>Valve 20 years ago >Half-Life >unique AI behaviour for each enemy >AI reacting even to smells and sounds >groundbreaking interconnected level design >great alien designs
>Valve 10 years ago >Half-Life 2 >amazing atmosphere >perfect pacing >aliens and level design are taken to the next level by utilizing latest tech
>Valve now >just a soulless moneymaking machine
When did it all go so wrong?
Justin Nelson
20 years ago
Cameron Collins
Thank God there are dedicated fans like the HDTF devs to carry on the Half-Life legacy
Charles Foster
except HL2 was just a source engine tech demo and not a game, you were just too young to realize it at the time
Hudson Butler
Someone please post the fucking audio of the voice actor leaking that Half Life 3 is releasing/getting revealed this year.
Colton Lee
>releasing/getting revealed this year t. my ass which is it, is it done or is it in development, assmongler
Josiah Myers
Valve now: >running the largest gaming platform >trying to make a viable Linux gaming platform >working on source 2 engine and releasing it for free >working on 3 new games >making half life/portal movies with JJ abrams >working on new hardware and technology >running and updating 2 of the most popular MP games >working on VR stuff >steam link >steam controller
Luke Parker
except hl2 was shit and best half-life wasn't even made by valve