I just can't beat it. I tried every "cheesy" strategy there is, I just can't get past the 2nd floor. I feel so dumb and inferior. Help me please.
I just can't beat it. I tried every "cheesy" strategy there is, I just can't get past the 2nd floor...
Plain and simple luck
Play Etherlords II instead, an actual fun card battle / RPG hybrid without any of that dumb roguelite shit
how about you tell us what fucking game
Slay the Spire.
Aka: here a hand full of blocks when the enemy is using debuffs and not even a single block when they are attacking simulator
Card games are pure RNG, you can have a really good deck but never draw what you need when you need it. I've lost plenty of runs because I just WILL NOT draw defense cards of any kind of I just soak up damage until I have a few HP left and then when a new big attack comes it doesn't matter what I try and do to stop it, it's enough damage to kill me anyway.
Just keep playing, you'll get it eventually.
These cases can be mitigated with various actions. I did it with a full set of iron strikes (the ones that give you block), and body blows.
Relics also help more than you can imagine.
That assuming the game doesn't say "no fuck you" and ends your run within the first 3 battles
>Relics also help more than you can imagine.
Yeah, another RNG dependent element
That's the problem with STS though, it's pretty RNG heavy. And you can try and play defensively and all that, but in the end you're at RNGs whims. I've had great relics, good cards, good battle sense and strategy, but still lost because "lol no defense :^)" or "lol no attack :^)".
I've also had the opposite, where RNG completely saves my ass from pure defeat. That's just how it goes.
Almost 40 hours though. I'm clearly doing something wrong. I've watched countless streams and videos, read guides and such. Every popular streamer has beaten the game within the 5 first attempts.
Also, if you want to beat this game, you will have to try many times. It's even worse with the edgelady. I have a run using mostly blocks recorded. Can post if you are patient enough.
Yes, of course. But you can manage the first three battles with the basic sets of the characters. You just get fucked up if there are elites. Even then, you can risk to get a relic.
Nobody said there is no RNG. It's full of it. Expect it and adapt to it.
Yeah, pretty much. You can mitigate a little of that by removing cards that won't fit in your build. Focus on something and go on. But most of the times, you won't get the cards you need.
Relics are as good as you make them
the worst relic can be gamebreaking if you build around it, just the best relics are universal
also it's a roguelite you spastic of course it has RNG, what the fuck did you expect a card game where you have to DRAW your options from a random pool to be entirely skill based?
fucking moron, end your life
Maybe you aren't, you just didn't get the concept of a build yet. It took me way more than five tries to get somewhere.
A good way to go on is focusing on styles for each "Power" card. Like barricade, Demon form, etc.
>You just get fucked up if there are elites.
You get fucked period in my experience
>I can't beat the game
>Must be the games fault for not giving me free wins
the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
You will get fucked up in 80% of your runs, but in all of them you'll learn something new. Just focus on something and remove all the cards that doesn't fit the overall strategy. Don't make a deck with a lot of cards, your draws will mostly fuck you up, also.
>Relics are as good as RNG lets you make them, unless they're just bad, like Astrolabe, Tiny House, burn campfire for 1 measly str, etc.
>some of the worst relics can be gamebreaking if RNG lets you build around it, just the best relics are universal
It's shit. No matter what, you can get something better.
>tiny house
It can be good, but mostly is shit.
>the weight lifting shit
If you are already at full life, 1 STR is always good.
You take most of what you get, or you get nothing. Good day, sir.
So we agree that the worst relics, are not in fact, gamebreaking. Alright then, good day.
I didn't say the thing about the worst relics being gamebreaking in the right circunstances. I don't agree with that. There are relics and cards that are absolutely shitty.
As I said, take what you have and try to make the most out of it, like a real man.