
Denuvofags BTFO: Status

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I don't even care that it was cracked. But when are you guys going to admit you do this shit because you are selfish. There's a reason why publishers, especially Japanese ones, have avoided the PC. This just makes it probable you won't get the next FF or Kingdom Hearts 3.

I tried to DL it and this appeared on my screen.

i dont want kingpoop farts on my pee see

Question is, why even bother with DRM if it mostly affects people who buy the game? Pirates are gonna pirate, not buy games, and DRM eventually gets cracked.

This piece of shit doesn't even deserve to be pirated.

>this is what console players actually believe

Good now i can pirate it in 2 years when all the DLC is out

Seeing what FFXV turned out to be, I hope they don't.

>All these third world and poorfags supporting piracy
Just admit your mommy didn't have enough money in her purse that week for you to buy the games.

>There's a reason why publishers, especially Japanese ones, have avoided the PC.

Like releasing the worst shitty mobile port to PC and try to mine cash from it?


>never played final shit
>never will
>still glad pirates are cucking denuvoniggers

Nice try squeenix.

>yes guys please buy this early access game and also buy hte season pass with DLC all the way into 2019 and don't forget to buy every DLC after taht :^)

Not event telling people to buy the game, but if you want to play it the game should be supported, so you should buy it. If you don't like it why the fuck would you even pirate it?

because i can and dont care

>this is how it is
>this is what people believe

you double nigger i have a great job and i really couldn't give a shit paying for free stuff, moralfags like you are the ones that support my favorite devs, i'm the bull and your watching me fuck your wife.

about time OP
pirating it right now

let's crush the publishers idiotic enought to release games for PC, so they stop releasing games for pc rofl

Just refund if you feel like you wasted $50.

jokes on you
we pirate for fun

>be die hard FF fan
>vow to buy FFXV on pc
>it has Denuvo
>running that piece of shit on my $2000 PC makes my pc sound like a lawnmower
>framerate is completely dogshit as Denuvo does its shit in the background
>some days the game doesn't even start up because Denuvo says fuck you
>meanwhile piratefags play the game easily, earlier and with no problems at a superior quality

It's not fair.

>can't even properly port some of their games to PC
>lazy mobile ports
>lol let's just let the modders fix stuff for us

Yeah no, fuck Square I'm not even gonna waste time downloading this game. Piratefags enjoy though, maybe you'll like it for what it is but I'd rather just ignore Squares shit altogether.

>buy the game since you vowed
>play the pirated version

you can buy it and use the pirate version to play tho

and feel like a cuck

yeah no thanks, not trying to get a virus

Wow lad you managed to DL the game in 4 minutes.

hello gabe

It's been cracked 4 days before release though.

you trust those chinese hackers? Even after multiple times they have found viruses packaged in their releases?

Will this game run on my hardware?

Phenom II 3.2ghz
12gb Ram
AMD 5850 1gb Vram

are you retarded
in what non retarded universe the starting point of the download has to do with the application being run

I bought the game on the PS4. You got me fucked up if I dont' at least get to test out a shady port made by the new jews, Squeenix, before I buy the same game I bought years ago.


Based neutral poster

ok thanks user


pirate fags are casual faggots

only a casual install stuff they don't even know in their machines

some serious publishers sometimes install crap on your computer, to believe the chinese hackers don't is too innocent

I like how pirate fags BTFO themselves

Believe it or not, piracy really is related to how easy+effective it is to do. If there was, say, a foolproof way to download legit files from Steam's servers, crack it yourself without any skill, and pirate 100% virus/glitch free, a lot more gamers would do it.
>Only retards get viruses!
You only know about whatever your AV detects.
Here's an idea: DON'T buy that shit port, but DO buy the game with quality and effort put into it. Instead pirate logic's like "they fucked up with one game, so the company sucks and I will pirate ALL their shit!".

>being this retarded

pirate fags are mostly teens withouit income desu senpai

Plot twist: they knew this would happen, which is why you're getting the game over a year after the console release. At this point PC ports are more like a show of goodwill than a genuine attempt to make money.


In fact, it is a bad try.

Jap devs are fucking retarded. 2 nukes weren't enough it seems. And I talk as a buyfag who hasn't pirated a single game since I got a job.

Then i have 50 euros traped on steam waiting for decent games when i could use them to go out.

This game were not hacked user.
SE is retarded enough to let a fucking demo exe run the full fucking game.

