About to play this for the first time, anything I should know?

About to play this for the first time, anything I should know?

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1 has aged very hard but it makes 3 better to have played it.

silent hill 1 looks and feels very unique because of graphics i thin it will make it even more scary in future like old vhs tapes.

You're going to get the bad ending. Unless you use guides like a pussy of course.

The 15fps is normal

don't use guides, don't be retarded - THINK, don't play with filters. only ever play this game at night with no lights on. enjoy the best game in the series and a true 10/10 goat.

no walkthrough no guide hardest difficulty.
Play at night in the dark with headphones.
that's what team silent recommended in their SH2 making of.

I wish they did others making of for the rest of the series.


Check guides for the first 10 minutes of the game. Otherwise you will be running around town for an hour.

Pretty sure its just you who is dumb. I had no issues.

Settings screen is unintuitive, you can scroll to another side with R1 or something. Turn on autoaim, its the way these games are meant to be played.

Streets are super wide and items are rarely placed in the middle, typically they are placed in the very edges or the sides so make sure to double check both sidewalks per street.

Expect to get a bad ending on a blind run, it's common and sort of tricky.

Expect to get stuck in a hospital briefly and remember to check all the floors. This is a hint.

Expect to check the doors of the town

they did one for silent hill 3

>hardest difficulty

so they wanted people to hate the game?

Sounds retarded but take your time and breathe in the scenery its one of a kind. The hospital, the school after the nightmare, the bridge control room, the police station i reccomend to take your time in

>Expect to get a bad ending on a blind run, it's common and sort of tricky
>game plays like a pretty linear adventure
>finish it get a band ending...wat
>lol you forgot the sidequests


You can easily track the sidequest if you explore thoroughly. The issue is that at one point there is a road and you can choose whether to explore left or right. And one of those ways triggers a cutscene that changes the world and then its too late to backtrack. Simple as. It has nothing to do with being dumb or skilled or thorough, just luck regarding which you choose to do thinking that you can go back and see the other way.

Its poorly designed. Making quest a bit more obtuse but being able to not trigger its essential cancelation would be the better way to go.

I also imagine this is why they didn't do anything similar in the sequels.

the radio going crazy at the end was one of the coolest moments in any game ever

Samael is not the name of the winged demon at the end of SH1. It's just made up bullshit to make Harry go on a fetch quest to get the flauros and use it to weaken Alessa.

This school is spooky lads

>1 has aged very hard
No it has not. It literally plays the same as its sequels, and is still the best game in series when it comes to scares, pacing and overall design.

>being this stupid
>thinking exploring the town is "bad"
ADHD children, all of you.
I beat the game all on my own, without help of internet or guides, when I was like 11yo. And I'm not even a native English speaker.

Adachi is the killer.

How many games did you beat user when you were 11? Silent hill and that metroid game from another thread. Anything else?

>How many games did you beat user when you were 11?
Majority of all I got.
I'd already played RE1-3, multiple times, when SH1 came around. Also tons of other PS1, N64 , PC / MS-DOS, SNES and NES games.

>Metroid game
I've never beaten a single Metroid, so I think you got me confused with someone else.