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Nintendo just can't stop winning!
how old is diablo 3? how shit is it? they should have gotten poe ported instead.
that'll work great on the switches touch screen desu, might honestly think about buying one now
>more ports of 7 year old games
We're literally winning too much, folks
how shit? it's fucking amazing
>tfw played the first two games
>tfw never played diablo 3
can't fucking wait
Diablo guys want to fight OW for the most sold blizzard game.
they are pretty close, in 30m+ both
Is it gonna be as shit as the previous console ports?
Should I play the first two games first?
Was anyone actually waiting to play diablo 3 on switch?
That game is pretty much fucking dead in the water.
port won't help anything diablo 3 is shit, why don't they rather port d2 which is one of my favorite games
Of course it's going to be. Why the fuck would they bother fixing a 6 year old game?
Yes, because Diablo 3 is a turd.
Hahah, thanks for beta testing PC fags
not necessary but they're really great, so you should
Yes and don't listen to this retard
Modern Blizzard sucks anyway
Maybe Diablo 2, try it. Diablo 1 is absolute boring shit, dont even bother.
call me when they port diablo 2, an actual good game
If I couldnt finish D2, would I enjoy this more?
>nu-blizzard shit
It's probably gonna cost a fortune as well.
I fucking hated Diablo 3, but now it's the best game ever.
couldnt as in bored?
if you were bored because combat was shit 1 spell spam, then yes you will enjoy d3 a lot
best combat in the genre
t. blizzard
>Diablo 3 has been ported to every single system capable of running it
>people think a switch diablo 3 port is a big deal
I guess so. I quit at the desert, so really early. Maybe it was because I played a necro, so who knows.
all classes are same boring shit 1 button spam
ranged are more awful than melee tho
It's pretty fun, definitely more action focused and fast paced than the first two, but just as addictive and can easilly last you several hundred hours of gametime if you have the loot itch really bad.
Also half the fun is seeing how comically powerful your guys get.
>mfw chucking a fucking boulder at a boss for 40 billion+ damage and instagibbing it
>mfw doing the same thing to treasure goblin packs
Sounds natural for a game made for consoles since the beginning.
Enjoy that steaming turd I guess.
>diablo 3 is fucking amazing
spotted the underage newfaggot
We love third parties.
Finish diablo 2 and at least try diablo 1.
Sorry to disappoint but Diablo 3 sucks donkey balls
>but just as addictive and can easilly last you several hundred hours of gametime if you have the loot itch really bad.
if you really have a loot itch you won't touch diablo 3 at all and play 2 instead
>Best combat in the genre
>Hold rmb till inferno
>Every single fight is either you die instantly or win
>should I play video games?
Yes, you dumb shit, the answer is always yes.
So the power of the switch...whoa
Nintendo's really late into the 3rd party bonanza you see.
>Level 60
>Hit guy for 1200
>Paragon 100
>Nothing new anywhere
>Hit guy for fifty billion
>Better gameplay because the numbers are bigger
It'ss a big deal because these types of games are not known to be available on past Nintendo platforms. The least you can do is be happy that others can enjoy a game you've enjoyed. The Switch getting a port of your favorite games does not harm your favorite games box.
>Also half the fun is seeing how comically powerful your guys get.
Which is rendered meaningless because the difficulty scales infinitely so you always kill the same mobs in the same amount of time, or you hit a wall and have to grind a tier lower for better gear first.
>Nintendo's really late
with their hardware
>all these contrarians
No, you don't fit in and you can all return to Reddit now
>caring about retarded meaningless numbers because everything just has unthinkably high multipliers
Diablo 3 fucking blows.
Liking Diablo 3 is the contrarian opinion, so why don't you go back instead?
I would unironically buy the SHIT out of a port of Warcraft 1 for the switch. Cracking in Handheld mode touchscreen but probably not so hot with a controller.
Fuck man, I want this
>tfw never played diablo 3
Good thing, it was cucked (for the lack of a better term) by the micro auction house.
It was so disgusting that Jim sterling did a jimquisition to rant about it, its on the escapist youtube channel.
