He's complaining about mainstream games. Why do the masses like the same shit is his main concern...

He's complaining about mainstream games. Why do the masses like the same shit is his main concern. It's fucking philosophy/psychology 101. This is not a new concept. We see this in movies. What movies are usually popular? Big explody EPIC movies. If you go even further book you see that the same thing happend in books and heck, even music.

just finished watching it and did some digging.
he doesn't play video games, his opinion doesn't matter.
he also has shit taste in media as well.
>was a producer for the women vs tropes videos
so that explains it.
the problem with his ideas is that that severely limits gameplay options and really doesn't offer that much gameplay-wise, these people do not care about gameplay, only stories.
stop watching retarded shit for once, it'll drive you up the wall, just don't give them any attention, they do not deserve it.

Just like 99% of movies have some kind of love story in them, it's just our nature.

Yeah, no shit. Modern games feel like a kid bashing its toys and making loud noises. It's fucking embarrassing, entertainment for the retards.

You can't really expect avant-garde content to emerge in video games and gain mainstream attention. Entertainment for "retards" or not, it's still ultimately entertainment that isn't personally tailored to the individuals so it must appeal to generalised, base human drives.


I never really understood the hate for Game of Thrones. Sure, it's not an amazing show but it gets so much hate. Is there any specific reason? There's lots of average shows nobody gives a fuck about. But GoT happend to become popular, is that the reason for the hate?

>Is there any specific reason?
It's popular.

It's popular with people who do things other than be miserable on image boards all day.

I get what he's saying but I don't think violence and combat are inherently bad things by any stretch, those things just make for good gameplay. Crafting, exploring and multiple ways to solve problems are all great mechanics but there has to be a threat and risk of failure if you mess up, otherwise what's the point? The risk doesn't necessarily have to be violent but it's an easy way to implement it.


>youtube numale khantent

Its simple concept. You need winning and losing conditions. Killing your opponents is winning and dying is losing and its easy to punish.

you do realize there's plenty of ways IRL to fail that doesn't require for you to be physically killed?

I don't see a failure state where you dissapoint your waifu so she end up working in BLACKED.

There are some games that don't have this. Walking simulators. If you love walking simulators pls stop further enabling developers to do this shit.

I spent half a minute trying to comprehend this image.

im not watching your video wastrel

>this is okay

Literally nothing wrong with liking any of these, especially Rick and Morty.

>Continent founded on genocide
>Homeland of videos games has been in constant war since WW2
>over 40 school shootings in 2018
>90% of the people wishing for the death of their country and hate almost half their "nations" population
>constant tension of possible civil war
>Surprised most of the games at E3 are violent

They just appeal to the audience, which are mostly gluttonous, sadistic scum.

I hate it because it just gets worse in quality after series 2.

I think he's got a point, but making fun gameplay outside of combat/puzzles is hard

You do realize we never do combat IRL?

IRL is boring though
Videogames are not literature, you can't avoid their getting boring with good prose

most hobbies IRL don't involve physical violence though.

don't you have hobbies?

failure IRL doesn't involve being mained or killed.

gotta do what ya gotta do

I do have hobbies, but why would I read a book or watch a movie in a videogame
Going out for a walk in the forest IRL is nive and relaxing, in a videogame it's pressing W for 30 minutes

I think It depends on how you TRANSLATE a story to videogame form.

I was thinking about some kind of puzzle rpg where you play as a loser kid with no limbs and his protector, another blind loser who is your best friend, and then you try to simply survive and make enough money doing basic chores.

It's not hard to do, but most developers care about muh money.

how bout being a doctor in some WWII game?

t. fag

Empires aren’t built by pussies.

