Will this game be good, /tb/? whats next for Atlus?

will this game be good, /tb/? whats next for Atlus?

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When is it out in the UK?

>whats next for Atlus?


I mean it's just SJ with some extra stuff, so probably
>implying PQ2 won't come first

May 18th, a few days after the US.

Strange that this will be the first time it's released in PAL regions, reminds me of the 90s.

So how are the new endings?

How similiar is this game to Etrian Odyssey? Are turns separate per side or is turn order decided by accounting turn speed?

>Atlus will NEVER EVER remake/remaster Persona 1 + 2 + 2:EP to fit modern standards and make fucktonnes of free money from both SMT oldfags AND new post-3 persona fans
>instead lol just have a slightly shiner port of throwaway titles like Strange Journey or that 3DS port of Soul Hackers and shit

doom marine looks different

and who's the chick in red

they already did slightly shinier ports of the playstation persona games

It accounts for turn speed, unlike press turn megaten
Enjoy your PSP ports

>throwaway titles like Strange Journey
it was better than actual SMT4

>Strange Journey
>throwaway title

Fuck off. Not only is it a great game, it's also mainline. It just didn't get a number because it doesn't take place in Tokyo. There are references to it in IV everywhere.

It's a great game, has some good improvements over the original and unretards the cast.

It's the definitive way to play the game, with the most badass Neutral ending in SMT history, and Law and Chaos endings that aren't essentially dolled up bad ends.

>look up some gameplay
>they changed the menu and combat sounds

I know that that's an extremely petty thing to complain about but I loved the sound effects in the original SJ

Can you switch the party HUD in battle to display portraits like in SMT4 instead of the sprites? All that empty space annoys the shit out of me.

Nope, it's the one annoying thing about it.

I can't believe how long this fucking remake has been in the works. This game better have like double the content or some shit.

Enjoy your dub only voice acting :^)

>English dub in a game where it actually makes sense to have an English dub.

Fine by me.

Released by Deep Silver and if you paid any attention during SMT4:A the real release date is a tossup. It was released officially in December but the first copies I saw online were delivered in February/March. Fucking insane.

Delaying EMD 2 and the new EO localizations for a year.

Yup, I've had to wait for my copy of Apocalypse for so long I thought the store conned me and/or forgot to sent it.

There's no dub. Atlus USA is just incompetent as shit at translating.

No there's a dub, that's why the release got delayed

>whats next for Atlus?
Persona 5 dancing/fighting/cooking/driving games

I don't care about the dancing game but PQ2 does interest me.

>Souls Hackers
>Strange Journey

Also, the Persona 2 duology is absolute garbage in terms of gameplay.

>will this game be good

It's SJ with better endings, I'm hype as fuck. For once the Neutral ending involves fucking up the problem rather than hurrrr let's delay the problem.

Persona Kart please.

>Nanjo doesn't even drive, Yamaoka drives him in a limo

But it's usually fucking up the problem that delays it, because it's an immortal deity of some kind.

>will it be good
no. i expect them to somehow ruin the game after playing SMT4A

Reminder that japan HATES the new doomguy ending.

You have to be lying about this.

>Japan has shit taste

What else is new?

It's not a remake.

Fake news.

Japan aren't fond of the original SJ to begin with

Is not fake, check the comments on any youtube vid of the ending. They hate it because it suggest that humanity will never change for the better and will always repeat the same mistakes.

>Jap consumers are fucking tasteless retards

Woah, what a surprise

where's my fucking SMT I remake

>check the comments on any youtube vid of the ending
Not only can I not read Japanese could you show me a youtube comment saying these things.

What's the deal with SMT stealing Etrian's style and gameplay? First Strange Journey, then Persona Q.



Both were ripping Pokemon Mystery Dungeon off first.

>atlus never waifu bai-

>replying to an obvious shitpost

She dies/gets retgone in ALL the routes.

I was just bumping the thread

Which makes SJ's New Neutral ending so fucking rad.

What is the solution to an immortal enemy? Become immortal yourself and keep murdering it every time it comes back.

I love the 3ds and all. But remaking games on such outdated hardware seems kind of pointless.

Is this the SMT thread?

it can be if you want

No, PMD has a top down view with a completely different battle system. But you can definitely say that Etrian Mystery Dungeon is a copy of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon which is a copy of Izuna the Unemployed Ninja which is a copy of Shiren the Wanderer.

>Become immortal yourself and keep murdering it every time it comes back.
>tfw this was Soul Sacrifice
>Except the final boss made you immortal because it kept reviving you whenever you fell during the fight

Which references? the Black samurai? I have only played IV and IV A but I will also get this one when it's released, I'm curious about it

>Strange Journey was the last good DS game
>Strange Journey Redux will be the last good 3DS game


Radiant Historia.

A new Trauma Center game.

I'm so sorry

>EO6 blocks your path

So if there's going to be a dub who will voice who?
I hope they give characters like Jimenez and Maya their appropriate accents

I understand everything BUT the dino.

>They hate it because it suggest that humanity will never change for the better and will always repeat the same mistakes.

Then why do they love IV's Neutral ending when it's basically the same thing? Is it because every character in the game doesn't suck your dick for going Neutral like IV does?

So where should I start if I want to get into SMT

What? But going neutral in SJ has everyone cheering for you, so "sucking your dick".

SS was such an amazing game.

>if we were all rich, there would be no monsters

Here is the ending in question

Read the Bible harder

Nocturne or Strange Journey

All the new endings are retarded tbqh

>law with angel mind control
>chaos with demon mind control
>neutral that adresses the fact it never ends
They are all better, except for japan who seems to think new neutral is filled with despair and solves nothing at all.

Ok but what if there was an ending where all the Mothers embrace you like you're their child

Etrian Odyssey 4

Fucking gross. Is this really the audience Atlus thinks they need to appeal to?

This if you want the classic experience. Digital Devil Saga if you want a more traditional, linear story to introduce you to the mechanics with a preset party, or Devil Survivor Overclocked if you want a light strategy RPG.

The P3D and P5D localizations.

>mfw these, the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra and Hamilton are gonna destroy my AX funds

>Angel/demon mind control
What? But the point of those endings is that humanity rises against them and does their own law (free will is keep) and chaos (weak are given a chance).


Either Persona 3 or Devil Survivor. Don't play mainline SMT, it's edgy shit for 10 year olds.

That sounds awful desu. Not that the original endings were good in the the first place.
still better than what FES did tho.


P3 is way more edgy than SMT.

Good to know ants can read this shit

Retarded phoneposter

What are you trying to pull

Switch to desktop view you dumb faggot.

Remember me guys?

Was the debuffs that Krishna applied because of toots or what? I didnt realized this until I was -3 in almost everything

My good man Ondore, how nice to see you

No, SJ was worst SMT

ragas cast debuffs, yeah

Then it's probably pretty good.

> humanity will never change for the better and will always repeat the same mistakes
So it tells the fucking truth? Nips have eternally garbage taste even in nip things.

Can't make up my mind if I want this. SJ is one of my favorite games but nothing about this seems like a significant improvement. My only hope was that it would get an English dub that gave Jimenez a borderline racist accent.

But vending machine gives up on his humanity and turns into doom machine.

Yes, Un-trusworthy entity?

>better gameplay
>better endings
>more content

Dumb gay animeposter.

>better endings