Is Witcher 1 the greatest pleb filter of all time?
Is Witcher 1 the greatest pleb filter of all time?
just because a game is so boring and not fun that most people quit, doesn't mean that it's a "pleb filter"
it's just a shit game
Should I even bother learning to play it? Or just watch a playthrough?
My last attempt ended in failure.
spotted the faglord who couldn't manage to get through the tutorial.
don't forget to take your concerta this morning.
Want to know how I know that you're American?
>the comfiest game with best gameplay
>boring and not fun
1 > 2 >>>>>>>>> 3
>Should I even bother learning to play it?
Yes, it's not that difficult of a game.
>Or just watch a playthrough?
Absolutely not.
is it because he has the opinion of a child and it's early morning in america, the school bus hasn't passed yet?
Witcher 1 plays more like a rhythm game imo.
come on now, don't be retarded.
the witcher is an amazing game, but the only thing it does better than the other games in the series is the atmosphere and inventory.
witcher 2 has a much better story.
witcher 3 has a much better literally everything. you can even say it has better story if you count HoS.
Anyways, postan favorite OST
>that feel when you played , completed, and loved all three games
I can only get into these "comfy" games if the playable character is a cute girl
Watching it would be a complete waste of time you faggot.
I loved both 2 and 3. Haven't played through 1 yet, though. Is it really that hard to get in to?
Im at chapter 4. Should I get gwalhir steel sword with +50% damage and +40% disarm, pain and precise hit? Or G'valchir with +100% damage and armor penetration? This'll be the final steel sword im getting. Playing on hard mode btw
hated 3 sorry.
I might have to replay it soon. It took me three tries, but eventually I liked it, but the story was forgettable and I don't really remember much of it.
Not really, once you get past how the combat works it's still a very enjoyable game.
It's amazing what they were able to do with the NWN1 engine.
>ranks by comfiness
>2 above 3
W2 ain't comfy at all
>much better literally everything
Especially open world. Those empty plains are so much better than W1's levels.
>open world is good
TW3's swamp is ten times better than TW1's swamp.
TW1 is a PC classic. TW2 and 3 are consolized pieces of shit.
One of the most atmospheric locations in all vidya
I still remember that feeling... "when does the game actually starts?".
>this game being better than anything but shit
if i wanted a worse gothic with an empty world i would just play risen faggot.
>tfw i cant anymore see poppies without hearing this song in my head
>fish rod
>no fucking line
Pretty much
I have five friends that play games, and I'm the only one that has completed the Witcher 1 because nobody else could get by the first boss. (I found weird because he's a little difficult but he's not impossibly hard)
Restarted the swamp area three times because the nosy dog kept following me and dying.
I love this game more than the sequels, one of comfiest games of all time.
>Witcher 1
>Empty world
Spotted the redditor, next you go on le ebin shitposting at least play half an hour of the games you will lie about.
>imagine being this much a cuckold soyboy nigger
The first boss was "hard" because it wasnt exactly clear with how you were suppose to stun it using sound from the giant metal bowls. It said to use sound but I struggle at first because even when I used aard on both bowls the boss still would get stunned leading me to think that I had to bait him closer to one.
Who do you mean by first boss? The Frightener, the mage Savola or the Hellhound?
You can stun the first boss??
Holy shit, maybe I'm the pleb.
I always considered the hellhound the first boss.
Same, but I can see how someone can call both savola and the frightener a boss too.
Played about halfway through 1, or after the swamp shit? Game is boring as fuck...but yeah keep lying to yourself cause a fanboy.
>Omg the storrrrry is what makes a game
I meant to say wouldnt get stunned. For me the frightner was the first boss and yeah you can stun him using sound and you're suppose to use strong style.
I struggled here too and kept dying until I used a proper style. Alot of people seem to struggle in this game because they use the wrong style which has a major impact on damage you deal.
>finish chapter 2
>get fucking tired of fighting all the drowners in the swamp
>looking forward to a change of environment, the urban part was much better than the swamp
>chapter 3 starts
barely played through the rest of the game, casting the fire sign twice was enough to kill all drowners around you but the game throws so many at you it starts feeling like i'm playing fucking diablo
Is it because my well-developed brain and its correct opinions suggests adequate nutrition, a feature notably absent in the war-torn Islamic hellhole that is post-war Europe?
>Doesn't understand that taste is subjective
>Gets angry when someone likes something he doesn't
>Thinks everyone secretly likes what he likes, they're just lying to themselves
For such a small contribution to the thread, this comment really does say a lot about your character.
How does armor pen worth in the game? Cus at no point does it tell you enemy armor values and its the only sword with armor pen
Witcher 1 was the most comfy
Chapter 4 is definitely one of the best locations in gaming.
Yeah, if you can tolerate absolutely atrocious gameplay because of secondary elements(story, visuals, music, etc) you are most certainly a pleb
read the books faggits
Probably, and by saying that I'm admitting that I'm a pleb. I played this game for the first time a couple of years ago.
>launch the game
>immediately get a long cinematic
>it was cool looking but unskippable
>finally ends, start game
>game looks like aids compared to cinematic
>no idea whats going on
>who are these people?
>who am I?
>controls are also aids
>turn off game and play binding of isaac
I wanted to get into it, I really did.
but in your case it means you're shit at games and should just keep on sucking dicks
>Everyone else's comment to bash someone who didn't like it is "cool" by this faggot.