>People who dislike Diablo 3 belong on Reddit
Fucking kill yourself
Rmah destroyed all credibility this game would ever have
Warcraft 3
>Sup Forums suddenly likes d3
>but it's okay b/c nintendo is doing it
>switch d3 good
>pc d3 bad
RMAH doesn't even have any bearing on the quality of the current iteration of the game
You may as well be talking about a totally different game from how much it's changed since the xpac.
Try again shitpost-kun
>d3 is suddenly bad when nintendo is doing it
>Implying I'm fucking shit posting
I don't care how different the game is. The fact that blizzard even tried to pull that bullshit of a stunt killed it.
Diablo 3fps: 360p edition
>Blizzard already said they're not doing it
>The guy who had insider sources that a port of Pokemon Sun and Moon to the Switch was coming its launch year, then quietly cancelled because the console was a sales success
>Diablo on console
its fun, but not the same.
well you see nintendo, d3 has always been bad.
>inb4 it's $60 because of the Nintendo tax
>worst Diablo coming to switch
>a shit game comes to a shit console
It's only fitting
>Dead game
Do people really care?
>eurogamer source
It's the tranny, and the tranny is just racting to the same twitter post than us.
More ports of old games inferior to the original.
Nintenbros are lapping this shit up.
Cool, you guys are finally going to play a game I played on PC, 5 years ago. Fucking even Sonytards played it like 4 years ago
>B-But it's portable
Who the fuck cares?
>shit console
we are not talking about the xbone x mate.
Agreed. ;^)
I'd rather have Diablo1 on the eshop.
.. this fucking thread. Jesus H Christ every single one of you needs gassed.
thats weird
That's not what beta testing is retard. Stop shitposting.
>the single most hated game Blizzard ever made is ported to Switch
>Sup Forums suddenly loves it
>Femdiablo in Smash
>D2 Necromancer in Smash
I enjoyed D3.
It was awful at launch, but Reaper of Souls and a couple of patches really refined the experience.
Kinda dull after so many seasons of jack shit changing though (ignoring Necromancer).
nobody asked for this, people excited about it are the worst kind of faggots
I didn't mean that and you fucking know it. Ironically, console versions have more content than the original game.
>diablo 3 comes out on PC and PS3/4
>diablo 3 comes out on switch
How about port the obvious shit first like Mortal Kombat or GTA.
>literally the worst of the D3, Grim Dawn, PoE trinity
>single player game
we need an euthanasia for braindead people like you
>game that everyone who even gave a single fuck about has already played
>not dead
>buying any version diablo 3
how shit is your taste
seething already?
>even more lies
kill yourself
Blizzard hasn't made a singleplayer game in like two decades now dude
The only DECENT version of Diablo 3 was pre-nerf Inferno before real money AH.
All of you have shit taste, kys.
Announcement several months off?
So it's definitely not on the next direct.
Makes you wonder why on earth they tweeted that tease so early.
That's cool and all, but what about D2?
>port of a shit diablo.
fucking patronizers.
Switch really is a port machine.
Are you fucking kidding me? Why are you fags excited about this? Goddamnit you Nintendo kids are plebs.
>yaaay I get to play the worst Diablo game years and years after release on console!
Just further proof you would eat shit of it had Nintendo's brand on it
Nintendo games are the only games whose prices go up the older they get.
"N-nintendo are the least greediest!!!"
So, why don't they have as many sales as psn? Why do they bring back games like this and charge full price? Do you enjoy skyrim on your soytch? Do u rike praying as Rink go- I mean guy?
Some people actually enjoy videogames more than shitposting console wars sitting on your swamp ass 24/7.
the world does not revolve around you, you mentally ill teenager
the game is great and there are people who will play it for the first time
Fuck I remember the old Inferno now. Those fast enemies with tongues that jumped at you in Act 3. Insanely overtuned.
>people seriously listening to Eurogamer
I bet this is a Tom Phillips article too
I'm going to fucking crush your mother's bones you dumb motherfucker
D3 was better than Torchlight 2 fight me.
>D3 gets continued support, expansion and DLC.
>TL2 gets abanonded within the month. Only updates add le epic gabeN meme pets. Lets modders fix their game.