This game will probably never come out but the development process is really fascinating
Reminder that being a weeb causes rapid aging
He is based
He is earning like 12,000$/month.
He will retire in a few years scamming autistic virging nerds like you all.
who is laughing now Sup Forums?
he didn't even have a chance to make it
>not posting the complete version
He looks like a Chad now desu
>Being a weeb causes dev to age quickly
Like I said, fascinating stuff.
How old is he?
He looks like a goblin now lmao
what game
Woah, it's almost like he's significantly older.
Every time I see this image I find something new to get annoyed by.
Just a add a fucking f at the end of your floats, you don't need to cast an integer into a float every time you need one!
That's cute
No bully
>game about literally bullying high school girls into killing themselves
>development process
yes doing nothing and getting money for it
pic wtf
Eh, he could stand some better sleep and to see a bit more sun to get rid of the bags but otherwise nothings changed much besides gained some weight/grew into his face. Foreheads just from eyebrow raising.
>Banned 2014
>Thread 2018
Eva no one cares about your shitty game stop the shilling
just got it now you literal retard, that's obviously why I posted it you fucking retard
Oh come on, user.
and just like a bridge troll, he screams and gets mad whenever someone tells him otherwise. like that one dude that tried fixing his broke-ass game
he's 30 now
you are a literal retard
daily reminder he got mad at the tinybuild programmer hired to help with the game for making his code not a jumbled fucking mess
Their game was shit though so I gues Yanderedev is having second thoughts on his partnership with tinybuild.
What went wrong with that game anyway?
>that update that took an entire month to introduce a house scene with drill grill
>delayed coz the animator helper hasn't finished it
>the house design was taken from a free domain
>the voice acting by some random hoe
How can people still follow him after that update which he had contributed practically nothing?
Opossite of Yandere Simulator's problem which is that development is painfully slow, Hello Neighbor went wrong because it was rushed to hell.
That usually happens when you're phoneposting. I had a ban on Sup Forums from 2013, and I've never posted there
Hello Neighbor was developed by a russian company, it was published by Tinybuild. They were helping develop Yansim but he had a spergout about tinybuild actually making his code now a bukkake of shit code
What's fascinating, watching a delusional fool lie to himself and others that he's working and knows what to do, as he spends another year stuck trying to figure out how to even make a single event happen but never really looking it up or asking for help? It's a fucking joke man, Eva is genuinely mentally ill, he needs real help with his mind.
n...no, i'm going to be a pretty hairless twinkie forever!