Why is japanese humour so unfunny?
Why is japanese humour so unfunny?
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>FUCK drumpf and FUCK white people lmao
Why is western humor so unfunny?
They're Japanese
why is British humor so funny?
because you're not japanese
Usually it's too exaggerated and overly explained.
This isn't comedy though, people actually believe it
this and this humour is cultural
>audience dies of laughter.
made me laugh to be honest
>the retarded nobody who knows jackshit about comedy and never wrote anything popular thinks he's in a position to criticize professional HIRED writers
Your opinion is worth shit.
like clockwork, do you ever feel ashamed for being so predictable?
thats the comedy
Japan has trouble with this concept. embarrasment=/=humour.
because it is respecful and doesn't make fun of others
Because we're the GOATs at humor.
>is ok when nippon does it
civil war against weebs when
This, Japan overexplains the fuck out of their jokes. Even in otherwise well-written shows they can't help but re-explain every single bit of humor until all the comedy is sucked out. They just have very little respect for Japanese audiences.
Name 1 (ONE) humour that beats British
Yes please, wh*tey need to start killing each other again
I'm convinced that your average jap has very mild form of autism, so they don't want to laugh unless it's a) it's very clear it's a joke and b) the joke is explained so that everyone in the audience can understand it. Japanese etiquette is so strict that I think they're very reluctant to laugh on the off chance that they embarrass themselves.
I thought it was funny
British cuisine.
The West is a cluster fuck of unfunny shit wether it be random, political, or cringe comedy it's all unfunny
I never understood this censored wh*te meme
It isnt. Ever seen batsu games? Shits hilarious.
>Audience undergoes an uncontrolled runaway fission reaction.
>Emergency cooling rods are inserted into the audience but shatter from the sheer heat of 500 mega-pascals of pressure-cooked laughter, sending shards at speeds a fraction of light through the concrete supports as if they were wax in the core of the sun.
>There is nobody to call governor of California to inform him his state is a walking corpse, the crew have already melted into piles of screaming bile and piss, all Hollywood will know in the next ten seconds is the high-pitched keening of the studio undergoing explosive laughter compression, before the sweet embrace of oblivion overtakes them.
>A nearby child looks up at the sound from the park, and seared into his eyes as his ears bleed from the reverberating lethal bazinga is the image of the six I got in this long post that really doesn't have a point.
>By the time the President of the United states is called his country is already in ruin, the west coast is a sundered wreck of audience laughter, a unending and unrelenting assault on the senses of humour.
It hirarious, you just dumb baka gaijin, you brain to smarr to understand interrigent nihon humor.
That's not funny my tastebuds died that way.
The office (US) > The office (UK)
>several of the most famous chefs in the world are brits
>including Gordon Ramsey and Ainsley Harriot, both of whom are beloved men icons on Sup Forums
>pic related
*beloved meme icons
They don't though? Japanese humor is incredibly pun based, but because their language is contextual its basically impossible to transfer intent, what you're reading is overexplaination is just the continuation of puns.
>overly explained
ding ding ding
even the joke in the op is kinda funny, all the fucking talking ruins it though
>wow you got a turkey, here's your prize
>show the chicken
>minute of silence
>some closing line and end it
so hard
>tv chefs
name one japanese comedy that's actually funny
This post is funny
> humor
Fuck off yank.
>Japanese humor is incredibly pun based
That's even worse.
>migrant telling people to fuck off of from their home
British comedy
>no story, no narrative, just a panel of people "bantering"
>upper class homosexual pedophile lectures an audience on why he's superior to the Americans
>audience applauds
>black Muslima appears for six minutes on a panel to explain how prejudice is wrong
>forgets to tell a joke but audience applauds anyways
>five women give their unsolicited opinions simultaneously as is per mandate of the BBC
>audience applauds
American comedy
>insightful stories written by a team Ivy league-educated geniuses on the silly contradictions of modern social behavior we all engage in
>clever subversions of comedic cliches evident in pretentious British comedies
>witty commentary on the nature of language and media
>but not so pretentious that they can't enjoy a good sex or bodily function joke
>muh vagina muh penis muh fart jokes
I agree, western humor is literally retarded.
