No Peach Beach Splashu thread, let's fix that.
>Just one more day
No Peach Beach Splashu thread, let's fix that
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Give me Burst Re:Newal instead.
Censored ass and tities
who here is a hanabi fag like me??
I want to princess carry Daidouji to bed as she stares daggers at me!
Dai is great
We could had SK3 at this point but all we have are shitty beach spin offs.
Versus is a fucking mistake.
Japs are getting tired of SK too. ReBurst had a pitiful 24k sales in its first week, even with Yumi plastered all over it. To compare, SK2 was the previously worst selling SK game with 48k sales (and it didn't have Yumi).
One more day until MODS.
God I hope so
Any more teasers for 7even or anything like that hidden in Re:Newal?
Did they actually cut the Orochi fight or how is it handeled?
Rejoice, because PBS has options for ass size and belly size. The devs just never used them for whatever reason.
And an example of the belly options.
Day 1 pirate
You're not going to let anything bad happen to them... right, Sup Forums?
I can't figure out what's up with these game, threads always have a half-half split of anons saying it's the best Tiddyninjas game and others saying it's the worst tiddyninjas game. Is it just the genre switch from casual musou to casual shooter that causes this? Did players who never liked the button mashan fighting just enjoy shootan moar?
>pregnant mod
Fuck off Sony shill.
It's a third person shooter with auto-aim and no variation between characters. It's not a good game. But it also has Vanquish jet slides, so it's the best thing ever.
>paying for weeb kusoge with shallow gameplay
Yeah, no. lol. I'll pay for SK3. Not this shit
>and no variation between characters
And somehow it has the most characters to play as. This is really weird. I can understand Character DLC in EV, but in PBS it is just dumb. And there are so many new ones, like the recent Nep one.
It also has more than two flat characters, so now people with taste can enjoy SK too.
Orochi fight is in, looks like for the main story since Asuka is still speaking
Holy shit, that actually looks a lot better than I expected.
My hopes for 7even are restored a bit.
im on the fence about getting this game or vermintide 2, any serious cons of this game, vvermintide seems normie powered for long lasting.
Since the animations are all determined by what weapon the girl is carrying adding new characters is extremly simple since they dont have to make jew ones. Literally all they have to do is grab one if the 3 body types. Model the hair and outfit and thats it
I'll get it probably just for nude mods
>implying the true taste isn't all of them
They do have unique Close Combat Attacks, I guess.
Might buy if no censoring or denuvo.
Uncensored and DRM-free so yes.
They need more battles like this in 7. In DC while the giant were fun, hitting them was a problem with the extend range stone and they acted at random at times. The issues with the generals was they were clones of the main 10 girls.
>tfw they gave Marie Rose Ayane's awesome drill kick and stuck Ayane with a stupid spin kick with no range
At least Sonico yelling in her megaphone as an attack was cute.
I want to suck on Naraku's beauty mark.
any help here.
Nice. I hope the price is fair.
Well the fight against Orochi looks pretty fun from what I could tell in the video.
The Yoma Generals looked awesome, but yeah, they were just clones.
If 7 does not have a bunch of Greater Yoma in it I´ll be hella mad.
It's up to preorder at -15% atm. Not to mention if you own Neptunia 4Go you get the Neptune DLC for free.
That Warhammer game looks like shit to me desu (don't even mean graphics, just overall). IMO it lacks content and is over hyped and shilled too much everywhere.
yeah, i just dont wanna buy a on dead game, and hope pbs can last a while.
I was gonna buy the neptunia game but I don't think anyone is actually going to mod it.
It should last for a while imo. Not to mention you just need to play with your steam friends at worst.
>They actaully brought Orochi back
>New version of it's theme and everything
The one in the video looks fun, was talking about DC with the range issue. Hope there is some variety in 7. Also stun and wake-up from stun needs to be shown better for NPCs, both humans and Yoma.
Wait, did people actually think they would remake Burst and leave out Orochi? Really?
Honestly I did. I'd thought they'd just lazily reuse shit and not give it a new model and stuff. I was expecting the whole thing to be a cutscene or something.
I expected Orochi due to the giant bosses in PBS, but watching the video the fight is better than expected.
That actually doesn't look too bad.
>SV asset recycling
I honestly don't blame them for thinking that.
What's with the crazy halo Miyabi gets?
It's part of a costume set.
Stun should be reworked entirely and given more attention. I know in DC it opened up a whole way of stupid glitches, like sliding around the ground and stuff.
I was 50/50 on it, so I am glad that it looks to be a actual fun fight, too.
Funny how they made a new Kiriya model again. It seems a bit worse than the one from PBS though from what I have seen.
Will it have VR like PS4?
I don't see why not
So is Burst re:newal just Versus gameplay again or did they add new things?
The best thing is how the nips are reacting to the game and the current state of the franchise.
