How do i find a girl like this?

how do i find a girl like this?

A fat autismo?

Just go to any highschool or college and hit on any porker you see.

overbabs waifus

I could introduce you to my sister

By not playing awful games like overwatch probably

ok, how old is she

Dude, you're blind. She's buff.

In Overwatch

Although if you're talking about real life then you don't belong here, 2D is where its at

She's got about 30lb of fat on her face and a piggy nose. Sorry you want to get a ham slam going on but I'll be on the side here thinking about actual good OW girls (like Sombra, D.Va, and Mercy).

>cover up more than a burqa in game

no thanks not gonna trick me with that shit

Is this a new character for clash of clans?


>tfw gf looks a lot like her but is 4'11" 100lbs
>tfw tomboy as fuck and heavy southern accent who lets me treat her like the sex toy she is

anyone else get really angry when you realize that you're literally the only virgin around and everyone else has had sex? kids half my age are boning and I'm alone and untouched

Tinder can get literally anyone laid.

Tumblrwatch did it again.

if you're a female yes

Why do they keep makig dykes?

Why has every new char cept one been a chick

who's the mom

Come on, she's cute
And... I'm sure that you're a lollifag

Congratulations on having sex with a skeleton.

why do you keep sucking dicks?

>anime pic
congratulations on being a loser pedophile

>4'11 100 lbs

are you dumb

Lower your standards
I've got a friend who is a 26 year old virgin and I could easily help him get laid even though he's overweight and an idiot... But no, he's waiting for his young beautiful virgin that worships him and understands that he's special.

lurk just a bit more user, you're almost there


>some of Sup Forums actually hates the design and her face

Sometimes I just really don't understand you guys. I can understand her not being ideal for some but to call her straight up ugly is some autism tier shit.

I call her my tiny ragdoll and every time I hug her I lift her off the ground which makes her blush and get flustered. You'll never experience that, loser.


Just an advice for you:
Avoid schools

Dva is legal, just Asian.

No, he wants 3D... She just has to have white hair, red eyes and be a virgin... and possibly a vampire.

I swear, I wouldn't even deal with him at all if he wasn't reasonably good at multiplayer games.

Late teens/early twenties is not loli. DVA is 19


Take your meds, user

If you're not a woman or a Chad, Tinder is as useless as a chocolate teapot.

Upon reading this thread I have decided any and all Overwatch content should be banned due to its overly high shitpost attraction and the fact people who actually do like it do not share ideals common to Sup Forumss board culture.
Seriously read these posts, they range from shitposts to somebody who doesn't talk like a normal user and probably regulars other sites.
How can we get Hiro to ban this filth?

Chad isn't looks. Chad is attitude. Grooming your unkempt beard and pedo stache and shaving your head is enough for some girls if you aren't a pussy.

She doesn't look like a 18 years old

I know the character has 19 but you can write 34 if you like... she still doesn't look like a 18 years old

What about a 120 year olds?

Chad is looks + attitude.

An ugly guy who tries to be a Chad ends up like pic related.

how do I find a girl like this?



Loooool this shit is why I love this place. Literal 5/10s are smashing girls nightly and you call them Chads. That's why you're a virgin at 30. Tinder is the easiest app to get pum, and white girls are the easiest out of all races.

user, just because the girls you find on pornhub in the just-18 category have big tits and fat asses doesn't mean girls suddenly become that once they hit 18.
Even looking past that number, she's way too tall, her body is too defined, she's too mature in-lore, and she's 3d.

Not that user but fuck you for making me realize I'll never get to do that either

Go to a gym.


so fucking ugly

>go to gym
>every girl is there with their burly bf
Yeah nah

>your entire post
Lurk more

Well, that's the only place I can think that has fit girls.

Get laid.

>Literal 5/10s are smashing girls nightly

Let me guess, they have money.

Get a job


>only chads can get laid

Love this incel meme

No, they just know how to talk to girls.

>concerned mouse walking through an entryway

I've never spent a cent to get pussy. Maybe try not being autistic?

>NEET telling people to get a job
Wew. Get help, clean yourself up, lose your virginity.

If you are still angry then you are still young.

You won't get angry after 30 anymore. You just don't care.

Do YOU know how to talk to girls?

Honestly? Go to a grapple gym. Wrestling/Judo/Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for your snu women.

>Maybe try not being autistic?

It's not exactly something you can just turn off.

This is a meme, girls just dry up instead of having toned yet round legs and such.

Yes? It's not rocket science boy.

user, you misunderstood.
He asked you if you are capable of seducing a girl, not just talk to them.
And by looking at the way you type, you obviously aren't.


Just send out a few resumes and lurk more, newfag. Try not to get a felony in the process

Then give me some pointers.

I'm 23

Seducing a girl, wew lad. Are you a woman for you to be seducing? And do you really want me to talk about the girls I get on here of all places? Relax.
Don't ask too many questions, no awkward silences, after a short convo tell her what you want
>I think you're beautiful and I wanna get to know you, put your number on my phone


go outside and get a job



Have sex.

How do I meet qt traps?

Play sissywatch, be nice to anyone who doesn't talk and add them. Repeat until you land the qt trap.

>She doesn't look like a 18 years old
A lot of Asians in their low 20s look like that, just with more makeup.

As far as Shadman goes these are pretty gud.

i love this

>Just go to any highschool
You can't just walk into a high school and start hitting on chicks 10 years younger than you dude.

>Not looking for hookups, if that's what you want then swipe left and don't waste my time.
Every. Single. Girl.

> doesn't look 19
>marie rose doesn't look 19

I swear your people's perception of what teenage girls 18-20 look like is completely twisted. Did you even go to high school / college?

They're probably american. The amount of chemical trash added in their diet has lead to some very disturbing growth patterns over the course of time.

But I'm American...

It's mostly genetics. I work with a bunch of young 20 year olds that still look like they should be in high school while Steven Adams of the OKC Thunder looks like he should be considering retirement from basketball soon.

genetics / soy consumption

holy fucking shit

>smack in the middle of the healthy range
wow I love America!



I'm 23 too and got laid couple weeks back with the girl I love

Problem is that she's already taken and I wanna die

>she's already taken but she still let you fuck her
user, sounds like you might have dodged a bullet.

I'm depressed just reading this

If I have sex, but then don't have sex again for 30 years, do I still become a wizard?