Game lets you change difficulty

>game lets you change difficulty
>higher difficulty just makes you do less damage, while taking more from enemies

This is why Halo was underrated in its campaign experience. Higher difficulties had different types of enemies using different tactics.

I'll still take that over no difficulty options at all, so I won't complain.

Especially when on normal you're nearly invincible and everything dies in 1 hit to the point where you don't even get to use the combat mechanics.

>realistic difficulty raises damage for everyone, so you and everything else dies faster

Bethesda's difficulty in a nutshell, turning everything into a damage sponge does not make the game harder nor fun, just boring

that kind of difficulty options is fine for things like long RPGs, most devs won't want to do large scale changes in that kind of game

but then you got shorter games meant to be replayed over and over, and sometimes are even unlocking difficulty modes after you beat it, and then they change nothing at all but a few numbers

>enemy so easy that it only has one pathetic projectile attack which has a several second long telegraph
>increased difficulty just adds a random delay between the end of the telegraph and the projectile actually firing

>halo 2 legendary
>higher rank enemies
>takes longer to finish waves
>fucking jackals

Nothing compares to winning the campaign of Halo 2 on legendary, shit was insane.

>Sup Forums hard mode; cant use the exact same thread every day

>kh2fm has you both dealing and receiving more damage on critical
>also has minimum damage so that being level 1 doesn't mean always doing 1hp of damage
>every subsequent kh fails to recreate this balance and critical mode becomes an rng grindfest

Who is this guy

Some fudd youtuber.

>higher difficulty just disables lock-on

Ian McCollum at the Rock Island auction taking a look at their 2018 collection

this shit is so annoying
>we made you waste more time doing the same thing, ISN'T THAT SO HARDCORE
just make the fucking game harder

shut the fuck up, liberal

>and americans wonder why the world looks down on them.

>Higher difficulty makes enemy AI smarter, adjusts gameplay mechanics, and changes level design, essentially making it a new experience but in a good way
>Replaying a game on a harder difficulty scaling with difficulty scaling that good as said
Name a better feeling

>not mentioning that they are going to be sold in their april 2018 regional auction

>certain areas/quests are locked behind difficulty modes
>there's no difficulty mode where everything is unlocked at once

>highest difficulty doesn't let you use quicksave
>game is buggy af

deve are lazy af OP

they don't care about more enemies or stuff, that would cost time

Does anyone have Ian holding the 2-bore gun and the picture says delete this?

This is all I want from harder difficulties

I will if you name one (1) game

I miss when I wanted to save because I was scared to die and redo stuff, looking forward to the next save point

now I save all the time anywhere because I'm scared the game will crash

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest

>Extreme [beat the game on Very Hard to unlock]
>Very Hard [beat the game at least once to unlock]

Gun Jesus

>Perfect Dark
>increase difficulty
>AI charges at you incredibly fast with amazing precision
>decrease difficulty
>AI wanders around lost and takes longer to aim

Perfect Dark had such great difficulty settings.

>hardest mode makes you restard the game from the beginning if you lose

>thinks I'm American
try again

Nobody looks at you.

>need to beat the game to unlock the next difficulty mode
>progress a bit
>battle you're supposed to lose to
>got only the basic weapon and die in 1 hit
>win it anyway, lol
>unlocks the harder mode right away

>for a mission to be considered cleared you have to play it with each character on each difficulty
>clearing it on higher difficulties doesn't automatically check completion on easier ones
Fucking EDF.

>higher difficulties "improve" ai by giving them cheats while giving you debuffs
fuck you Paradox

What game other than metro did this?

I would prefer if harder difficulty meant enemies are smarter and try to trick you out by baiting you to miss or into running into their attacks.

>game lets you change difficulty
>any difficulty less than the hardest just ends the game early
What's the fucking point then?

Deus Ex.


>highest difficulty turns german/jap soldiers into living artillery guns through accurate grenade spam
WaW on veteran was an experience

name 10^68 games that do this

Halo 2 on legendary is brutal as fuck, but it's far from an enjoyable experience since you have to play as a complete coward, hiding behind cover and only abusing long range weapons.

>you get grenades even on the airplane mission

Matrix: path of Neo