Technically this game is not cracked by 3DM, it was cracked by SE themselves.

You're retarded, the money get sent back to your bank.
>going out

Adding to this: the DRM only has to work for a week to keep sales from being cannibalized. Didn't work here, but in many games it can last that long. By week 2 interest has waned and most launch buyers have already paid for the game. People who wait for the 80% off Steam sale in 2023 don't matter.

lol it's a young person
he will eventually learn
don't be so hard with the boy

You have an option to get this, or the refund sent to your Steam Wallet. This is pure speculation, but I think Steam's more likely to accept your refund request if they basically get to keep the money.

Granted the last time I pirated something was over a decade ago, it wasn't hard to find an honest uploader/group and confirm in the comment section, then follow the instructions posted usually by installing a no-cd crack or mounting on a virtual drive.

I assume it's still somewhat similar today. Only reason I haven't pirated in so long is because of . I grew up, got a job, steam started getting bigger so I just ended up buying the games because I had the extra money.

I've always chosen to send it back to bank and never had Steam refuse a refund.

it doesn't even matter if they actually cracked it or not, if 3DM are the ones in position to be the first to release a pirated version of a new game, you can bet your ass they will write a zero-day trojan to put in it

>I assume it's still somewhat similar today
It is. You usually trust the scene crackers, 3DM isn't part of the scene, they're their own thing (Chinese p2p). So as far as trust goes, they're not the first candidate but if you're careful it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm pretty sure people would have noticed it already if there really was a virus in there.

it's really not that easy to detect. It hasn't even been a single day yet. I've downloaded 3DM releases before where everything's fine for a while, then like a month and a half later my Windows Defender will update its signatures and tell me it found a very dangerous trojan inside my game folder

You're assuming i use me card to pay. Maybe if you got out more you wouldn't be such a salty cunt and enjoyed life more

I'm assuming you're an actual retard. Stop backpedaling and pretending you used a Steam card to make it seems like you're not completely retarded.

You sure that's not a false-positive? It has happened to me a bunch of times.

I had some shit in the past with 3DM, i'm more inclined to wait and see if CPY does anything. Not that 3DM is guaranteeed shit but with chinks it's always a wildcard

how do you know it's a false positive? All I ever see are people in the comments for the torrent saying "don't worry it's just a false positive, I played and nothing bad happened" with no actual proof that it's really safe one way or another.

I just submit the exe to virustotal to check, and if too many scanners pick it up (and especially if they all give it the same malware name) I will believe it to be real. If I can, I will install the game to Sandboxie and try to run it in a self-contained sandbox where it can't fuck up the rest of my PC

Is this game worth playing without the Episodes and Royal shit?

>jap developer makes PC game without DRM
>people undoubtedly pirate it, but no one talks about it being pirated, most folks talking have bought it

>jap developer makes PC game with DRM
>less people buy it, it being pirated is celebrated as a huge win

Eventually they're going to learn that the whole piracy scare was just to trick developers into staying console exclusive and that the harder you try to prevent piracy, the less sales you'll make, and more common pirating it will become.

Shit dude, you only have negative 4.5 years!

Well I played and nothing bad happened.

But wasn't it 4 days before release

Been playing for 4 days.

Had a thought though. If the crack is based on the demo version, does that mean my 13 hour save won't be able to be played on the steam version I'm downloading?

Only saves I can find on my PC are labeled Final Fantasy XV Windows Demo, but they might be from the demo on steam. Not sure where else to look.

>Here's an idea: DON'T buy that shit port,

How about you don't release a shitty port to the PC community instead of try to cash int? no, they deserve this.

I'm sorry you are a consolefag piece of shit user but we PC players give our money only when a developer deserves it, i mean i bought the witcher 3 and played it for like 10 hours as i couldn't stan the crappy combat but i can't wait to give them my money once cyberpunk comes out.

>Sqeenix can take Denuvo right on out and get a refund from the russians and Denuvo won't be hindering game performance in a game whose performance already certainly can't afford any resource draining DRM

Sounds like a win for gamers.

This. I tried it out on a friend PS4. He keept telling me it was this awesome game, the best FF and stuff like that.

The game looked like crap and played even worse. Not a FF at all anymore.

It´s just not worth the time it will take to download 100 GB nor the space. Maybe if some pirate release a packed version or something around 50 GB it would be worth it (for some poor soul with shit taste that actually wants this)

Why is comrades combat somehow better than the main game?


