Let's have a Fire Emblem thread. Thoughts on Magic as a whole, and what you would like to see it as in FE16?

Let's have a Fire Emblem thread. Thoughts on Magic as a whole, and what you would like to see it as in FE16?

Playing through Conquest. Why are mages so fucking bad? I just want to use Odin.

How is that outfit in any way practical?

The Fates ranged weapon triangle overlapping with the traditional triangle was cool and I want it to stay

I liked luna. Too bad its gone

bring back elemental triangle or at least make dark magic have a point beyond random class restriction

Mages were nerfed Awakening. Odin actually has decent skill but everything else is a jack-of-all-trades. If you want to use Mages then Leon and Ophelia are the best in the game. I recommend reclassing Odin to samurai to pass down vantage to Ophelia.

I want to creampie Ophelia

it's practically made to get men's dicks hard

It's not supposed to be practical. It's sexual fanservice for the sake sexual fanservice and I love it.

was getting me erect part of your master plan?

Sex with Ophelia!

I would agree if they remove tomes/scrolls and replaced it with something else. Res weapons on a physical triangle is a weird decision.

I'd like to see the knives be used more with some tweaks, it seems like it would be the ideal thief/assassin weapon.

they should move shurikens/daggers to the sword color and bring back crossbows as the spear ranged analogue

>tfw we are getting a new fe game this year
>tfw we have seen nothing about it


Do you dislike the avatar character concept?

to enamor men in the opposing army into not fighting back as they're too distracted ogling her body

I like it for the sole fact of being able to marry other units and having actual customization. If it's in FE16 then it needs to have a selectable base case like 12.

It's probably going to suck as much as Fates and Warriors

I got nothing against it, but i'd rather they be side characters than getting the spotlight.

No, and I also know they can do it correctly but I know if they get another chance to make a new game with it they'll just give us another fucking Corrin.

i want to see it before i say its shit user

Dark Mages in Awakening were amazing though. Nos and Sorc got huge nerfs in Fates.

I love the avatar unit, but personality-wise I'd rather see another Robin than another Corn.

I know, I meant nerfed from Awakening.

Blame Nintendo. The last few games were announced only a few months before release. Nintendo forced devs to announce their shit super early to try and boost Switch sales. It's the same reason one year later and we still only have a logo for Prime 4 and literally nothing for Pokemon.

I keep telling you, if you want a general FE thread, you can't have the opening post have a waifu image.

Surprise asshole! We're getting remakes of FE1 and FE7 along with it.

Fuck you leatherhead it will succeed.

it would work if you posted a good waifu

Man I was so fucking hyped for Fates, rewatched trailers about 400 times, preordered Conquest (cus all the bundle ones were sold out) and got it ASAP.

Why was the story so godawful? And why did they take away waifu petting? I guess the levels and combat were pretty cool.

I liked it in Awakening because it was just a customisable unit that you could choose to bench if you wanted and wasn't the main focus of the plot. It was still Chrom's story, he was the hero and the Avatar was just a character.
I didn't like it in Fates because it was way too pandering. The lord and the the Avatar should always be separate characters.

I wouldn't mind if they decided to get rid of it though. Echoes had no avatar and it would have made the game worse if they'd shoehorned one in.

blame treehouse

Magic's pretty good in Cipher. I wish we had more light mages. I don't expect them to be in FE16 though.

Because they couldn't write a morally ambiguous story and of course had to portray their notJapan as PEACEFUL LAND WHO DON'T WANT NO TRABBU

Delete this post immediately.

>And why did they take away waifu petting?
1: it's blatantly sexual
2: it doesn't fit in FE at all
3: nobody liked it in the first place

Rushed development. Unfortunately ISIS already has a history of that same vice with past games like Radiant Dawn.

get this bait out of here

>it's blatantly sexual

The problem is not really with the Avatars themselves, but with making them a Mary Sue.

>not sexual


The west tends not to approve of games where you can touch children (Elise, Mozu, gen 2 kids) in a sexual way.

Technical adults according to treehouse. :^)

What did she mean by this?

Yeah, and they still had to strip out the minigame you admit is sexual in nature.


is there a way to play the japanese ROM of the game with an english translation?

>family member never patted you on the head as a child
im sorry you grew up unloved

The west is cucked in nature.

I don't, but I'd like it if they'd put the whole "part-dragon" thing on hold for a good while.

I'm 10 hours in and I feel like FE7 really drags on. I'm on Chapter 20.


Yeah, I was never molested as a kid. Fuck off Jared.

I love it but I don't want them to be the Lord.

You know you can fuck Elise, right?

>tfw you realize Corrin is literally Al

>patting head

Corrin literally failed at half the things he did and got tons of people killed. People like to meme Corrin but forget that God King Emperor Ike became a massive Mary Sue in RD and yet people still love him.

There is. Look up a download link in one of /feg/'s pastebins. Or just play the fan translation.

What difficulty? Unless it's HHM FE7 is pretty boring.

She can milk me dry any day of the week

I'm not accusing you of being a baby raper - you just act a lot like one.

Corrin isn’t one

the thing with corrin is that in birthright he was okay.Not the greatest lord or anything but a decent character.However conquest corrin was an unlikable little bitch


>Yet another Fire Emblem thread

omg i love her!

