I'm fucking hyped, I don't give a shit if Sup Forums hates it. The demo was so smooth and I can't wait to go on a roadtrip with the bros

Hey Hajime Tabata, it's obvious it's you shilling on Sup Forums. How do you feel about the game being leaked before release even though it has Denuvo.

Enjoy holding down left click to auto attack and right click to auto dodge for 30 hours

>Be Tabata
>Never good at anything
>Take everything Nomura made and ruins it with his shit taste
>Tabata: This is my work now

>cant afford it for a few more days
>will likely take a day to download


The demo didn't work for me. When I would load it up only a black screen would appear. Sucks since I really wanted to play it again.


enjoy solving captchas forever

Even with all the hype about "oh we're doing it right now" they couldn't make a good PC port.

Nice. Pirated DLC here we come.

AMD released a driver update that's suppposed to improve performance.

>41 background processes

maybe if you didn't pick up a laptop at costco for 200 bucks filled with shit you wouldn't have this problem.

Are you playing with some shitty laptop?

>finally got the demo running well
>remembered the combat is utter shit
Well that's that then. The Russian dub is spectacular though.

Explain how each of those processes are unnecessary.
It's a laptop but I have it at 720p because I've gotten sick of straining my eyes for the 1080p.

that's normal retard

>It's a laptop but I have it at 720p because I've gotten sick of straining my eyes for the 1080p.
>Even with all the hype about "oh we're doing it right now" they couldn't make a good PC port.
>mimimi my laptop from 2005 isn't good enough for a game made 10+ years after

fuck off

Plenty of laptops can run this

>woke up at 3 am after going to bed at 1 am
>either fell asleep or zombied out for another 3 hours
>been up since 6 am
>only halfway through the mandatory 6 hour waiting period my body forces me to suffer through whenever a new game comes out

How bad are sleeping pills for you? I'm thinking of buying a bottle just to force myself to sleep for these occasions.

What cpu/gpu are you running? Whats your ram?

AMD A10-4600M
AMD Radeon 7730M

Runs Witcher 3, MGSV, Fallout 4, Dark Souls 3, Doom, and NieR Automata without issues.

>Forgot to leave my computer on before going to work
>Gonna have to wait for it to unpack when I get home

>graphics braphogs excited about glorified tech demos

Oh shit, I somehow missed the memory in the pic. Anyways, thanks user, I just wanted to get an idea of what the performance is like.

that actually looks pretty close to FF8

>AMD Radeon 7730M

remember lads, this is the kind of person that will leave a steam review saying the game is optimized like shit and then list games that he ran "without any issues" (whatever the fuck that actually means)

>AMD Radeon 7730M
go cry somewhere else, get a job , buy a decen desktop THEN complain

Works on my machine ;)

>He plays on a shitter laptop


Is the ring corridor "level" still in the game? That shit was horrible.


best chapter in the game.

It runs on better looking (and supposedly "worse" optimized) games. Sorry you like a shit game!

Can’t believe anyone is considering getting this shitty game a year after release. Just remember you KNEW it was going to be shit but you couldn’t help yourself you filthy degenerate.


abandon thread

in what language i'm supposed to play this? english appears to be out of sync with the lips, so i suppose jap is the way to go?

Jap is ALWAYS the way to go.

get the fuck out you disgusting BR

Normally I'd say japanese but you miss out on alot of dialogue. Whoever did the translations really buggered up.

>I don't give a shit if Sup Forums hates it
Why do you fags always feels the need to add this? if you don't care then don't even come here

>Sup Forums is one person

I am \/ and I am excited for final fantasy xv boy band edition

update your graphic card's driver

Glad you're excited for a trash game, sorry we tried to warn you it's trash, that was really wrong of us having actually played the game and whatnot. Upvote for not caring what other people think and gold for beeing yourself you stupid fucking faggot

Someones mad as fuck i see.

100gb(!!!!!!!!) DL to drive around with a homosexual roadshow, no thanks

But I already beat it on pc.

Does the pc version of the game come with all the dlc's so far? Is it like a complete version?

i got vermintide instead

>so far?
>complete version
There's still DLC coming out this year.

Been playing for 4 days, but if the recent crack is based on the demo version, does that mean my 13 hour save won't be able to be played on the steam version I'm downloading? About to find out I guess.

Only saves I can find on my PC are labeled Final Fantasy XV Windows Demo, but they might be from the demo on steam. Not sure where else to look.