>you could bypass denuvo 4 days before release using the demo files
>gets cracked 2 days later anyway

You´ve got a point there. I was thinking on pirating this just to share it and save people from buying this piece of shit (i am not really gonna play it because my taste in games and FF is not shit) but i do want to pirate FF VII R once it comes out and KH3 if it ever comes to PC (even though KH3 looks like shit and they are bound to ruin FF VII R by including extended universe shit)

Pretty sure it's the same thing, OP just being a slow dickface.

>News clarely says "2 days" before release
>OP is the faggot

Sorry for your shitty reading skills faggot.

wow, someone got mad

If you read the notes it says dlcs aint working, im sorry but its the same version as 3dm

ops tagged wrong person meant


Not gonna play the multiplayer though lol

I know this is probably not the thread to ask this, but I just bought and downloaded it, but it's still on preload, I'm guessing it releases at mid day?

Should be out in either 45 minutes or 1h and 45 minutes
I'm waiting too and I'm betting on the later since that's when the steam website updates everyday

steam store has a countdown if you scrolldown store.steampowered.com/app/637650/FINAL_FANTASY_XV_WINDOWS_EDITION/ 44mins

I'm not even gonna pirate it because I have literally 0 interest in this game.

Alright thanks bros, it's my dad's bday today so I probably won't be able to play much, but I'm really curious about it. I played the demo for an hour or two and liked it enough to warrant a buy (and didn't run entirely like shit on my 970), but didn't immerse myself since they said progress wasn't getting carried over.
Hope you guys have fun!

You too user, hug your dad

if you preload it, let it sit and unpack while you're off. Have fun user

>There's a reason why publishers, especially Japanese ones, have avoided the PC.
Good. Stay on consoles and stop infesting Steam with your shitty weeaboo games.

>100GB of free space is recommended
>150GB of free space is recommended for native 4K and HDR
How much the repack is gonna weight?

How many big towns with population there are in this game?

Is it an actual crack or is it just the demo gimmick which does not allow you to see the finished game?

>some serious publishers sometimes install crap on your computer, to believe the chinese hackers don't is too innocent
This is like saying democracy limits the government more than a monarchy. Just like a king needs the people's support more than anyone else (since he is a single man), these shady hackers need support more than anyone else since they do not have any other name or brand to stand by.
Reputation... That's right. It's all that matters.

>How much the repack is gonna weight?

My guess is 40-50GiB.
That is 1 langauge + fHD cinematics only + lossless compression applied on said cinematics.

"It's a bit of af a mess, so remember the PC demo of Final Fantasy XV from last week? As it seems, it was an unprotected release. A Chinese crack group called "3DM" simply used the .exe from the demo, applied it as it did not have Denuvo anti-tamper tech in it just yet.

Now, things get worse, the big problem, Origin. Unlike Steam, Origin made available for pre-load an unencrypted version of the whole game. 3DM simply download that unencrypted version and cracked the game using the demo executable file. Dsogaming reports that early reports state the first three Chapters work fine (and some players have been able to reach even the ninth Chapter without any issues). The size in total for the game is around 150GB with the HD 4K Resolution Textures, suggesting that this is the real deal. That is a bad day for Square Enix.

Before you guys start commenting, we do not allow links or torrents or whatnot anything illegal, such links and you yourself will be banned. Final Fantasy XV releases on the PC tomorrow, March 6th, considering the team even brought you a full level demo prior to launch there is even more reason to purchase the game, as always."

Slimgirl's will be 25 GB
But it'll be 2 weeks of installation and most hard drives will die halfway through it

>That is a bad day for Square Enix

You see this is where pirates are wrong.
This game came out what, a year ago? A year and a half? All it had to sell it already did on release day and the later months.
I doubt square enix wait this long for a big sell on PC. Especially when it originally didnt have Denuvo, which pretty much every game now has, No way they expect this game to sell well on PC. Maybe they will get 10% of the console version total sales and that will be it.

>Denuvo, which pretty much every game now has
what planet are you on

The fuck you mean? Literally every game release on PC has denuvo now.
Unless you mean indie shit.
Even fucking Star Ocean 4, a PS3 game that SE released on PC just now, has Denuvo.

what do you think cracks are? What do you think they'll show up on virus scanners as?

Secret of Mana Remake, that SE released on PC just now, does not have Denuvo. Nor does their abortion of a Chrono Trigger port.