Private companies can silence your free speech

>private companies can silence your free speech

Suddenly, socialism doesn't seem so bad

Other urls found in this thread:

In socialism its the goverment the one that silences your free speech, hardly any better

socialism is when the government does stuff

Not really, they just pocket your tax money.
t. living in a socialist country

Are you from Venezuela?


what a tool

>private companies can silence your free speech on their platform
Fixed, plus it's constitutionally defendable. You have the right to free speech, but they don't have to host it.

Exactly, which is why we need a redpilled socialist government

He did that because his name isn't actually Josh but the review poster kept insisting that he'd doxxed him and that he was called Josh lol

And which vidya is this?

That's literally what sjws and redditors use to silence our free speech

God no.

This is where you boycott said companies


literally only 0 IQ people would argue for this

then you at most live in a social democratic country rather than a socialist one

it does call into question how much you own your game. If you spend €60 on a game surely it should be yours to do what you want, but if its an only online game and they can just ban you so easily without refund it seems kind of bullshit

fucking daddies boys developers


in America you legally don't even own your video game consoles or your microwave or your fridge

so if you pay 60€ you can do whatever you want? meaning you can literally go around calling everyone a nigger bitch cunt whore and there's no way to ban you because you paid?

fucking americans lmao

What the fuck kind of game is that anyway?

Which is why we have our own platform. There's good reasons why I stay on Sup Forums and don't bother with anywhere else.

>people think this is what free speech is

You're more retarded then any redditor or sjw you accuse of taking 'muh freedoms', freedom of speech is being free of any GOVERNMENT repremands for stating things that fall outside the confines of other laws; your retarded ass can still get panned for being fucking retarded, see case B, OP in his natural habitat

>tfw upgraded my freespeech account to gold
everyone is obligated by law to listen to my 1 word nigger fillabuster

Being an idiot is no free speech.

huh. Probably the same here and I didn't even know

learn to read you fag. The point is everyone agreed it was fine to be banned for breaking TOS when that only meant hacking/cheating but now if they're going to start banning you for "harassment" when there is a mute button on every game it could potentially get ridiculuous.
Blizzard already said you can be banned from OW if you spam emotes

>meaning you can literally go around calling everyone a nigger bitch cunt whore and there's no way to ban you because you paid?

In other words... God bless America.

what game is this anyways?

did we ever get more than one thread on that guy

Thats why they have parental controls and censorship options, no?
Or did they get too lazy to program them.


>his account is only gold
Dumb nigger.
You have the right to talking like an idiot, user. It's just that people aren't required to listen to you acting retarded.


wtf banned? shit game, literally nazi devs, Sup Forums was right all along, sjws are censoring everything as usual

>any GOVERNMENT repremands
Since Steam has a monopoly on digital distribution, it's regarded as a public utility and thus cannot deny the public their first amendment rights.

Not a free speech issue: private companies deciding what behavior is allowed on their private property.

Actually would be a free speech issue: If the government were to try to curtail a private owner's right to decide what kind of behavior is allowed on his private property .

Problem? Nigger


feel free to take them to court and prove this
otherwise stop spouting shit you read on Sup Forums

>Since Steam has a monopoly on digital distribution
Poor GoG.

What is gog?
What is origin?
What is uplay?
What is dling the game from the dev website (starsector comes to mind)?

So you is telling me that these soybois want big government to coddle them instead of working hard?

WTF i hate commies now

Then vote with your wallet.

if he was hed be farming gold in runescape

perhaps they could be national

Does the game restrict your ability to write anything you want in the chat?

>its another whiny Sup Forumsfag gets pissed that people don't want to put up with their shit thread

You're a child.

yeah because its not like all large corporations don't get infested with sjws

>The point is everyone agreed it was fine to be banned for breaking TOS when that only meant hacking/cheating but now if they're going to start banning you for "harassment" when there is a mute button on every game it could potentially get ridiculuous.
>Blizzard already said you can be banned from OW if you spam emotes
It is still in Blizzard's right to do just that. Fuck, they can implement as many arbitrary and stupid rules as they want, it's their property, thus free speech doesn't apply here. They're faggots for doing so, but faggotry isn't a crime.

Not true. You physically own it, but you do not own any of the rights associated with it. Such as the right to reproduce it.


I will protect my personal right to say whatever the fuck I want. I also understand that there are consequences for my actions. If I feel like saying niggers in a video game, so be it. If I get banned, so be it. The crime here is this guy not getting his money back, but is that really fair? I don’t know what this game is but I’m guessing it’s not subscription based. If I’m wrong then he deserves to have the month charged back to him prorated.

If it was a buy and play type deal (Christ I can’t believe I have to specify purchase models for common video games) then it’s a slippery slope. On the one hand, if you go to a go-kart track and the rules say “don’t be a twat” and that’s the first thing you do then you’ve violated the terms of service. This is on the customer, as they either didn’t read the terms of service or they expressly ignored them by being a twat.

Now that’s not a fair analogy because you’re not buying a go-kart when you go to the track, you’re buying the ability to use their track and equipment. With a video game you’ve bought a product AND a service. If it’s an online only then I can see why this is a problem. This can be remedied by allowing for community servers, but those are increasingly rare these days. I guess what it comes down to is the terms of service. Is it an online only game and if so, what rules do they enforce? If you saw he rules and didn’t like them then why purchase? If you didn’t see them and got kicked out for breaking the rules, even after being warned then why didn’t you stop after the warning?

I mean fact of the matter is you’re right. Censorship is winning. The only thing you can do is look for like- minded communities and hope to Christ they’re not the types who consider themselves “activists”.

You can hold all the Sup Forums level opinions you want but don't expect people to like it OP.

Dumb mutts

what the fuck do sjws even want, in your opinion? who are they and what do they want? and now think hard about where you last saw a true influence of sjw "ideology" (in your opinion) in a major game. i'm not talking about some perceived journalist bullshit. a REAL feature of a game that's 100% must-be SJW. and don't fucking bring forth shit like "gay romance" from mass effect or whatever. that's not SJW.

do you people even know what your enemy is nowadays? or are you just repeating the same buzzwords over and over again, crying "SJWs RUINED THIS!!!!!!!!!"

You don't have free speech on a private server, user. It'd be different if the video game servers were covered by the peoples taxes.
But you know that, and you just wanted to make a bait thread.

Talk shit, get hit.

>The crime here is this guy not getting his money back, but is that really fair?
Legally speaking, yes. You can argue the morality of it as much as you want, but it's legally fair.

When you play an online game you usually sign a ToS agreement right?
Don't be a retard when you're forced to abide by the stuff you sign

socialism is just an economical system you dumb retard. It has nothing to do with government silencing people. Thats fascism and dictatorship, which are political systems.

This guy gets it. The problem is people continuing to buy products from companies that have actively scorned people for things like this. If a game seems too heavily policed, or is produced by a company with such a reputation then don’t buy it. It’s as simple as that.

>Yet another Sup Forumsloser gets banned for acting like a subhuman thread #66271
Get a clue fucking retard, you and your autism are not welcome anywhere.

And in communism there is no state. So I guess communism wins.

I wonder how long until these social justice terrorists realize that practicing communism in America is literally a crime punishable by death.

This, they have those fuckhuge walls of text for a reason.

I feel like this is pasta, but in case it's not...

>With a video game you’ve bought a product AND a service

Wrong, if you bought a game on steam you bought a licence to play their game according to their rules

Sadly I agree with you. In a better world people would make honest deals, and when an honest deal is broken people would resolve it amicably. Not the case, and it won’t be ever again if it ever was.