I don't know, are there difficulty modes in FE7? The game just started for me.

You wouldn't a Camilla, right Sup Forums?

no cause she's a whore

And it's great. Fates unronically lets you impregnate and marry a underage child.

RD's story is a trainwreck, with Ike being one of its main issues.. PoR Ike is cool

Bing bing Wayu


It's one of those games where the developers thought it'd be a "good" idea to lock difficulty options behind a game completion wall. Thankfully they stopped that shit with FE8.

Man, Potato must be a big name for IS for him to get both a series of cards for cipher and a series of maps dedicated to him in heroes.


Yeah. You get a harder mode once you complete a normal mode. To get Hector Hard Mode which is the highest difficulty setting in the game you need to beat the game 2 times (Eliwood normal and Hector normal)

Now post the Hana version.

1) More magic weapon types than tomes, like tomes and the ofuda fan things from fates beings separate weapons and some other type for a magic triangle all its own based on the kinds of tools rather than elements. I just find it kind of silly that two whole stats out of only 7 are dedicated to a mechanic that's only used by one weapon and the only healing, which brings me to:

2) the only healing in the game is magical, and if perhaps mechanically fine I find that a bit boring and as popular as it its now FE can't entirely afford to ditch aesthetics in the name of mechanics; it deals heavily with the downmarket audience now. the apothecary class was a decent step in the right direction, but not quite enough. Perhaps a return of the class with a) Quick Salve being replaced with a skill that allows the use of spending the unit's turn to use the potion on an adjecent unit and b) a skill that randomly grants potions on kills, to put the apothecary in a healing/combat niche the Sage class permits but doesn't really encourage, with Potent Potion being an innate class ablity (I guess thing-I-want 2.5 would be more innate class abilities then)

3) Also maybe switch the roles of staves and tomes. healing or status is a lot more complicated than just hurling some fire somewhere, yet the whole fuckin book hurls fire and the healing is done by what, a pearl on a metal stick? Kinda silly but as it's the status quo for the series a man can only dream I guess

4) I don't mind the kids, the eugenics and custom units are shitloads of fun, but for the love of god please just implement them with a timeskip. Or don't do them. shoehorning is the worst, though I doubt they'll abandon that strategy as the downmarket won't care.

Awakening did it almost flawlessly. Made you a main character and sneakily wove it into the plot but you weren't the main character.
Plus, having you self insert into the most emotional moments in the game felt great and natural at the same time.

THAT scene with Lucina and the sunset, depending on your relationship with her is perfect. She was my wife it it hurt, but I've seen when you're her mother and it's equally painful for your relation to both her and Chrom.

Fates did it badly, you are the sole main character and everything hinges on the universe revolving around you.
Awakening's plot would go ahead if you were never found.
Fates wouldn't happen if you weren't there and for some reason it makes me uncomfortable being the centre of EVERYONES attention.
A war is fought because people want to hang out with you.

Oh ok. Nah, I'm playing Eliwood Normal and it's pretty boring. I honestly can't wait to finish it so I can move on to (hopefully) harder and more engaging games.

> pic

But it's cool

The copy pasted faces make it extra cool

>A war is fought because people want to hang out with you.
you nailed it. now how does being a dragon play into this?


FE in general is mostly easy unless you do ranked or low turn count. If you want the hardest ones:
>Binding Blade
>Radiant Dawn
>Shadow Dragon
>New Mystery

Robin takes over the entire Grima arc

>THAT scene with Lucina and the sunset, depending on your relationship with her is perfect

>Awakening did it almost flawlessly. Made you a main character and sneakily wove it into the plot but you weren't the main character.
Wanked MU a little too hard
Not only are you the greatest tactician on the planet able to outmaneuver the greatest conquerors, you are also the best warrior on the planet, and every woman alive wants our dick

back to building on or perhaps as an alternate, the return of separate elemental mage class paths with different stat spreads and aesthetics for each (e.g. fire mages with classic FE mage costume and slightly more even stats, wind mages like the Hoshidian spellcaster class and somewhat higher speed/lower def, and thunder mages that have stronger defense/slower speed), along with actual differences in the elemental magic types beyond 1-4 point Mt differences and the like. wind's good as its thanks to the anti-flyer niche, but let's say thunder magic keeps its crit but gets buffed to mid-line Hit values in exchange for having +/-15 hit depending on whether the target's armored or not, fire magic that does nothing special in exchange for high-ish Mt and Hit both, maybe also ice magic that shaves 1-3 movement range off for a turn on hit, depending on whether it's an E-rank or A-rank tome

Thanks. I'll check them out, but in release order.
Do the stories get better?

Yes expect for RD and CQ. Those games aren't well written at all.

She's 18.

>thunder magic keeps its crit but gets buffed to mid-line Hit values in exchange for having +/-15 hit depending on whether the target's armored or no
I always thought it would be cool if a weather system was in, and when it raining thunder magic becomes 2x effective and has splash damage.


> I’m better than the boys!
> gets BTFO all the time

In the memehouse version.

I felt like magic was still really important since there were plenty of enemies with tons of defense. Leo was a good unit and a magic based avatar was really useful for me. Only issue was that nyx was understatted.