Other urls found in this thread:
What is that thing?
buy this game instead of Lawbreakers!
Did you buy their game, Sup Forums?
I once saw someone on my steam list play lawbreakers. True story.
>looking at the character roster physically hurts my eyes
I didn't even know that was possible. Who the hell thought those designs were a good idea?
this! buy it Sup Forums this game is worth your time and money
he unironically stole ideas from Kingsman
clifford bazinga truly is a hack
>not liking Tarantino-esque character designs
Are you some kind of pleb?
some male basketball player, I think.
fuck off a cliff, Cliff.
>those pics
Still more player count than lawbreakers
>enjoying tarantino's shlocky shit
l o l
Dios mio...
>Boy tha focking gaem!
No, I dont
>you can play as cyber Micky Mouse
>You can cyber Mickey Mouse
edgy is more like it
Fuck off you german prick
Transgendered bathrooms
I don't get why devs think adding more texture to skin is a good thing. There's a limit. Her skin looks like fucking sandpaper.
>10 new replies
>1 new poster
This is getting sad, OP.
>holy shit, I never knew my local gas station was so progressive
>30 posts
>24 IPs
wait how can you tell how many unique ips?
jesus christ why is her skin so dry and bumpy, actually makes me feel a bit sick
The game was truly ahead of it's time
>brazilian raiden
>KORN bane
And then
>Normal Asian man in beret
38 / 13 / 30 / 1 at the bottom
The character CliffyB thought would be the most popular character
Good thing Pat McCrory lost though.
La abominaciĆ²n de video juegos...
she looks like a man, maybe it was intended to be a guy
They all seriously look like they belong on the box of a budget graphics card.
a lawbreaker
why would they name the game that and have a black as the posterchild
theres nothing wrong with this
I really don't think women want the shit smears found in men's bathrooms.
women's restrooms are far worse
must have missed the film with kommando faust. what a cool badass. why didn't all the splinter cell games have horns on the goggles
t. a guy who has never been into females bathroom. lmao not being fluid in 2k18.
>these threads average more unique IPs than the entire game
Anybody who has had a job were they have to clean restrooms knows thats not true.
We had Unisex bathroom for half a century. Idc if you call them genderneutral now, they exist.
>game died in November of last year
>some sperg has been making multiple threads a day for 4 months now for a dead game
Where did Cliffy touch you OP?
they remind me of the meme team image of the hillary pepes
I know, that's why I was poking fun about the gas station. Why he needed to point this out like it's futuristic and a big deal is beyond me.
Mens rooms are more regularly worse
Womens rooms have the potential to be nightmarish
I can't say that any of this image surprises me.
It's dead, but it could have been worse.
Can confirm. I worked at a lumber yard for about a year. The customers we got were typically regulars and hardly anyone used the john and if they did it was for peeing. Despite this at least twice a month their would be shit were its not supposed to be in the men's. Once somebody left a log of shit in a urinal. The fact somebody would do that actually disturbs me.
very very nice lips
Once again, as somebody who has had to clean them-
I honestly ask myself the same question. It is either one autistic person spamming these threads, or Sup Forums likes to obsess over tortanics
Why are you so obsessed with a nobody shit game Sup Forums?
Need sauce on that webbum.
I too experiment in the kitchen just to taste my own mistakes, I love it
I've seen a toilet painstakingly rubbed with shit from top to bottom in mens restrooms. Like somebody actually scrubbed it with their poop.
This. At my work, they had to close down a set of bathrooms because women kept flushing tampons and other shit down the toilet and backing them up. It kept breaking the pump and even after several warnings it kept happening.
worked at a burger king in germany
had pads and tampons smeared onto the stall walls
that is far worse than shit
shit were its not supposed to be
tampons were they aren't supposed to be
yeah sorry men's restroom seems a little worse
In addition to that the characters have literally no background.
sauce is lurk moar
Ah, I remember seeing a few Youtubers playing this. It's an amusing gimmick but it wears out fast.
I guess that goes to show that even if you fellate your content with well known gamers, it's all down to the game to deliver.
if you think shit is worse than a tampon, you've literally never been intimate with a girl before user
way to out yourself ignoramus
This is now a cooking with jack thread
OP go jack off to Cliffy's failure again or something
How can one man be so disgustingly bad at cooking? The world may never know.
It's more uno farto than edgy
More importantly, how has this man not died of salmonella or parasites yet?
Perhaps he holds the key to a new age of medical discovery
now now thats going in a completely different direction
its called an ad hominem fallacy
regardless it was never a case of what was worse, it was a case if women would put up with merging the two
and to spell it out to you, you tranny, no they will not put up with it and gender neutral bathrooms will not become commonplace
Always remember to never use any kind of starch or flour to assist in batter application
It's also a good idea to drop frozen food into cold oil on the stovetop.
>People don't know about blood mushrooms
Sup Forums spams this because its funny and because the dev was a SJW
also Sup Forums wishes they could have done this to OW
>Life is Meme
>Rick and Morty dolls
I used to think Cliffy was a dudebro who just liked shooters, and I thought he was a pretty cool guy during the Unreal and later Gears of War era.
Now he's just a faggot.
t: i never saw the inside of a public woman bathroom in a club
>game is called Lawbreaker
>put a fucking nigger on the cover
user, no.
It's two people at most.
I don't think I've seen a LB thread since October that wasn't either this OP or a steamchart with old song lyrics
That's part of the joke, user. Look at the filename.
>not a single white character
What they meant by this?
>soy artist
Depends on what kind of users are there. A male dominated business will obviously have a more disgusting male bathroom, and vice versa.
But equal use leads to womens washrooms being disgusting. They get period blood all over the place and leave tampons and pads on the floor and in the toilet. It's absolutely fucking disgusting.