You're still esentially making puzzles at the end of the day. Videogames are very limited in what stories they can tell, since they need to involve some sort of gameplay in which you can arrive at a failure state. A book about war like All quiet on the Western front can be made up of passages about our protagonist being miserable, with a single action passage that lasts a paragraph, but a videogame about war needs to have gameplay, i.e, constant combat

I like it but they went full retard after they ran out of books to copy the story from.

because the first 2 seasons were great and then the normies ruined it

>fail at homework minigame
>fail class
>drop out of college
>can't get a job
>end up homeless
>hobo stabs you
>game over

not necesarelly, there's plenty of failure options IRL.

people fail constantelly in real life without having to be killed.
here's some examples of failure states IRL:
>losing your wife (divorce)
>losing your social status
>losing money (being poor)
>losing everything your worked in life to be lost
>losing your peers respect
>losing your kid to some danger, like drugs
>losing your spirituality
>losing your country/family
>losing a pet
>not being able to help the weak and young
>losing your bussiness (unemployed)
>falling of grace
>losing your love life to another person

There's plenty of options in storytelling for non violent games.

The problem is very few gamedevs are writers and vice versa.

These are all problems a character migh face during a narrative. I see a failure state in videogames as something that happens inside the gameplay, like not being able to beat a puzzle, a boss, not knowing where to go (Which is still not being able to beat a puzzle, by the way). In say, heavy rain, you can do everything right for the first hour and your kid will still die. I don't consider that a failure state, that's a story beat.

that's more like a problem of writers trying to write linear stories in videogames, like a movie.
Most of them are old guys raised in films, not videogames.

It wouldn't be hard to design a game where if your money goes to 0, you daughter will prostitute herself, and she suffers the danger of getting killed by that.

He's right but I don't think there's anything wrong with most games being about being violent.

I don't think that's something you can do in any kind of game. There's a limit on the amount of variations of a narrative you can write; games are not an infinite simulation of a world like our own, there's a limited number of paths and a limited number of outcomes, even if those outcomes are decided by in-game factors and not by dialogue options in cutscenes.

In system driven, narrativeless games however, every single player's game will be different from any other's. No two savefiles of Europa Universalis 4, Stellaris, CK2, Kerbal Space Program, Civilization, Victoria 2 etcetera are the same; but to get that kind of variety of outcomes you need to give up any sort of traditional narrative storytelling.

I would like to see more games that experiement with different gameplay styles yes

I'm honestly sick of this shit. Saying AAA western games are all uncreative is like saying all blockbuster Hollywood movies are uncreative. It's true that most games involve some sort of violence, but it's not just people shooting each other, there's all sorts of different games out there, and only choosing to show the popular normalfag shit really shows how little this person understands games

>theres a thread actually discussing fucking Jonathan McIntosh's opinion
This stupid fucking board just forgets everything after a few years. It's a cycle of retards who don't lurk and bring up the same dumb bullshit over and over again as if the general consensus wasn't already formed.

>If you're not apart of the hivemind you're a newfag
This is why Sup Forums is shit.

>is like saying all blockbuster Hollywood movies are uncreative.
But that's true

Yeah but you're ignoring the fact that there are movies that aren't blockbuster hollywood films.

>wut u don't even maek ur own opinon xD
We've had several threads over the past four years discussing this you dumb fucking monkey. It isn't a hivemind; it's a shit topic from a non-video game playing fuckhead who had a huge part in the Feminist Frequency. It's like arguing if video games are art because the chinless movie critic said they weren't.

He has a point, we need less games with violence and more games with sex in them.

What is wrong with irish pale ale?

I thought something was off.

You absolute cunt, can't believe you made me watch a greater part of a Jonathan McIntosh video.

I liked the red wedding. Maybe I should fuck off to reddit, who knows anymore. Sometimes I just watch shows to chill out.

Before watching this I'd say that it is true that most of big selling games have violence in them, but that's just normal. If you look at list of most grossing movies, 9/10 of those also have violence, that's what sells, this is not unique problem with video games.
>Writer/Producer: Jonathan McIntosh
>Motion Graphics: Jonathan McIntosh
>Logo Design: Justin McIntosh
>Outro music: Jonathan Mann
Oh. Well, I'll keep this in mind.

Because it went to shit after a few seasons but normalfags cling to it anyways because it got popular.
Same shit with family Guy. Everyone knows it's garbage now. Everyone. But it still gets put on at get together because "everyone loved family guy right?" And everyone goes along with the act because it got popular when it was good.