearing nazis, that might cause a bit of a backlash.
ubisoft dont believe in genders
I'd say it's around the same. His points are still valid.
I browse Sup Forums sometimes for news and laughing about funny world events, but this stuff really shouldn't spill over to Sup Forums
>jewt resigned because of the fappening fiasco pressure and not because he was an embarrassed cuckold
>>REEEEEE! It's not all black and white! Go back to your safe spaces! wtf I love FC5 and Ubisoft now
nobody is falling for their retarded marketing
this game will end up underselling (but still quite well)
What are you talking about? I've posted literally no images in this thread. Why are you strawmanning?
>And to the rest of your post, you can post about the politics of video games all you want, I just don't see why you want poster validation like this.
Because we're having an argument? Are you asking why people argue? Sorry but that's deep psychological territory and that's beyond my capabilities. Do your own research.
ubi always has moments of clarity in their left leaning games
Don't kid yourself, they are a corp, and they are about money.
>needing to tell someone that you're having an argument
I don't think you're having an argument
>implying Sup Forums is still a super sekrit club anymore
That's your subjective opinion. In my opinion, if a game is going to make a hard political stance we should be allowed to talk about it. It's video game related at that point.
More importantly, does gookmoot like Rei or Asuka more?
>ultimate pleasure face is looking ill
No wonder you'd think that, you've never pleasured a woman.
Is this not an argument? This is getting completely stupid because obviously I'm talking to a retard that will just keep continuously deflecting until this devolves into some retarded meta bullshit. Whatever man, fuck you and fuck niggers.
Sup Forums complaining is a meme. Even Sup Forums stole it despite the fact they're the shittiest and most blatant crossposters on the whole site and are probably responsible for most of the newfag posts on Sup Forums.