>Post about "character" like we're in ancient Japan.
Guess my point struck a little bit eh?
it's basically juts extra damage, it's worth it for group style fighting because that's basically all you'll be doing late (with the occasional strong style)
Just press Esc
The first boss was complete bullshit. I went in without getting some oil that lets you deal more damage since I didn't know about it and I didn't have the aard stun unlocked either, tried beating him a bunch of times but it was literally impossible. Ended up loading an older save and grinding drowners for ages (since there weren't any quests left) to unlock the stun or knockdown ability that let me one hit kill the boss.
You turned off the game because it didn't immediately spoonfeed the plot, setting and character backgrounds to you? Christ, please jump off the nearest cliff
There were just too many things that went wrong that made me lose patience. And I also mentioned that I played binding of isaac which absolutely doesn't spoon feed you plot, setting and character backgrounds
>you'll never play TW1 for the first time again
>you'll never play TW1 for the second time again
>you'll never play TW1 for the third time again
>you'll never play TW1 for the fourth time again
>Everyone else's comment to bash someone who didn't like it is "cool" by this faggot.
>Post about "character" like we're in ancient Japan.
You've honestly lost me, what are you even trying to say? ..and what has your character got to do with ancient japan?
Back on your meds, user. You're obviously struggling without them.
Ohhhh snap
I'm slav who played this game from launch and I love W1 more than W2, and even I think swamp location was a fucking nightmare, both at the beginning and the end.
>the only retort to this post is le comfy screenshots
the witcher really does suck though
I think I might have grinded unintentionally, which is why I found it easier.
Open world games make me paranoid that I'll miss something and with respawning monsters, well... I'm sure you can guess how it went.
Ambient occlusion made it even better.
Annoying invisible walls: the place.
Witcher 1 feels like it has way to many useless spells and weapons. The only time I ever used an axe to drop shields was when fighting dwarves in the bank, other than that theres no reason to use anything other that the witcher sword. Aard becomes useless and only serves to open blocked areas and igni is the only spell worth a damn
Good idea, I should play TW1 a second time.
Overall I agree. It's a shame: The Witcher REALLY could have been a great spiritual successor to the Gothic series, but it had some serious gameplay flaws, and I'm not even talking about the rhythmic combat (which I actually enjoyed).
Also post Witcher pics, game is good.
Slav who loved W1 more than W2 and don't understand why people hate swamp since I breezed through it.
Is that the elf who refused the village chiefs help? Dude literally wanted to offer them food and help but the elves refused and say how its the villagers fault for being bigots
Honestly my favourite combat in an RPG. None of that psudeo-action game rollspam nonsense: your stats are the important part and you make 'decisions' (the rhythm element) to influence it. Sad that we'll never see anything like it again.
The swamp was fairly annoying in that there were many kill/fetch quests in it. It was a big area with enemies that kept respawning and weren't significantly rewarding to kill. My favorite sections are arguably those with Wyverns and Archaespores.
I watched 1 and 2 on youtube and the jump in quality was huge. The story in 1 was terrible
but of course Sup Forums overrates anything that's older than some other thing so they can pretend they're not underage
Who else successfully collected every sex card in one run?
W1 combat was much more meaningful than the slash roll in W2. Why did the change it so drastically?
The answer is always going to be the same - consoles
>I watched 1 and 2 on youtube
>im now an expert
Sex cards are collectables? I didnt even know that
>I watched all the cutscenes on youtube so that means my opinion matters
my man.
W1 combat was also unresponsive at times. Like youd click on an enemy but geralt wont do anything until you mayber either use a spell or retarget theme. There are also times when you use group style but some enemies who look like they SHOULD be in range dont get damaged
You can view the ones you have in the glossary. There's a unique card for every fuckable character/NPC
It's honestly not a very good game. I like the franchise but the game has so many flaws I can understand if someone wouldn't like it.
W1 an MMO-tier world to explore. It's big, empty and full of harvestable plants.
It was absolutely dull to explore.
well I also installed W1 when it came out but the combat was so shitty I stopped playing
so that's bad too
eat shit witcher kiddies
This song will never stop being great
Guess i'm a pleb then. I dropped it years ago thanks to the combat that was even worse than 2 and 3's. Even Morrowind's dice roll combat was more enjoyable for me.
t. 12 year old, those are complaints of a child
t. 56%
feels pretty good
Less of a pleb filter, more of a pleb magnet.
chapter 1 and 4 are great, city/swamp parts are a big chore because of all the running back and forth for fetch quests, its a shame because its a major part of the game
Probably. The tutorial is dull as fuck but everything after you enter Vizima was amazing. Yes, even the swamp. The Witcher is probably the game series you can tell the most about a person just by their broad opinions of the three games. The combat in 1 was incomparably better than the combat in 2. I specifically dropped 2 down to the easiest difficulty just so I no longer had to put up with that shit.
>the running back and forth
The thing too is that the game had fast travel and you wouldn't have even known it cus they didnt tell you or make it obvious enough.
Yeah, it's that bitch.
fast travel in chapter 1 ?
what was it ?
the only reason you think this is because you were so sick of the swamp that you were just so happy for a change.
it's an okay location. not the best.
if a man has not eaten for 3 weeks and then has a average burger, it would seem to be the best burger in the world.
in reality, it's not.