>Believers would have gotten tired of traveling anymore
>Is Kagura a character gaga, are not you trying to improve graphics? It is terrible for fluffy
>As expected it will get tired of almost no change from SV as a game ...
>It looks almost like an SV and it looks like it's nothing fresh and I do not feel any freshness at shop front
>Kagura has already done all her sex appeal action, and now he is doing various new things with spin-off. Almost exhausted
>I'm on if you leave the belt scrolling action of 1 Now the degraded Musou is really boring
>DLC is also terrible. It seems that this time you can also free characters for free for a limited time, but it is not known when it will be distributed
>I think that SV → EV was at its heydime as a boy who kept pursuing Kagura. It is totally overwhelming to sell pbs and br at full price, SV about five years ago was the best
>could have had this in game
>instead we got pic related
What the actual fuck Japan? I can understand a certain lack of focus on the ass due to cultural differences, but she literally has negative ass in game. IT'S FUCKING CONCAVE! At least make it look like a human being.
Wow. Didn't think they had limits as long as Yumi was in.
Updated Orochi fight.
New stories for Yumi and Miyabi but those are DLC, so pay up, goyim.
Yep, that's about it.
7 was supposed to be coming soon, but they still coming up with some ideas for it. If a delay happens, it will be for the best.
Is Estival Versus gameplay and movesets with the only difference of a new "Burst mode" added that boost stats and gives this a unique animation when finishing another character with t.
There's also a visual cue to enemy attacks, so parrying is far easier now.
Show Ryoubi with canon-size ass!
There are no threads about this because people here don't care about this garbage. It's a terrible generic TPS. If you bought this game, do yourself a favor and jump from your roof.
>literally no ass
Guess I'm not buying this game.
>There are no threads about this because people here don't care about this garbage. It's a terrible generic TPS.
And yet Sup Forums has had constant Fatal Bullet threads since it's launch.
>literally no ass on the PS4
Modders will fix that for PC.
Bad attempt at hating aside, SAO is a far more popular than Senran Kagura is, so that's no surprise.
Name of the mod?
Vermintide had a solid community until the release of the second game and the second game looks like it will be more popular, Senran Kagura is about tits and fun so comparing the two seems kind of unfair to both games
But everyone in those threads hates SAO and is pretty much only there to shill OCs and Freedom Wars 2.
Fatal Bullet is worse than PBS because later on the game just becomes a chore to play with all the reused rooms and enemies. Peach Beach Splash also reuses enemies, but they die in like so little time and you usually have a unique boss to fight unlike Fatal Bullet with Gatekeeper reskin #350
>It ain't gonna suck iself...
yeah i know, im thinking with my wallet here, im interested in pbs cause shooting online. but vermitide seems like flavor of the couple of months l4d clone.
What about that dwarf mining game that's also like L4D?
What game
yeah, please suck on the barrel of a loaded gun, and then pull the trigger
You uh.. you serious here user? What thread do you friggin think your in?
>thigh highs
is the multiplayer at least decent, is it classed based or what...loot boxes and pay to win cash shop
Well it's obviously not PBS and I can't recall ever seeing that menu before, so it's either ReBurst or one of the mobages
ah, yeah, watermark for burst.
I keep thinking ReBurst instead of Burst Renewal, fucking Pokemon man.
There are ranks yes, most of the time you get paired with people close to yours.
The multiplayer is separated in 5vs5 and 3vs3 matches, with 3 different modes: Deathmatch, a sort of tower defense thing and a get the flag one with panties instead. There's also a co-op tower defense mode with various waves of enemies.
The closer thing to P2W are some dlc cards you can get, but they don't really make that much of a difference in the long run.
Getting PBS over Vermintide is dumb af. The multiplayer in this game might as well be dead on release, we have no way to know. It's also a cheap and generic game that's charged full price.
For PBS? The gun you use and the ability cards you choose determine how you play. There are a bunch of card types and you can mix them to get some interesting play styles.
For instance, I saw a guy use the jet jump extending card combined with shot damage up and the sniper rifle to basically become a flying death platform.
PBS is terrible. Should have been a side mode at best.
About damn time. This shit has overstayed its welcome
Too bad 7 is out this year, meaning they'll probably just fart out another modded Versus.
I'm from the future
Senran Kagura 7 is called
Senran Kagura: Hunt down the Kagura and it's the greatest game to ever exist.
Does Yumi still exist?
She and her fanbase fucked up the games.
She is killed by Asuka after Yumi betrays her and fucks up Asuka's face
>killing anyone
>fucks up Asuka's face
She goes through a huge character change. Yumi gets the rest of her teammates killed along with Asuka's freinds too because Yumi sells them out to the Yoma generals so she can live. After that, Asuka fights Yumi and loses gaining scars from the battle. Asuka then trains to defeat the yoma, avenge her freinds and the rest of gessen and become the next Kagura.
Sorry, everyone will be playing FF
can you import those in VR chat?
There's a new Final Fight?