> 3DS/2DS Ends production Early April this year
> Detective Pikachu will be the last retail game published by Nintendo
> Sushi Striker moved to Switch
> Dillon eShop Japan only at some point
> No more Direct with 3DS content
> Streetpass Shut down in Japan soon

>DQ11 probably never

What will be the next Game Boy?


His ass.


Switch ;^)

source on any of those claims


>sushi striker moved to switch
epic meme


>still haven't finished all the panels
>barely get streetpass hits these days

>Streetpass shutdown
you dumbfuck
Streetpass is system to system, it doesn't rely on external services.
unless you mean the hotspots, then fug

No one used street pass except autistic nerds at anime conventions.

Of course its dead.

Gameboy Classic

It better have all the wario lands

As said before, the source is up OP's ass. Because he's full of shit.

It's too bad the Switch doesn't have a Streetpass equivalent, while the minigames weren't that interesting I'm gonna miss it in the next Animal Crossing.

It's a home console first and foremost, Streetpass made sense because the system is always with you, Switch you probably don't always carry around unless you really wanna play whatever you were playing at home on the go.

It's been 7 years. Just let it die, Jim.

This, the game uses the Touchscreen, and Switch has a Touchsreen but No First Party game of the Switch uses it apart from ''lol menus''

>buy switch at launch
>watch My Nintendo for anything worth spending gold on
>one year later switch specific rewards still aren't out
>my points start expiring at the end of this month
>but wait
>now I can use gold points as eShop money
>except 1 point is worth 1 cent
>tfw Nintendo's reward to me for buying 6 retail games is $1.25 on the eShop

Nope, just Super Mario Land 1 and 2.


Splatoon 2 is the only first party game that makes notable use of the touch screen - but only to make shitpost pictures that appear in Inkopolis Sqaure.

The Switch Mini

Which is basically a PS Vita

>>except 1 point is worth 1 cent


Real fucking scummy that your already registered retail game points do not get revalued to match what you get from retail games after they changed the rates

Fucking scumbags.

Also the fact that they are so blatantly waiting for launch day/early adopter coins to expire before announcing Switch rewards is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae

When will Nintendo kill off the 3DS for good already.

>you cannot collect gold points in the new system for the eshop purchases you've made so far
That's bullshit.

Yup, fucking yellow jews

Just fucking let the 3DS die and focus on the Switch please

Got a Wii U deluxe on launch and it had a rebate system for years that was actually good and allowed me to get Game & Wario for free among some other shit. They also had the deal where buying Mario Kart 8 digitally on launch gave you a full copy of Pikmin 3 or Wind Waker HD for free, that was a fucking steal.
Seems that now that Nintendo is doing well financially again, they can go back to all their Jewish tricks instead of rewarding loyal fans. Which pisses me off.

but user, that already is happening.

Nintendo don't announce anithing for 3DS since September 2017, no direct with 3DS content so far, and 2018 line up for 3DS is leterally just Detective Pikachu.

It's probably gonna fade quietly into the night kinda like the DS did when the 3DS and WiiU came about

Except it'll probably be a quicker fade than the 3DS since there won't be one last set of mainline Pokemon games coming soon like the DS had with BW2

The writing is very clearly on the wall when the scant few first-party releases planned for the year so far are localizations of older games and engine rehashes

I think we all know who's really calling the shots at Nintendo.

I wouldn't mind the new system if it was launched shortly after console's release and/or Nintendo didn't bait us into thinking that the old system will be used for Switch.
I'm still going to reap benefits from both gold coins and points awarded in my online shop of choice.

When Pokémon Switch breaks sales records.

RIP. 3DS :(

RIP 3DS, simultaneously Nintendo's best selling platform this generation and their worst selling handheld

I don't see any major tabloids or news stating that 3DS production is stopping.

to be fair the original DS didn't really get that either, it just quietly drifted off


Streetpass will never be shutdown, it's not dependent on any server.
And the 3DS support planned is mostly late localizations, so you're definitely getting DQ11.

No need to worry. Its still getting a localization on PS4

I got a dollar for registering Mania.
Calm down, this is another option to prevent points expiration, Switch rewards are still coming.

Sad that Sushi Striker is moved to switch

Is going to be one year since was announce and we don't know anything about.

As accurate as it gets

I'd unironically buy it on Switch, but OP is fake news.

well everything that OP put there can't be debunked.

3DS don't have any new announcements, Detective Pikachu is the only game by Nintendo, Sushi Striker where?. Can be fake and can be true.

What about Persona Q2?

Probably moved to switch also.

I really hope so.

So will they get cheaper now?
Citra is just to fucking slow when only using one core

>ending in April this year
>game still slated for release until the end of the year
>still the unnamed EO game Atlus is working on (hopefully 3 Untold)

I've tried twice at mocking the street passes from my computer because there's less and less people around me using their 3DS.

Source? Last time I checked, Squeenix said that it was coming to the west without even specifing the systems it will be available.

>Except it'll probably be a quicker fade than the 3DS since there won't be one last set of mainline Pokemon games coming soon like the DS had with BW2
>DS got BW2 and Conquest post 3DS
>3DS gets USUM and Detective post Switch
>This is somehow a different situation

It's obvious that Nintendo is not supporting the 3DS anymore

We are on march and 3ds lineup is just one game.

Piracy killed the 3DS. Remember that.
>B-b-b-but hardware sales!
Means jackshit if you steal all the games and no software sales are made.

The thing has been going on for 8 years already, it's just ending its life cycle. With the Switch on the market there's not much reason for it to keep going.

nope, still going for 3DS.

They haven't said anything when they said they would
It's dead jim

>Console launched in 2011
>Piracy was real up until 2015-2016
>a fuckton of good titles were sold under 2011-2015

Even MH4U sold amazingly well.

up since* i'm a fucking retard

Switchfags are unbearable

Just got a 3DS last month. I love this thing. I'm getting a Switch at some point this year, but there are so many 3DS games I want to play that I doubt one will replace the other.