>hired writers
on a video game, not a sitcom, not even a game that's comedic half the time.
face it, you'd have to be autistic to think that joke deserves a minute long scene. at least robot chicken jokes are like 5 seconds long even if they're retarded.
And limeys wonder why they’re being replaced in real time by Muslims.
>like both British and Japanese humor
I feel like I've done something wrong.
I thought Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store was pretty good, only has one season though.
The chicken scene is rooted in a very specific and traditional style of Japanese humor which has a particular structure, not unlike a haiku. You're supposed to appreciate the art form of making a joke work within the limitations of the structure; the structure itself isn't intended to be inherently funny, just like there's nothing inherently special about the syllable structure of a haiku. The chicken scene is one of the only examples of this specific style of humor I can recall from the entire game.
>That's even worse.
It's really not, just because something doesn't fit your culture doesn't mean its bad, stop being such a fucking hick.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
So it's a joke that isn't funny?
Is this a shitty attempt at making an edit of that Finnish store clerk scenario?
I forgot the name. You know the one I'm talking about right?
They have no conception of irony, sarcasm, or dry humor
Their satire is fucking weak because they don't want to offend anyone by singling them out (see: Gintama pissing off that politician)
90% of Japanese Comedians think slapstick and making themselves look stupid/ugly is top tier humor
They think the straight man in a comedy duos function is to scream like a retard
Daily Lives of High School Boys
cultural relativists are the worst
Detroit Metal City is legit the only funny thing that ever came out of japan.
>Japanese humor
The main issue is that most of it is thoroughly impenetrable for westerners without years of study. It's an entirely different world, filled with constant references to celebrities every Japanese person knows from watching TV for the past 20 years, but you have no clue about. Manzai can be a bit simplistic, but it's generally enjoyable even if it doesn't reach the heights of stand-up.
I hope that episode of Gaki from a few weeks back about Housei leaving the showbiz world gets translated at some point, but the GnT subbers in the west are fucking terrible, 90% chinks with no sense of comic timing. That shit had me in tears.
1st episode of Prison School.
>when they're playing with the stick like it's a sword and they're in an RPG
shit made me almost tear up. God I miss my friends and being a stupid kid
>replacing awkward humour and believable characters with le goofy man and his fun brigade
yeah na
How can any of you feel like you have a valid opinion on humor when you're all jaded edgy fucks who find no enjoyment in anything?
Do the japanese even have stand up? Would be awful if they had and it would be their horrible pun humor.
Is the joke that the anti-Jap reddit contingent are far more predictable or?
It's an artistic joke.
>tfw seen over 400 anime and have never laughed at a single comedy anime
Anime is only funny because of shitposting and memes.
I know someone that unironically says stuff like this and I wanna choke him
They actually invented it.
more like kneel-down, though
You don't get to qualify something as unfunny if you don't know about french "humor". More than half of the "comedy" movies that go out every year are fucking embarassing.
Here's one about a rabbi, an imam and a priest forming a band.
The original message was "piece between all religions of the Book" and they got that right, since all three of them were angry at the movie
>Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other verbal gags
Fucking awful man. The japs really love their misunderstandings and pun comedy.
>Author just flatout fucking stopped drawing it out of the blue
I'm still mad that we'll never get a second season.
>doubting Ramsey's skill
He's literally the best chef right now
t. shonenfag
I used to be the same, or at least smirk at most.
Until I watched Nichijou.
Gaki no Tsukai.
>Western jokes
>"My vagina smells funny and I fart, lol"
It's amazing.
>>Gaki no Tsukai.
t. Has only watched a few translated new year batsu games and maybe an episode of silent library or two
Gaki is pretty hit and miss, dude.
Fuck off weeb.
Gamecenter CX
that isn't funny but unlocking the chicken as a property manager is pretty funny
Prison school was the absolute shit
That's hilarious
This is so accurate. Comedy talkshows have been nothing but "FUCK BLUMPF HAHAHAHA" for the past year and a half
Same director.
A fucking comedy genius
GCCX is literally just pointing out things humor.
cromartie high or die
Cromartie and Daily Lives of Highschool Boys both made me laugh quite a bit.